Living a Moderator's life

HAPPY Wants to know if he gets a check.NEWS FLASH! It came today,thanks guys.Happy is going out tonight and try to pick up an imarinary HOOKER.H.D.
Quote from fairracing31


I agree!

Yeah, gotta love the Nigerian email scams. MSNBC did one of those predator-style Chris Hanson stings on a Nigerian scammer. After it was all done, he told the guy that he was busted and then let him go. If it's an American citizen attempting to meet a child that doesn't exist, he gets tackled and imprisoned for years. If it's a foreigner ripping off Americans, we can't do anything about it.
I'll bet that Happy goes out with a hot tennis ball one that is shaved smooth. MMMMHHHH!!!!!
Those shaved smooth things.
the way i look at it, is it's not my site, and i have to abide by the rules of whomever set it up. same with anything. business, home, someone's girlfriend...

if i didn't like the way a site was run, i wouldn't want be on it anyway.

i admit, it would be nice to #?%*& swear sometimes, but i gotta remember there's 11 year old kids on here, too.

Like Meh!!!
But i cus to much in life :P
What's Crime 360?
Was it about all the crack houses? Prostitutes? Meth labs? Terrible roads (the real crime) or the really terrible bakery where everything you buy tastes like cigarette ashes?
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