Micargi Puma with twin 97cc flat top lifan's

hey lab, dont know if you know it, but that style throttle hook up is push pull, ie, one cable does opposite to other when twisted, could be used just mean very funky dual carb cable routing, just a fyi, no dissin, just noobs may read and get wrong idea.
hey lab, dont know if you know it, but that style throttle hook up is push pull, ie, one cable does opposite to other when twisted, could be used just mean very funky dual carb cable routing, just a fyi, no dissin, just noobs may read and get wrong idea.

Yep. It didn't work.

Sorting some custom kit solution, in the mail ordered a few days ago. <sigh>
Just spent the morning with your thread from beginning to this point. I appreciate all of the photos and inclusion of wrong turns as well as the right ones. It shows the thought process and problem solving. Scrapping one idea and picking up another and better one. In the end it is all part of the fun and satisfaction of a challenging build. As for it taking a good bit of time, I think that's to be expected when you try sailing in uncharted waters, setting a course, correcting with the rudder and then trimming the sails as you go. And I believe sir, that land is in sight! I have a tri-car build that is going on four years now and still not done so I do understand how the long haul build can be difficult. What you've done is remarkable...
Labrat any updates here???? Super cool build, definitely worth the read, helped this toothache of mine go that much easier... Looks sweet, can't wait to see her finished man! Good luck keeping rear tires on that beast, I know I'd roast em off!