Magic Pie 3 on Trek 3500 disc bicycle

i agree nunya. i don't want to hurt them but i also do not want to be hurt. i enjoy the heck out of this ride. racking up the miles every day
Me too I'd never want to hurt a viscious dog...I love dogs, they taste just like chicken.

As a side not if there was a particularly viscious dog I'd carry a baseball bat. A dog can take your arm off or worse. I seen a pit bull wouldn't let go of a cat even when I hit it with a landscaping timber...them is some real mean dogs.
as i said i am glad my electric bike takes of so fast and i can get away without even confronting the dogs
out of curiosity i decide to weigh my electric bike today. 56.2lb with heavy duty kickstand, rear rack, battery and everything like when i ride it except my fat self lol. actually not that much heavier then a steel beach cruiser with a 2 stroke on it.
i am totally amazed with this electric bike. i have put almost 300 miles on it. using it to go back and forth to work plus playing when i get to work because i leave early i am putting around 25 miles on it when i work. i was looking forward to sharing all the things i do to it however as far as the magic pie kit itself the only thing i did was grove the washer that holds the rear wheel on like barelyawake did (thanks ba) because the wheel slipped maybe a 32nd of an inch if that much, but any slippage is to much as far as i am concerned, I also replaced the throtle which wasnt working to its full potential and the company replaced that free of charge. i ride i charge and that's about it. it still amazes me that know one knows it is a powered bicycle unless they see me going fast without pedaling. if you want reliable transportation electric bicycles are the hot ticket as far as i am concerned. being quite, quick and fun are just a big bonus to me. i have rode coast to coast on it. north shore to south shore (its only about 10 miles lol) a day don't go by i do not go for a ride. fun stuff for sure. here is a picture of the modification to the washer barelyawake shared with us. takes just a few minutes to do

I have not noticed any slippage on mine. I check it once a week and I torqued the nuts with the big wrench a couple of times just to make sure. Yeah, not much to write about once you are done, just ride and charge. Nothing breaks, so there's nothing to fix.

Got about a hundred on mine. Ride it pretty near every day. Getting addicted to my nite ride. Gotta go cruise the hood before bed. Just love it. The cool air, the smells of the evening. Dying embers of old BBQ. Did a nite ride to the grocery store last night, so's I wouldn't have to stop on the way home from work today. Any excuse to go for a ride.

That's something you just can't do with a gas bike, cruise around your neighborhood all night long. Well you can, but people won't like you much - :)
i don't ride at night here. i just do not feel safe and would take the fun out of riding. however it is almost funny because i cannot wait to go to work tomorrow because i am working during the day and cannot wait to ride from the north coast i live on to the south coast where the airport is located. most every where else i go is about 5 miles from here maximum. i just got in from riding to the store. we are located center of the island fairly close to everything except the airport. that is my fun trip and i usually leave early and turn a 10 mile ride each way to around 15 each way. with the gas bike my hands would be numb from the ride to work which at that time was less then five miles from the airport and have since moved over to the north shore twice as far away. i am not knocking gas bikes they are what got me into this great sport. however for my likes and needs an electric bicycle is the way to go. ohh i forgot to tell you all i had a police man come up to me the other day saying he loved my bike and what a great set up. he knew it was electric because i had passed him earlier while he was stopped in traffic. i expected to then get asked about license ect but all he said is "it was great to see you were a helmet that the police that ride bicycles here on island could learn from me because they constantly complain about it". i just wear a regular vented bicycle helmet. we have a division of the police department that ride bicycles around 20 of them. of course i am getting to know all of them including the chief of the bicycle patrol division which makes it real nice.
today i got a taste of how wind effects the electric bicycle. i am coming to work look down at the speedometer and i am doing 30 mph on the flats. i get to a small incline and i am still doing 28 mph. down hill i am flying. i get to work pretty fast because i averaged around 30 mph. you can't imagine how happy i was. anyway i was real early to work so i keep heading west enjoying my really fast e-bike. i finally turn around to come back to work and 24 to 25mph max and i can feel the wind big time lol. i get up in the tower and coming here the wind was at my back and when i turned around i was running into a 24kt head wind. it was fun and also got to see how winds effect the bike.
Tailwinds don't count *shakes fist* rotfl

Actually, TBH they can & do when considering range... and that can get dicey as we haven't the super spiffy gauges to help calculate reserve.

As your lil tropical island paradise is smaller coast to coast than your maximum range, this may be less an issue for you unless you're out n'about just wandering on a really windy day - but jus' last weekend I was headin' over to a friend's house and the winds were so strong it was a bit of a struggle, I was loosing up to 5mph off my normal top speeds... my friend's place is at the very edge of my "point of no return" (half my max range) I started to grow a bit concerned, without a doubt I was consuming far more then the norm, it was becoming increasingly unlikely I'd be able to get there and back again on this single charge - even though you'd think if you've a headwind headed out, you'd have a tailwind heading back... but as any sailor will attest, such things can't be trusted and that's doubly true in Maine, where we've schizophrenic weather at best lol

Well, I got there anyway... took a lil longer than normal but that's not a problem & I knew I'd at least get there as again it's only the PNR, catch is - nobody was home ofc.

Doom? Hardly - whatever, no worries, I just wandered off to get some water & munchies & sat in the shade contemplating little to nothing at all whilst I charged up for an hour or so, snaggin' a lil more zot to be sure I'd get me home... and wouldn't ya know it? Naturally, there was a headwind all the way back again lol

Some might say that this is an example of an ebike's shortcomings... and that may be true - then again this jargon seems awful familiar, this consideration regarding head/tailwinds, PNR, max range vs speeds, etc., it occurs to me that it's little different then when I was piloting, be it the ol' Cessna or my itty bitty ultralight... come to think on it a bit the same holds true for boating & currents, heck even wandering the outlands on my gasbikes, where gas stations are a mythical tale told in jest...

Granted - the maximum ranges & time to refuel may be different, but that can be said of all these things & I've long ago learned to not worry the hurry heh *shrug* If I wanted farther/faster I'd have a different tool for the job ;)
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i really didn't see it as a downfall on electric. when riding my gas bike wind affected top speed also. i just thought this was kinda humorous because i didn't realize the wind was blowing so hard and thought my bike had a new faster life lol
this is kinda funny. the lady who cleans the tower every time she comes up here says i am crazy riding that bicycle so far to work. remember the definition of far here is way different then in then the main land. i told her it was electric weeks ago but realized today she had no idea what i meant by electric. she said you crazy mon. how you pedal that bike all the way from christiansted. i said i don't pedal it is electric. she had a confused look and i tried to explain but she kept saying how it move if you do not pedal and ended up pulling up a video on youtube to show here one in action. she is now totally amazed and never knew such a thing was in existence.
yes i have used the program. plugs into my computer and set up the way you like. easy and straight simple to do.
today i got a taste of how wind effects the electric bicycle. i am coming to work look down at the speedometer and i am doing 30 mph on the flats. i get to a small incline and i am still doing 28 mph. down hill i am flying. i get to work pretty fast because i averaged around 30 mph. you can't imagine how happy i was. anyway i was real early to work so i keep heading west enjoying my really fast e-bike. i finally turn around to come back to work and 24 to 25mph max and i can feel the wind big time lol. i get up in the tower and coming here the wind was at my back and when i turned around i was running into a 24kt head wind. it was fun and also got to see how winds effect the bike.
Never thought of mounting a sail on a bike but hey...zpt
shoot i did when i was a kid george. we tried everything to make them go faster lol
Ya know you could mount a beach umbrella on the thing with a tilting mechanism people would think it was to ride in the shade LOL Plus matter of fact you could use it to ride in the shade! Now that's what I call being ultra green
i did that to. stole one of my dads giant golf umbrella's. destroyed it. he was not to happy to say the least
had an interesting fun experience today on the e-bike. anyway i came up to a pot hole slowed down and decided i had ride thru it because i didn't slow down enough and was a little to late to do anything else. so i gave it full throttle and it was deeper then it looked. so i pulled up on the handlebars to help it over and the timing was perfect for when the motor kicked in. front tire came way off the ground doing wheelie then basically did a bunny hop over the pot hole. probably never be able to do that again but it was a rush. on a regular mountain bike i can bunny hop most anything in the way. first time i tried with the electric bicycle because i thought because of the weight issue it was not possible. i don't think this is a good habit to get into because of weight i am sure i put some serous strain on my spokes however i know now if something jumps in the way i can bunny hop it if needed
got a flat today on the rear wheel on the way to work. for those of you that do not know i am an air traffic controller and we are part of national defense. being late for opening shift can cost you your job. twice and you are automatically fired. only one person to open so have to make sure you get their on time. anyway i leave for work early when i am opening and i get their early i ride around for a while. that is if car or bike its not worth chancing. at first when the tire went flat it was total panic. to far to head home and grab the truck so had no choice but to fix the tire. if this had been a gas bike no way i could have got new tube in and got to work on time. with the electric bike their is a plug you unplug and take the wheel of just like you would if their was no motor on it plus you can just flip the bike upside down to work on unlike gas. only difference is you do not have a quick release and you have to get out the wrench. got a new tube in and raced to work. still got their with time to spare. so much for bell guaranteed no flat tubes. that is the second one i have had get a flat