OPTI 2 FOR THE WIN! Heh! Congrats Paul! That went QUICK! I've been eyeing the MP3 for a bit now. I've got an old full suspension Specialized Ground Control I've been thinking I'd save for a dual drive MP setup ( If I can ever afford it ) Have you thought about the dual motor setups?
like you velodrome expesnse is a consideration also unlike gas motors these have only certain rpm's they will do. another motor will not get you more speed except going up hills. from the little i rode it went up the hills fine. a little slower but man it fly down the other side. after i get more miles on it i will touch on this more. the hills i went up yesturday were small so not a real test. however i live on an island of mountains and its gonna be doing some climbing. another thing to consider is second motor second battery and alot of weight. my impresion so far is one motor is enough and it is worth every penny invested. putting on wireless blue tooth speaker today so i can listen to tunes while i ride. this thing is quite the only thing you really here is the tires rolling over the ground. excelent ride and my gas days are over. vibration from the gas motors and the hassles of all the upkeep is not me. i just want to ride and not worry about a thing. another nice thing is if you know how to work on a bicycle you can put one of these togather. unbelivably simple. install the wheel plug everything in. take tie raps and secure wires and off you go. most of the time spent on bike was running around this island looking for some screws. actuall install of the magic pie was as easy as pie
Not sure what kind of batteries you have but I know my SLA went to pot after I drained em down to low. I reccomend when you notice a power loss head to the hut!
Nice to hear Paul. I've been watching videos of the two wheel drive MP bikes on you tube climbing hills, Fun to watch a bike spewing dirt and stones from BOTH tires as it claws up a hill! For me; climbing ability is way more important than speed. I live in "the valley of the sunstroke" so its flat around me. But Im not far from some seriously steep hills. Im thinking this type of setup would be perfect for sneeking up on wildlife to photograph up in the mountains. Cant wait to read more of your adventures on this thing.
i am not sure of the witdth however i put it up to the rim that came with my trek bike and it was the same width. it is supposed to handle any 26 inch tire. as far as sneeking up on animals i think it would be perfect. it still amazes me how silent the bike really is. didnt get to ride much today. got a flat tire and of course i didnt bring any repair stuff and had to walk the bike home about 3 miles in the heat of the day. sure glad i bought bell flat proof tubes. guess they didnt work lol. tomorow another day and i have to work again but i do have wed and thursday off so planning on doing a lot of riding
happy and i decided it was time to have some tunes for the bicycle. with the quite electric its possible. this is the blue tooth thing i have for my car to answer phone calls. pandora radio and my music collection sounds great thru it. it is held by velcro to keep it from sliding and i also used a tie rap for some extra security, i used the kind of tie strap with the tab built on it and it is fairly simple to remove and reinstall. kinda fun riding around with bicycle race by queen playing lol
i do believe i am going to be getting some more speed out of the pie trek tomorrow. i have noticed a good bit of drag on the wheel when i spin it free hand and just thought it was the nature of an electric wheel and tonight it started to squeak a little when i was fine tuning the gears incase i have to pedal (plus i like to tinker). i don’t know how many times i have had the disk brakes off thinking it was them binding a little. the wheel has been off numerous times making sure it was true then today to repair a flat. needless to say it was driving me crazy. when i put the wheel back on today i gave it a spin and couldn't believe how easy it spun. time to trouble shoot. so i tighten down the sprocket side to the bike the drag would apear. loosen it and it would go away. anyway i had put the big washer which i have in picture behind the sprocket because it said use if needed between the magic pie motor and the sprocket and thier was 2 of them so i figured i would use one. it pushed out sprocket just enough that it made the nut bind things when i tightened it which i never noticed when i put together because i put the wheel on and just tightened things up. hope that makes sense. Anyway got it all back together and rear wheel spins unbelievable freely. almost as easy as the front tire. next to zero drag. i cant wait to get off work and try it out again. nice to know if i run out of battery this is as easy as most bikes out there to pedal. just gonna be heavy but with the gearing i dont think it will be a problem. it rolls with ease. i can't wait till tomorrow when i get off work i am doing the happy dance. sum up the post a electric bicycle wheel should turn very freely unlike the ones on gas bicycles.
decided to put the battery thru the worst possible scenario and see how far i could get. where i rode is in a very rich section of the island. very mountaines and hills were steep and long. houses up thier go for as high as 10 million. anyway they do not like people to drive fast so they have huge speed bumps everywhere. i would roll over one and gun it to the next one slow down to nothing to roll over it and do it again. i still get 27mph on the flats and up the hills i got from 12 to 19 mph. one of the hills had a speed bump right in the middle of it and had to pedal assist to get it going again after the bump. well didnt have to but i wanted to go a little faster lol. anyway i got 14 miles on the battery then nothing, no warning or anything they just die. was still around 3 miles from the condo and rode home like a regular bicycle. and i was more impressed with that then anything. it was just like riding a bicycle. in normal riding area i am sure i can get a heck of a lot more distance. nothing drains a battery faster then stopping and going and these speed bumbs were very close togather. i wont have to do that anywhere else. i need to tighten my brakes because i used them so much the cables stretched.. electric bikes are awesome. i am totally satisfied and happy with the magic pie 3
just to clarify on our hills her. in michigan any hill thier i could fly up doing over 20mph. west va where we lived it would have no problems with them hills eather. this island is a big rock so the hills are steep. a few that i went up my nissan struggles to get up them. they are extremely steep. the back round of the picture of the bike will give you an idea of our riding conditions.
i just checked and it is full charged. its been on the charger for 4.5 hours. yes the mp 3 has regenerative braking however i do not have it hooked up yet. the bike i bought the shifters and brakes are one unit and have to go to bike shop tomorow and get shifters and will put on the regen brakes at that time, and yes every one says it has engine braking which is supposed to be really smooth. hopefully i can try tomorow. bike shop here is only open wed fri and sat 5 hours each day so been waiting for them to open lol
today i road under normal conditions. (island normal) trip across island keeping around 24 mph a few mountains but nothing like i was at yesturday, steady incline and nothing steep like yesturday and no speed bumps. i got home and had 19.2 miles put on and battery never ran out. if didnt have to be somewhere i would have ran it dry just to see the distance. this afternoon picking up my new shifters and and will install the regen brake levers which should get me even farther. this is a nice comfortable fun ride.
guess it will be a week or so before i can use the regen brakes. they didnt have the right shifters at the bike store so he had to order them. i do miss the big bike shops in the states sometimes