Wow...I'm not at all technically challenged. I am,however extremely computer,microwave,cd&vcr player,buzzberry, new phones,and others, CHALLENGED!
If it aint got wheels,gears,metal, mathematical solutions,or wiring, I cant make much out of it.
I am a dinosaur. Wonder how old members get? Anyway, tried to get on the map, filled out everything except map quadrature which I don't know, but I CAN use a GPS! It wanted further information but it gave no provision to give it any. So I may not be entered. I could not figure out how to use the map to find others near me. I finely thought I'd try entering my zip code. I got a bunch of local ladies in a group called "Kainay People"! But I did have the map of my area!
I can follow step by step instructions. If thats available please let me know.
I haven't yet found the twelve year old neighbor kid to teach me yet. When I do, I will gladly pay him or her.