

New Member
Hi everyone! I have about 125 miles on my Powerking 80cc engine kit. I am told that the engine is not really an 80cc. I hope someone can tell me as Powerking does not respond to my inquiries. I am interested in putting a boost bottle on my scooter but need the exact engine size to as to order the correct one. Thanks.
Hi everyone! I have about 125 miles on my Powerking 80cc engine kit. I am told that the engine is not really an 80cc. I hope someone can tell me as Powerking does not respond to my inquiries. I am interested in putting a boost bottle on my scooter but need the exact engine size to as to order the correct one. Thanks.

Forget the Boost bottle...
Forget the Boost bottle...

I agree.

These china kits have little room for error to begin with ,and increasing Compression or delaying Combustion will only end in Frustration.

But if you must , and know the possibility of grenading your engine then ..all the power to you..

If you do decide to go thru with boost bottle please share your out come .



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I agree.

These china kits have little room for error to begin with ,and increasing Compression or delaying Combustion will only end in Frustration.

But if you must , and know the possibility of grenading your engine then ..all the power to you..

If you do decide to go thru with boost bottle please share your out come .




All the boost bottle does is pretty much just expand your intake tract volume.

Doesn't actually give "boost" so no worries of grenading the motor, just wasting money :)
Thanks for your thoughts. I am going to give it a try anyway. . . I however, plan on matching the engine cc and bottle/tube/fitting as closely a possible and not rely on what boost bottle supplier says it is. I have an HT80 which is actually 69.3cc. I let you know what happens.
Trust what the people here are telling you! Don't waste your money on a boost bottle! (they don't work very well on these engines)
Well, finally the boost-bottle is installed and has proved to be a worth while project. Noticeable power increase at low and mid range with a couple of miles an hour at top end. After soldering up the main jet I drilled and tested until it seemed to run the best. I ended up with a .025 main (#72 wire drill) with the clip at the second notch from top running a 32:1 mixture. I carefully measured the boost-bottle, fittings and tube assembled then adjusted the tube length for the Powerking kit. (69.3) High performance plug wire and NGK plug along with exhaust mods. (help with posting pictures would be appreciated)
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