magicalpancake's FELT MP Morini Build

I found some edges from a local car goods store =) If I would do it over I may do the 9.4 hp but who knows what kinda torque that thing pulls. Right now the thing is kinda scary fast. I've pulled 55mph easy and seems to keep pulling so if you want more low end torque I suppose you could upgrade!

A buddy of mine had a Morini on his BigBoy scooter that was around 18hp. 65cc with reed and a Pro-Circuit pipe mounted on the 6-inches front and rear travel, full suspension stand-up scooter that would do over 60mph! That my friend is scary fast. Seeing it and riding it is believing.....not for the faint hearted. I'll dig back through my achives and see if I can find some pics and footage of that beast.
hey guys just was thinking. there not cheap. you are right keep it simple. i do not remember on line two years ago? got the pipe and carb. no brakes ha very little. i still think about how much fun that was. 36 bikes wow. that was more than some kart races.
Alright after a year a half I wanted to post up an update of the cruiser build. I've put near a hundred miles since (not much compared to some of the guys on here) and performed a couple of upgrades. I've run into a couple of problems I like people on the forum to comment and help me with.


I've run into some problems with the exhaust, mainly leaking. I've been too lazy to take it off, clean it, and seal it with exhaust stop-leak/welding it.


Here are some of the leaks. I ended up using those blue washers/mounts because that bracket that goes from the exhaust to motor has been replace a number of times. So far I've ended up using a piece of aluminum and the washers and it's been solid since.


I always find a small amount fuel coming back out the carb after a long haul... Anyone know why?


This breather hole always spews a little fuel out too, is this normal?


New throttle/brake setup using SICKBIKEPARTS(thanks Terry) throttle with a PROGRIP 780 model grip(fits awesome) and a dual brake lever for...


FINALLY Rear brakes =) I had this laying around forever and finally got around to installing it.


I jerry rigged the mount to use the coaster brake bracket to hold the drum brake and cable mount.


Back shot of the sprocket and drum brake.

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Brooks seat.


I want an airfilter but I feel the ones I've seen are going to be too big. Anyone have suggestions?


*sigh* I like it. =) Engine feels strong still. Registered in the state of colorado brnot

Any/all suggestions are appreciated.
Well looking at your pipe I see two things I would prolly do if it were mine and I think done/approached neatly it will not hurt aesthetics . The section where the pipe comes right next to and close to the front down tube. I would fab a Muffler U bolt bracket. Now I hate the way U bolts will ride and leave a crease in bike tubing. So I would get a piece of fairly wide strap steel use a table vise, Map gas torch, and a piece of similar size pipe [shaping purpose to match the down tube] Then weld that preshaped section of strap steel inside the Muffler U bolt set up.

Take some Leather or old tire tubing put that between the down tube and the clamp. Mebbe make one more similar clamp by the seat as well? A good muffler mounted further back may prove to rattle too much? As for putting a nice quite Muffler on this pig mebbe run larger diameter pipe off the rear of the tuned pipe to help aid in gas exhaust expansion exiting the tuned pipe.

Stub off old old pipe OD. at mebbe 3 inches? Put new larger freely breathing OD. pipe over it all flush to the rear exp pipe cone? This would let you mount a nice quite muffler further back on the bike me thinks and still have the motor perform and breath freely.

These are just my thoughts having been familiar with this pipe on my own 5.8. build. I like every thing to be solid as all possible with my installs. No rattling of any kind so I do tend to go a little over kill.;) Then I don't ever have to mess with it again. That pin hole leak will seal up easy enough with a spot weld Mig or brass brazing.

The carb you got that float is not adjustable. I got a thought that mebbe dunno? The extra weight volume from the large gas tank may be challenging the the float needle assembly to control flow Dunno? I saw in the pict what looked like light wet dew around the float bowl.

Dave3 found a nice foam air filter might P.M. him it fits his 5.8 carb nicely. I think it would give and contour at your frame nice enough? Theres another alternative a ho-made filter/air box with mebbe just a couple layer of black nylon stocking stretched over it?
I am not getting any blow by out of my clutch breather hole on my 5.8 or mt 9.4 that I ever saw?
One of the things I really like about the tuned pipe we are using is it hugs the bike and it's general contours so well a guy can really mount them solid.
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Thanks Goat! =) When I get home I'll try to braze that hole up. The exhaust seems solid at the moment. Fabricating that bracket would require a welder which I dont have at the moment :/

So that's the clutch breather hole? Maybe mine is over filled a bit.. I sort of fill it like you would a differential.. until it comes out the fill hole maybe? seems like I get some residual down the seat tube after a short/long ride.

It was interesting how you suggested the correlation of fuel leakage from the gas tank/carb-float bowl. I know for a fact the float bowl is slightly warped on one corner that may be attributing to the leak. I think I will try to use some Toyota form in place gasket(FIPG) to seal that up.

*Sigh* I suppose I'll head back to the hardware store tonight and pick up some supplies. The more I looked at the pictures the more I realized how dirty everything was, I'll try to clean it up a bit too.
K so I have a morini franco s6s sitting around here. got the dirtbike when I was like 12 I think? (8 years ago) but tell you what the things got some POWER. just need to rebuild the clutch. Thinking about throwing it on a bicycle but I wouldn't know how to begin mounting it... if I do decide to do it I think I would need some help. oh and btw I just joined, got my first kit about 2 weeks ago and is running great! standard ht motor on a mountain bike set-up. removed the baffle and upped the amount of gas it's getting and it's got a little more umph. not as much as a morini
Super fun engine!

For me, the motor required a little ingenuity to fit. The mounts took forever to have fabbed up. Unfortunately Pipelyne, who originally made the mounts for me, is widely known as unreliable. I didn't have nearly an awful experience as other people but it certainly took weeks to buy anything (before shipping even!).

If I were to do it all over again I would do it myself. I would have the rear sprocket lined up and then fab the mounts. You'll see a lot of posts on these forums about folks who did up the mounts and the correct offset for the chain.
Got a real good filter (sock style ) from Uni filter for $15 - for my 5.8 hp T engine -Herdan sent one out but not enough surface area so it didnt breath right or suck in enough air so it had no power. I beleive its the 21/4 " one but measure it or i can find out. Dont run it without one tho.
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