Living a Moderator's life

Every year Char fries me a rabbit for Easter dinner. Our friends think its terrible but her dad and I like it. I didn't know there was anyone else who liked rabbit as much as Char's dad and I. My dad, rest his soul loved it too...and squirrels...mmmm, fried squirrel. :)
Every year Char fries me a rabbit for Easter dinner. Our friends think its terrible but her dad and I like it. I didn't know there was anyone else who liked rabbit as much as Char's dad and I. My dad, rest his soul loved it too...and squirrels...mmmm, fried squirrel. :)

Visions of Robin the Sherwood Forest....roasting a rabbit on a spit over an open fire.....with two smaller spits holding squirrels....with Little John and Maid Marian sitting amongst him...indulging in great banter whilst passing the flask of Merry Wine.....

We had rabbit a lot as a kid. We had a 40 acre piece of property and Dad was raised hunting. What a combo. Mom could cook it just right numerous different ways too.

One night my brother looked over at my plate and let out a loud meooow. My constant companion was a large old grey tom cat and he had just passed away the day before.
My brother the heartless little swine reached over and scooped my rabbit and put it on his plate.

I never could eat rabbit again.

So how did we get from moderators to rabbits? Oh, yeah, pancakes! That's how...
I like pancakes.


I dunno where that came from o_O
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I happen to think wabbits are cool, its the praire dogs you must consume. Never seen a critter who could mess up an acre of land as those.
I happen to think wabbits are cool, its the praire dogs you must consume. Never seen a critter who could mess up an acre of land as those.

A Florida Gopher can....they are now an endangered dog loves them raw....he leaves me gifts on my porch.....hollowed out shells....with little bits of membrane tossed in.....

In Michigan we have starnosed moles. They tunnel across the yard and leave long, winding mounds ... mole hills. Then my dogs turn the mole hills into ditches.!

I wonder if moderators have such exasperating problems? lol

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In Michigan we have starnosed moles. They tunnel across the yard and leave a long, winding mounds ... mole hills. Then my dogs turn the mole hills into ditches.

I wonder if moderators have such exasperating problems?


Hahahahaha....I love it !.....I think the moderators have enough issues to have to deal with than circumstances like yours and mine.....LOL !.....loved the * Mountain out of a Mole Hill * reference !
