My Boardtracker : Post Yours Here.

old schwinn frame, honda gxh50 to welded motor mount, 4gt belt drive, custom made jackshaft to freewheel bottom bracket, connected to nexus 7 speed. backyard made springer front end with disk brake. 1973 Indian tank and lowered seat. A few more things and she'll be finished.


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here's a couple of pics of my work in progress:


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old schwinn frame, honda gxh50 to welded motor mount, 4gt belt drive, custom made jackshaft to freewheel bottom bracket, connected to nexus 7 speed. backyard made springer front end with disk brake. 1973 Indian tank and lowered seat. A few more things and she'll be finished.

Now That's a Rat Rod!! Nice fabricating!
Wow I am at a loss for words, I always wanted to make something that was unique, looks like it is too late. The work here is over the top. I can't say anything about any one bike they are all so good looking. I suspect this hobby will last forever. Have fun, I know you are. Dave
Took a pic of my bike the other day.. Been riding alot and it works really good now.. :-)
(oh and i think this thread should be a sticky..)


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houghmade's is a Honda engine with a grubee gearbox
mike's is a whizzer (he did put an EZM kit on one of those tho ;))
Wow, that's just too cool. I like the handlebars and stem. Nice photo shoot, too. Looks like your having fun with your boardie! Is that pickles with scotch? Never tried that combo before, although I am familiar with the scotch.
thanks for comments. Yes, Gold Label scotch and pickled cucumbers...
Nice combo after long day.
Send me an expansion pipe and a bottle of that scotch and I'll custom fit one of my full port exhaust flanges to the pipe, then I'll make sure it perfectly fits that Panther and I'll send it back to you. It will definately make that ride a lot faster! Heck, we'll both be happier....... I'll even throw in a set of my new custom gas tank straps.
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GOT THE OL GAL UP TO 40MPH YESTERDAY. with no modifications to the motor. gonna put the 36 tooth sprocket on there and see what i can get it up to!