Goat Herder
Gutter Rider
I think Mapbike should guage speed against his chicken in that Avator lol
I think Mapbike should guage speed against his chicken in that Avator lol
do your bikes run mid to upper 40's mph goat herder...?
I think this could be a moot point? After all it is a HT motor lol.Everyone just buy what you want..... who freaking cares how you waiste your dang money....
I was not trying to be rude at all sorry map. I find chickens one of Gods most comical creatures. At work today one of my co workers put about 10 grass hoppers in another's desk top drawer. I just had comedy in mind. Was still chucling about it. All in good fun.
We had a friggin plague of those things here lately! Hows Texas? Any blow over there yet?
I do take offence to folks thinking that some of us MB riders don't know what we are doing sometimes? I can tell minute differances in my machines. Heck I have a bike that changes with the weather. I like a good hot spark and know the differance through and through intimately.
I use a arrangment that was not experimenting with with CDI's . So gathering intel about timing curve is very fasinating concering these HT engines. If i go back and clean one up. Perfection is always my personel goal!
Having first hand knowlege of a hotter spark on my Morini. Huge differance for me. So I am game on this action.
Define "worse" and "double plugs"
The only experience I have with twin plug heads was a mid 70's suzuki enduro. The second plug was inert though, it did not fire. The idea was to have a spare I guess. I never saw much point to the added complexity vs. returns with twin ignition systems, especially on such a poorly designed engine.
Also consider this: There is only so much voltage available from a stock engine coil, so splitting it between two complete ignitions may be weakening each individual spark more than the second plug gains.
But that being said, a proper twin ignition setup might help in a super high compression, difficult to fire engine.
I can't imagine it being anything more than expensive on a chinagirl.
Just my opinion. Some people like to do things the harder way.
Well, Fred called yesterday and we were talking about the NEXT PROTO TYPE engine he has and he informed me of riding for miles @ 55mph. I wouldn't want to be the chicken crossing that road!! LMAO
Ya know map although I'm on a quest for speed with my direct drive china girl. Top speed is what it is, top... I've found what is between top and bottom is most interesting to me. Good acceleration and hill climbing ability from low to midrange RPM's. I don't have a tachometer, but I can approach the base of a bridge with a 12 to 15 % grade at 20 mph and then accelerate up the grade. Not fast acceleration, but I can continue to increase speed all the way up until I max out at 30 mph until I crest the top. On level flat pavement sitting upright on my in my seat I top out at 38 mph. In a racing tuck I am approaching the 40 mph barrier, 39.4 mph... sooo close. Basically what top speed means to me is a higher cruising speed. My goal has always been to have a bike that cruises good at 35 mph. This is the only reason I'm starring down 40 mph with a vengeance. I'm sure that if I could find someone I trusted with my bike who weighs a buck 60 or less my bike will top out over 40 mph, but than my bike would be doing it with out me...