Magic Pie 3 on Trek 3500 disc bicycle

here is a picture of the east end of our island. as you can see not a bad place to ride. roads are rough and the hills are long and steep however this kind of view makes it all worth it. the beach is on the west end of the island. notice the big crowds

hmm... vs;

that is awesome ba! Maine is truly a beautiful state and the roads look awesome. we dont have the beautiful wildlife and things here. just a few mongoose and iguana's...

Trades? Even-steven NP at all... I'll start packing ;)

i can now say that the customer service at is great! over the weekend i noticed my throttle did not engage until it was almost 3/4 engaged. not sure how long that was going on because i ussually run full throttle. i wrote to the company over the weekend and asked them about it and they said they would get another one right out to me and they did. i got the new throttle on Thursday.
i ordered the shifters for the bike over a week ago and they are still not here from the USA. hopefully they are here by Wednesday when the bike shop is open again so i can use my regen braking.
just checked online and my kickstand and other parts are on island and hopefully can pick up tomorow. now if shifters get to the bike shop this week i will really be happy
went to post office yesturday. even though says the package is here they said it was not. maybe today. frustrating to say the least
decided to put the battery thru the worst possible scenario and see how far i could get. where i rode is in a very rich section of the island. very mountaines and hills were steep and long. houses up thier go for as high as 10 million. anyway they do not like people to drive fast so they have huge speed bumps everywhere. i would roll over one and gun it to the next one slow down to nothing to roll over it and do it again. i still get 27mph on the flats and up the hills i got from 12 to 19 mph. one of the hills had a speed bump right in the middle of it and had to pedal assist to get it going again after the bump. well didnt have to but i wanted to go a little faster lol. anyway i got 14 miles on the battery then nothing, no warning or anything they just die. was still around 3 miles from the condo and rode home like a regular bicycle. and i was more impressed with that then anything. it was just like riding a bicycle. in normal riding area i am sure i can get a heck of a lot more distance. nothing drains a battery faster then stopping and going and these speed bumbs were very close togather. i wont have to do that anywhere else. i need to tighten my brakes because i used them so much the cables stretched.. electric bikes are awesome. i am totally satisfied and happy with the magic pie 3
just to clarify on our hills her. in michigan any hill thier i could fly up doing over 20mph. west va where we lived it would have no problems with them hills eather. this island is a big rock so the hills are steep. a few that i went up my nissan struggles to get up them. they are extremely steep. the back round of the picture of the bike will give you an idea of our riding conditions.

I think I saw you post your batteries were 10-12 AH I was wondering if you got 4 of these babies do you think you could actually go cross country charging up at the end of the day? 84 AH and 9.3 lbs times 4 = 48 volts in series (they only cost $2k apiece LOL)

Style: Micro-Lite Lithium-Ion 12 Volt Racing Battery
Weight: 9.3 lbs.
Length: 6.6 inches
Width: 5.2 inches
Height: 6.88 inches
Pulse Cranking Amps: 1384
Amp Hour (AH) - Electrical Capacity: 84 Amp Hr
Right Positive / Left Positive - Optional Left or Right Polarity

I know 8 grand is a lot to spend on just batteries but for a fat guy like me one of them dual front & rear drive kits would really fit the bill!
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i am not really sure george. barelyawake understands the batteries better then i do. i am still learning. i do know running at around 23 mph rather then 28 the batteries last considerbly longer. thier is all sorts of ways to make the batteries last longer like pedal assist and stuff. link you have don't work can you try it again. thanks

on another note my kickstand finnally arrived today. still trying to get it to work properly. not real happy with it so far. it hits the chain. its a two legged one
Only 8K for batts, :eek: brutal. What about a dyno front hub charging as you go too? :p

I hear ya but just like when digital watches first came out they were rediculous expensive it does show feasability and eventually the price goes down hopefully.

There think that link works. OOPS that's not the same battery but it's from the same's the specs of this $2500 battery


BCI Group: Group 34
Length: 10.1” / 256.54 mm
Width: 6.3” / 160.02 mm
Height: 6.5” / 165.1 mm
Weight (lbs): 12.8 lbs / 5.76 kg
Post Type: SAE Auto Posts / 3/8” Female
Polarity: Left Positive (Right Optional)
Recommended Mounts: OEM Group 34 Mounts


Voltage Class: 12 volts
Full Charge Range: 13.2-13.6 volts
PCA @ 80F: 1550
CA @ 32F: 1408
Nominal Capacity (C/20 rate): 40 AH
Lead-Acid Equivalent Capacity: 120 Lithium AH (LAH)
Internal Resistance (ohms): < 3.2 milliohms (.0032ohms)
Life Cycle @ 80% DOD: Up to 2500 cycles
Life Cycle @ 10% DOD: Up to 5000 cycles

Alternator: Automotive, Marine and Cycle Compatible
Battery charger: Braille Model 1232L or 1236L
Rapid Recharge: Yes, 25 amp/hr electronically controlled
Maximum Charge Current: 200 amp/hr pulse
Maximum Charge Voltage @70F: Up to 16 volts
Recommended Charge Voltage: 14.4 – 14.8 Volts

Warranty: 12 Month Replacement

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4 of those batteries will cost you 10 grand.

2 of these batteries will cost you fifteen hundred, have the same capacity and be smaller.

only $2500? wow, and I was mad when I had to spend $50 on a top-end rebuild... oh, and the whole not having to worry about high end batteries exploding is nice too :p

edit- nice kicker btw, better than a sider any day
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shifters came in today and got them set up plus my regenerative braking. wow what a difference. i was actually concerned on how often i would wear out my disk breaks. around here their is lots of tight turns and always have to slow down for them so i am on the brakes constantly. the regenerative braking has a slight delay in them and it actually scared the crap out of me the first time i went to slow down. now that i know what to expect its great. to slow down for curves, speed bumps people ect. all i do is just give a slight pull on the break handles never really engaging the brakes and the regenerative braking slows me down as much as i want. my brakes should last for ever. as far as putting a little charge to the battery when braking to me is just a nice bonus. this just keep getting better :)
Exelent Paul! Youve sold me. Build three is gonna be a MP3 but with dual drive for climbing :) SO. You just close the throttle and touch the brake and and it slows down? Is the amount of slowing fix'd or variable? Heres the frame Im saving for this one. Lemme know what you think. It needs a new fork and I gotta figure out how to add a disk brake system on the rear. Prob rebuild the rear suspension too. DISCLAMER: Not my bike; image snagged from Google but have the exact same frame and all; just too lazy to dig it out of the garrage for a fresh pic 96 or so Specialized Ground Control


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i am not sure velodrome. still playing with it. the wheel actually connects to computer via usb and i have the regen braking set at 50%. you just break like ussual however only pull brake lever slightly and it uses the motor to slow you down. for a fast stop of course you pull brakes all the way in. i went about 5 miles with the new set up a few minutes ago just riding around here. lots of turns and lots of speed bumps. never engaged the brakes once just the regen braking which was more then enough. i like specialized bikes alot. they have always made a great bicycle. that will make a sweet set up
i have been looking all over for a nice tool bag for the e-bike and of course could not find what i wanted or any bicycle bag at all on this island. today at the grocery store they were giving away these cool coolers. got home sewed some velcro straps on it and now i have a custom too tool bag that can keep my drinks cold when i take the electric bicycle to the beach and it also holds the tools i need and a spare tube. what more could a man want :)


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lol no walmart here. i sure wish we did. i am actually real happy with the bag. it is perfect size for what i want to carry and also a really nice cooler which is handy going to work so my food stays cool. free is me, can't beat it :)
man i sure am glad this thing is fast and quick to get going as it is. i stopped at a stop sign this morning while riding to work and out of know where came 3 big dogs ready to play tug a war with me. the electric bike left them in the dust lol. thinking about getting some pepper spray or something to keep on handle bars
One trick I learned about dogs while on a bike; Dogs hate water in their face, especially when they are running after me. I use my water bottle to squirt some water in the face of any dog that thinks it wants to chase me. They can't help but breath some in while running and they can't run while they are chocking and coughing. It can also be kind of funny sometimes. I've seen a dog start coughing while running and it ended up tripping and doing some involuntary somersaults in the road.
cool thank you for the tip nunya. i will have to try that. lots of dogs on this island pit bulls and rot wielers and of course ****zu's lol