Active Member
Yeah, I don't want to hurt a dog unless I have to.
Never thought of mounting a sail on a bike but i got a taste of how wind effects the electric bicycle. i am coming to work look down at the speedometer and i am doing 30 mph on the flats. i get to a small incline and i am still doing 28 mph. down hill i am flying. i get to work pretty fast because i averaged around 30 mph. you can't imagine how happy i was. anyway i was real early to work so i keep heading west enjoying my really fast e-bike. i finally turn around to come back to work and 24 to 25mph max and i can feel the wind big time lol. i get up in the tower and coming here the wind was at my back and when i turned around i was running into a 24kt head wind. it was fun and also got to see how winds effect the bike.
Ya know you could mount a beach umbrella on the thing with a tilting mechanism people would think it was to ride in the shade LOL Plus matter of fact you could use it to ride in the shade! Now that's what I call being ultra greenshoot i did when i was a kid george. we tried everything to make them go faster lol