King's Sales & Sprockets just SUCKS!


New Member
Sep 10, 2013
No, it is not my style to put anyone on blast, especially a custom vendor, and even better a forum sponsor, but this company has truly earned it.

I ordered my basic sprocket because the kit piece won't work since I need a 1.75" center bore after replacing my HiStop with a NewDeparture hub. Sounds like I'd need a custom sprocket, right? The instructions on the KS&S site say to leave a note with PayPal - no problem - only, PayPal doesn't have a place to leave a note for a store-transaction.

So I call immediately to specify my order - no answer, but it's late, so i use the "Contact" feature on the site.
Early the next day, I call again, and leave a message.
The next day I send an e-mail directly to the PayPal e-mail.
The day after, I sent a PM to Andyinchville1 who hasn't been on since 19SEP.

10-days later, I'm sitting here looking at a sprocket that looks nothing like what I wanted/needed or could in any way modify to make function as this piece has the center cut for a disc flange, and obviously wouldn't take well to a lathe without serious cutting first.

So for those that are on-the-fence about where to get a cool-looking custom-fit sprocket for that bike you've been building for months now ...keep looking past KS&S.

I will be looking for more custom sprocket options now, if anyone has any leads on a reputable company, please let me know. Thanks, Kk

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I just ordered a custom 'super sprocket' with a larger center hole from him a few days ago... There absolutely was a place to send a note to the seller on the Paypal payment, (there's a little bar to click on).

As soon as it arrives, I'll post here how my order turns out. :)

I do have to admit that his web site & ordering system are very hard to figure out. :(


New Member
Sep 10, 2013
I just ordered a custom 'super sprocket' with a larger center hole from him a few days ago... There absolutely was a place to send a note to the seller on the Paypal payment, (there's a little bar to click on).

As soon as it arrives, I'll post here how my order turns out. :)

I do have to admit that his web site & ordering system are very hard to figure out. :(
Well, that's too bad, I was just about to e-mail you guys to see if I could buy a custom sprocket from Venice, but if you're ordering from KS&S, then that's a "no".

Ya know, I was looking REALLY hard for a place to leave a note since I knew this was going to be a custom order, but for the sake of argument, let's say that it's not a case of total customer negligence, but that I'm an idiot. So how many idiots on this side of the order does it take to confirm a company really is a poor performer when it comes to conducting business? Including me, would three do it?

Five maybe?

That was just a quick search. It would seem that my problem is not a new one. I'd read those before I ordered, but I got encouragement from some folks on this forum that have had good service from them, and I went against my good-sense because there is a serious lack of custom sprocket vendors out there (that I know of anyway - I'm still looking). I can only assume that you, as well as a few others that sing KS&S praises, are a part of an "in-crowd" that have a phone number that someone at KS&S actually answers when you call, because for us regular-folk, it's awfully cold out here. So for the rest of the readers out there that want to take a risk on a custom order from KS&S, remember to look really, REALLY hard for that place to leave a note with PayPal, and as for me, this little tid-bit will help me ...never. I'm now busy trying to retrieve my money from a company I've never actually heard from. Kk


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I am sorry to hear that you did not get what you wanted from them.
The experience you had with them is completely opposite of mine.

I too have ordered from KS&S. I will recommend them in a heart beat. They gave me fast service and a really great sprocket that fit my custom rig perfectly. I too used the Pay-Pal note to seller feature to describe what I needed.

I hope that you can work things out with them. You received a really bad first impression of them and that sucks.
I bet that you are not an idiot either. How often do you use Pay-Pal? Are you familiar with all the features they offer?


New Member
Sep 10, 2013
I am sorry to hear that you did not get what you wanted from them.
The experience you had with them is completely opposite of mine.

I too have ordered from KS&S. I will recommend them in a heart beat. They gave me fast service and a really great sprocket that fit my custom rig perfectly. I too used the Pay-Pal note to seller feature to describe what I needed.

I hope that you can work things out with them. You received a really bad first impression of them and that sucks.
I bet that you are not an idiot either. How often do you use Pay-Pal? Are you familiar with all the features they offer?
Granted, I've only used PayPal to send $ to family or to a specific e-mail account, both of which the message-box is obvious in it's presence, but when I order from eBay it did just what it did for the KS&S site, and considering that was the first time I've even looked for a message box during a store-type transaction, I never did find one. Yeah, sucks for me, but this could have been easily remedied if the company had ANY form of contact that actually functioned. Not that it makes a difference now, but I'd planned on paying for an anodize upgrade had he gotten back to me. Too bad, I guess I'll just have to get the original one machined.


Nov 18, 2012
Sanford, FL
Maybe that was the issue ordering from ebay and not the site. I personally have not ordered from them, but have heard nothing but great things about them. Like gear nut you got a bad first impression.


New Member
Sep 10, 2013
Maybe that was the issue ordering from ebay and not the site. I personally have not ordered from them, but have heard nothing but great things about them. Like gear nut you got a bad first impression.
If you've never heard anything but great things, check post #3. My fault that I read them, and silly-me, ordered from this derelict anyway. The sprocket that will not help me will arrive back where it came from in 2-5 working days, and if all goes well, I'll only get burned for the $10 for return shipping on it.

If this guy is so great, why don't one of his fan-club tell him to call me; he's got my number. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
Central Area of Texas
When I ordered my sprocket from them I bought it on his ebay buy it now option and I got exactly what I ordered and it came in a reasonable amount of time..... what I ordered was a 34T unfinished sprocket thatis drilled for disc brake hub as well as both rag joint bolt patterns which is what it was advertised to be.

I have to admit that I never tried to contact Andy by email so I cant testify to how he or they handle there customer service first hand but if they dont answer customer request thats not good for any company and will for sure get some very negative attention.

Dang sure sorry about your trouble KK, hope you get a full refund and all goes well from this point forward.



New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Los Angeles
King's Sales & Sprockets just needs to update his 1997 website into the 21st Century. It's way too easy to order the wrong kind of sprocket, with the right # of teeth and color though. He should stop relying on that PayPal Message Box and make it impossible to order the wrong sprocket..... on his website.


New Member
Dec 24, 2012
West Michigan
I ordered a sprocket and top hat adapter on November 14th had to call about 10 times just to get him to realize my order was even there. If I send you almost 100$ for my order and you don't contact me for anything, not even a tracking number. Wtf.. so yay a week and a half later I get my package. There's my sprocket..... no adapter, so I call and give my information once again. Then a couple days later I text him to see if he replys. Two days later... on thanks giving. I be nice and tell him I don't want to bug him on thanks giving. So I text and give my information. Now three days later no reply. I'm normally a patient person but it wearing thin. Two weeks and you can't get my order right. Busy or not that's plenty of time. Don't order from ks&s unless you like getting jacked around. I just wanna ride........



New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Northern VA
Looks like he's gone the way of Zone 8 and Spooky tooth. R.I.P.
I don't get it- Spooky Tooth has an ad on the left side of the page (and I just ordered some stuff from them)...granted, it looks like they are now Bikeberry, but Spooky does appear to still be in some form of business?


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
Central Area of Texas
I don't get it- Spooky Tooth has an ad on the left side of the page (and I just ordered some stuff from them)...granted, it looks like they are now Bikeberry, but Spooky does appear to still be in some form of business?
From what I understand you are correct, Spooky Tooth is now Bikeberry owned, I dealt with them back when they were not owned by Bikeberry but haven't since, back then I got great service and parts from SpookyTooth.



Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Yes a lot of independent stores websites are now owned by and bikeberry. They are not the same companies anymore just the name.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
It ain't Spooky's just their name and logo (and inventory) that Bikeberry bought when Roland left the business. They were a fine company in their time.....spooky.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
Central Area of Texas
Yep SpookyTooth was a good one I hated to see go, I used them and Pirate a lot in that time and always got great service and quick shipping...... Duane at thatsdax has always been a good vendor as well, I am a bit put off with the American made label on the 100% Chinese made engines he has now....... that just sits a bit sour with me once I found out I'd been fooled into thinking I was helping some fellow Americans. Who were making some mods to the engines here in the states, finding out that wasnt the case has had me a bit bothered ever since, I know dax offers good service and stands behind his product but he kinda stepped in it in my opinion with the false advertisement on his Gen IV GP360 engines and lowers.....shrug!

But thats another story, sorry for the rabbit trail there fellas....
