I got the runt of the litter with this Blue Pit. Named Sam The Back dog is Crouton, and last is the brown one Missy. I needed at least one silly name so I could look extra silly calling them if they ever got out of the yard lol.
Crouton is a female. Missy too.
I was nick naming the blue one ''male'' smurf dog when it was smaller. One of these pictures was two sec's from feeding time. Explains how I got them to sit still.
Missy is about 15 years, old Smurf dog 6 months and Crouton 1 year.
Gotta see the two younger ones play quit a hoot!!!

All leashed trained to walk right beside me. Smurf dog got to go to Lowes hardware store with me last weekend. He put on a good show as a real sweet heart. Folks love his color.
Wow picts came out good uploaded. Makes my back ground view look unkept.
The two younger dogs have found ever piece of lumber, and or bottle, stick I have. That's is one of their chill sections where they keep a view of the front street. Gotta love the chewing phase. They get my empty plastic milk jugs too.
Oh yeah and they all play fetch! Until your arm falls off. Can you tell which picture was fetch time?