Motorized Bicycle Carburetor pictures how to install and rebuild

Norman, thanks for the tip about soldering copper on the end of the cable to make a new tip.

You Rock!
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Hello Mr. Norman. I am new in building motor bikes and am still trying to learn. I had a question.

What is the line leading to from the left of the carb assembly?

Thank you.


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A boost bottle serves the sole purpose of boosting dollars from your wallet...;)

I did change anything just added a note in the reason for editing
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A boost bottle serves the sole purpose of boosting dollars from your wallet...;)

I gather that you are not a fan of the "Bottle"? I was able to find some other threads and they all seem to lead to the same thing....there are very good theories of how they should work but no real hard evidence to support either yay or nay.
Boost bottles don't waste your time or money on them. I've removed all of them off my bikes. the pictures showing the boost bottles are older pictures.
Some people swear by them I swear at them, the boost bottle that is.:crash:

The people who like the boost bottles are the one who are selling them and the people who bought them just got took and don't want to admit it and they like the look of a decal that says "boost" I'd rather have a decal that said "horse$hit Get a pipe if you want more performance"
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O.K this is probably the most ridiculous question you'll ever get but, what is the end of the throttle cable connecting to? Pic at the end of your tutorial is a little blurry and I cant make it out.... Sorry, first build! It's probably so obdvious that I am just missin' it!
O.K this is probably the most ridiculous question you'll ever get but, what is the end of the throttle cable connecting to? Pic at the end of your tutorial is a little blurry and I cant make it out.... Sorry, first build! It's probably so obdvious that I am just missin' it!

Pages 23-25 of this PDF may help you.
do you have fuel in the cylinder and spark at the plug?
You also need to pedal it with the clutch out.
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Hi Norm,

Have you tried fiddling the E-clip to other slots on the needle and what's the effect? Logically, I figured that if you put it on the 1st slot, it will go leaner, the fourth slot richer? Is this correct? So there would actually be an ideal combination of the jetting and the slot on the needle to attain optimum performance, is this correct?

Thanks :-)
the place that seems to work the best for the e-clip is #2 notch down from the top.
putting the e-clip on the lowest setting will make it richer and putting the e-clip at the top will make it run leaner. another way of saying this is drop the needle in the slide to lean it,raise the needle in the slide to make it rich off idle and up to about 3/4 throttle at wide open the fuel is then controlled by the main jet. I think all my main jets are drilled at 0.026 thousands of an inch.