Let's see if MB guys are smarter than Jet skiers

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Just to let everyone know, if your answer is in the 100's then your answer is incorrect.

Re Bouquet - B U C K E T:

When I worked at the local probation department, the front desk sometimes sent me to call people back from the lobby. One time they handed me a paper that read "Emile Dumas". Now, being a fan of the author, Alexandre Dumas, and especially of his book "The Three Musketeers" (a man's book if ever there was one) I thought this name would be pronounced the french way - "Doo mah". So I go and open the door and ask for "Mr. *Doo-mah* please".
And a big man with one of the thickest Appalachian accents I've ever heard walks over to me and, with a dead-serious look on his face, says "It's pronounced *Dumba$$*!". My brain paused a second, and I managed to say "It is?" He replied "Yes it is."
Who was I to argue, so I then answered in all seriousness "Well, right this way, Mr Dumba$$." And he proceeded, looking satisfied. How I kept a straight face throughout that entire exchange, I will never know. Most people have no idea how hard it is to maintain a professional demeanor all day at certain kinds of jobs.laff
Great story about Mr. Dumas.

I don't do so good with flowers, I'm much better with bananas.
I'm so glad I'm not alone.

Now that the riddle has been solved, this was the original one I was going to give you guys but I thought you guys would have been offended.


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