Maytag Flyer

The past few weeks I have been busy with unremarkable family projects.:-{

Today it was cold, windy and raining so I managed to get some time to work on the Flyer.

My throttle cable arrived so I got it partially fit in place. It is a universal cable that has to be cut to length and have a barrel end attached on one end.

Also countersunk all the screw holes in the rear wheel drive sheave so it could be attached to the brackets that locate it on the wheel rim. Removed the temporary clecos and fit flathead countersunk fasteners and acorn nuts to join the sheave and its brackets.

Next installed was the leather lagging on the sheave.

The final drive belt is now fit in place. As a leather belt would quickly stretch and require sending back to the vendor for shortening, I decided to use a three ply flat power transmission belt custom made to size from a local belting supplier. It almost looks like a leather belt.

Shortened and re aligned the secondary belt tensioner pulley.
It was made from a flat roof repairmans seam sealing roller tool. I shortened it a bit and spun it in its bearings up against an angle grinder until it had a nice crown in the center of the pulley face. Helps to keep the belt running in the center of the pulley.

It is getting closer to running, I just found a nice piece of phenolic to carve the base for a vintage style ignition kill switch.

Whenever I find some more shop time.
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Clecos? I love clecos. I have a pretty good selection of different sizes and the clamps too. Nice work. Glad to see you're still moving forward. I've seen guys use old brass drip oilers on the Maytag twins screwed into the governor access plug hole. They looked really cool and eliminated the necessity of mixed fuel. They come in a several different sizes (capacities) for 1/4'' npt. Just a thought, and I would check with the guys on "smokestack" to see how it would work for long intervals. I also own an old leather belt lacing tool for connecting the ends together after cutting to length. You're so close to your first start up, we're all excited.
That belt is really intriguing! Do you know if it has a brand name or any other information?


I selfishly hope you have a few more cold, windy, wet days...


That belt is really intriguing! Do you know if it has a brand name or any other information?


I selfishly hope you have a few more cold, windy, wet days...




Realy love this build,and would love the sorse for the belt.

I bought the belt from a local belting supplier, Canadian Bearings. However any conveyor belt supplier would have this type of stuff. It is only described on my bill as 3-ply transmission belting. The next time I am in the store I will ask them for more info.
I don't yet know how this will perform. I hope it does not stretch much. If it does I can at least get it shortened locally rather than shipping it cross border to the leather drive belt guy.
I used to have some of that,never thought i would use it tosed ( BooHoo)

I worked for a papper Co. and they used it fro drive belts and worked good, so you should have no problum...........Curt
That is some great work on the V maytag..
I had the idea to do this and was surprised to see someone attempt it....Awesome job..what i worried about was if it would actually still suck up fuel even though the pistons didn't exactly meet at top dead center..

Im curious how it ran... neet little all in one heads.....

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Finally accomplished a small task. The phenolic block is now a push button and a base for the kill switch. Pushing the knob down contacts the handlebar and kills the engine.
The wire will get tied down properly when the bike is finished.


Who knows when I will get some more accomplished.....and it is sooooo close.....
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Whozawhat when are we going to give us all another progress report ? I love this bike and have been waiting to see what you have done to it lately.
progress report?
well I finished fabricating and installing my mother-in-laws entrance stair railings, put a bunch of miles on my HD, rebuilt my fathers car dolly and prepped his RV for a 10K mile tour, sold my Bugsplat car and bought a new car project and stripped it down and pulled the body off and sourced all the parts in a foreign country in a foreign language, opened the pool, sealed the driveway and finished all my other early summer house chores, chased some quotes then signed a deal for new house windows,,,,,,
then I had lunch.

Progress on the Flyer, well the throttle cable is now fit and operable, the ignition timing plate is set for starting point and a range of advance. All it needs to run is fuel, oh! and time. I still need to do a small mod on the front brake and make up a belt gaurd before riding it. Then tear it all down for final finish.
When the leaves are all down from the trees I will make some more progress.
progress report?
well I finished fabricating and installing my mother-in-laws entrance stair railings, put a bunch of miles on my HD, rebuilt my fathers car dolly and prepped his RV for a 10K mile tour, sold my Bugsplat car and bought a new car project and stripped it down and pulled the body off and sourced all the parts in a foreign country in a foreign language, opened the pool, sealed the driveway and finished all my other early summer house chores, chased some quotes then signed a deal for new house windows,,,,,,
then I had lunch.

Progress on the Flyer, well the throttle cable is now fit and operable, the ignition timing plate is set for starting point and a range of advance. All it needs to run is fuel, oh! and time. I still need to do a small mod on the front brake and make up a belt gaurd before riding it. Then tear it all down for final finish.
When the leaves are all down from the trees I will make some more progress.

Yeah.... but.. what did you have for lunch?
