Thanks Harry! Yes, made the velocity stack out of an old Yamaha swing arm bushing..a little spin in the lathe, a little polish etc, etc.
Yamaha swingarm parts??????? Wow.... you my friend are a genius, you seem to see things completely different to most of us, thats why youd have to be my favourite builder, and you probably do so on the tightest of budgets...... Much respect Goldy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wondering what the "goldish" finish is on the velocity stack?
Cool!!! So did you actually machine material away from the swingarm bushing or was it thinner material and you shaped it to the velocity stack (not sure of the term, "spinning"???)?
Very nice looking work, Goldy!
Can't wait to see it come together.
Harry... google 'metal spinning' for some interesting stuff to learn about!
There's some youtube vids that are neato... U'll like it!