Micargi Puma with twin 97cc flat top lifan's

Oh wow. Motörheadfred ya saved me some money and trouble. Back to the roller chain and gears already purchased. Thanks.
Sometimes you can use a large washer as found at good hardware & farm supply stores to make a flange...

They’re thick and the 3/4", 7/8”, 1”, and 1-1/8” id holes can save a lot of drilling!


Ok so here is what I came up with.

Carb is now mounted to the intake system! I have chain and rollers, I do not have a chain tension system in place. The chain has slack or is to tight - working on solution.

Typical irritations with multi trips. First trip to Ace and back with one 1" and one small/er washer.

The carb out is less than 1" but the smaller washer does not have an width to cover both screws on the carb. This worked till I drilled the holes wrong.

Those following you know already that during this build I burnt out a drill left at my shop by a good friend. Well I finished killing my drill and in the middle of this part I had to stop what I was doing and go to HF. $32w/tax 1/2" drill.

After returning to Ace 2 more times I just got a stack of washers and made some holes till I got it right.

Once I got the holes for the carb drilled and spaced (ruined four @ $1.89ea) You can see I welded the outside of the small washer to the large washer. Then used the now mostly covered holes in the big washer to drill 1/4" hole to mout the carb.

Update: Ordered two intake gaskets $13.29 with freight! cussing but on they are on the way hurah! Closer to ignition!

Note: I am not sure I like this carb. I do not know if I am happy with the whole of the intake system - I see a flaw and Ive not even attempted to start the engines. ( Yes they both have been ran) This what I have and is all subject to change.


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Update. Intake gasket/s arrived. Opted for the skate board wheels that were cut to be the chain roller/s they have arrived.

On order was a mini bike JS kit w an engine mounting plate, slotted shaft and two pillow bearings. BMI called to tell me they were out of stock on the bearings and could not ship my order. The are shipping the 5/8" shaft and refunding the difference. Yes I would use BMI again becasue they working to resolve the issue and they called me about the order. I am so used to finding out myself when an order just never comes n the mail.

I have now on order some pillows from ebay (2) 5/8" UCP202-10 Quality self-align UCP202 Pillow block bearing ucp 202 Two set screw with a grease nipple

The cost was US $14.66 shipping is free. Vendor name on ebay is greatbearings

** Will be a week before any more work is done on this build. Just noticed I am working 16 shifts over the next 14 days.


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Ok, its on to updates. Parts have been ariving all week. And finally I got the 22t's from mainland China. Well worth the wait in savings. Cost $14 each. Grangier is asking $58 each!

So everyone who is following this. I have been guided by your advise, if your following you will see this 22t delay was not my idea. It just made sense to me.


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Glad to see you're back at this one!

I’m really looking forward to seeing a finished video...

Looks like a nice project but Im trying to understand why 2 engines??

Explained when I opened the thread. I had 5 engines and a bike that two could fit in. And I saw the youtube video posted below. Seemed like logical fun at this point. I have been asked a few times why and I never considered that question.

"Burned $40 fuel and paid $125 for three more engines. Already had two, feels like they are breeding at night. At this point I still have not had any ideas just engines, bikes and bike parts. And THEN!

The youtube video linked below, I immediately knew what I must do. "
Ok so I'm out here now and see that all of the oil has leeked from one engine. To seal or not to seal. Only able to find full kits $17 and its leakin because I've had them both apart. So do I order a kit or two or use some sealant and hope for the best. Anyway R&D under way none the less but I can't fire the engines until the leak is resolved. Posting pix of wheels being built soon. Can't be to long now Summer is near!

Second pix shows my task ahead. Spoiler see the F&R moped hubs. Also shown are the Worksman rims they will be spoke in with. The Phillips and the brackets that will hold the JS to the seat post are to the llower middle of pix 2.

Time to get on it! Spokes were measured at 234mm and are not yet or ordered.


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Whenever someone asks me why I'm doing something considered "strange" by average folks, I just stare at them and ask, "Why do men climb mountains? Because they are there!"
Be proud of what you are!!!
Long Live Speed Freaks!!!!!!!!!
*pops the clutch, does a donut, and screams off into the night with the front wheel in the air*dnut
What's a good price? Got the rear complete for $40 plus freight, the whole moped wheel tire and tube! $60 landed!
I've been keeping tabs on this thread via email updates, but you dont get pics in the emails...so I'm very glad I had a few minutes today to see this...keep on keepin on lab...you continue to be an inspiration...
MAN O MAN O MAN! LabRat you rock! GO! GO! DADDY O! A multi motor right out of the 60's Hot Rod handbook! Cant wait to see a video of this monster running. Gotta do a smoky burn out :)
Only problem at this point is time. Thing holding up progress now is/was/is Orange Peel build and just the maintaining of my mini fleet of MABs. Any who follow know I have a lot on my plate. Most all of the parts I need for final assembly are in house. Aside from needing to order spokes. Will not be to long now before I have update pictures on this build thankyou all for following along.
Why are you hoarding all the moped hubs!!!

It took me a while to locate one for a reasonable price lol


So maybe I do have a hording problem.... but rest assured there will be build threads for all of these hubs.

UpDate: The engines are on the bench again in preparation for the build out! Custom cut spokes were ordered from http://holmeshobbies.com
Cost is 90 cents each 12g with nipps. And 72 w/postage OUCH!

234mm was measurement for Worksman rims. I'll let everyone know how they work out...

I expect updated pic and video of engines running in unison within the week!


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Finally the missing link arrived. That would be the drive chain. And the 72 spokes from Holmes Hobbies. Purchased 74 just to have a few extra. $22 Postage Yikes!

As I prepare to tear into this build over the coming weekend. I noticed the that there was a large amount of fresh oil under where the engines had been sitting. So back on the bench they went.

Engine #1 had a case leak. This was fixed by removing the side if the case and re sealing with Copper Gasket Cement.

Engine #2 was leaking oil out the drain plug. I can only assume it was not tightened. (is now)

The plan is to have these mounted and running by the end of the weekend. Moving toward the actual installation into the bicycle chassis. All is well in a well laid out plan..... but I am a bit pessimistic.


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I'm planning a build weekend as well, sometimes things take longer than you planned for good reason. I try and look at it as time to think. This will be very cool once you're set up, make sure to chain the motors tightly but not too tight that the bearings are affected. I've noticed that two electric motors prefer being chained tightly together to keep them synced, gas should be similar.
Wow, how many people get to say "engine 1" and "engine 2" when talking about thier motorized bicycle ? Too cool LR, this is gonna be a fun ride.
