Juicer 48, the Etek build


Time to think about the tank. As before, I mock-up the top in wood first. Another fab tip; if you need to trace a projected line, split a pencil down the center and use the lead-side against the floating line. In this case, my result was a bit inconsistent, so I cut the best half, traced it and used the reverse side of that template to cut the other half.

Alright, it looks good in wood. Let's do it again in metal.

I used the same 1mm scrap metal that I used for Juicer I. I really love the rust patterns.

Chopped in half with my trusty angle-grinder, it's ready to mount.

Check out my nifty, floating chain tensioner. I think I learned that trick from Sheldon Brown's site.
So Juicer II finally sees the light of day, but will she go? Will she stop? Will she make my woman a widow? Stay tuned.
48v 16ah

After a few test rides I have a couple more numbers to share. With the controller set at 100a I have more than enough power to zip up the hills of my neighborhood. My top speed is 46mph and my range is nearly 13 miles. I'm pretty happy with the performance, but will have to boost the amperage if I want to win any races. That won't be too hard since my controller is rated for 400a and I have oversize cables between it and the motor. But for the street, a hundy is all my brakes can stop. The bathroom scale says she weighs 111 lbs.

Somebody on the bike path near this soccer-ball asked me if the Juicer was an old Indian. That made my day.
Flugelwagen, i had forgotten to post the information that i found regarding the running of the etek motor in the clockwise direction, the good news is that the motor can be run in either direction as long as the brushes are properly worked in, check out this link http://www5.briggsandstratton.com/eu/it/pdf/illustrated_parts_list/100%5CMS5067.pdf you will notice that the brushes are positioned (pinwheeled) to run in the counter clockwise direction by default but i have been assured by several knowledgable technical guys that clockwise operation is fine, again as long as the brushes are properly broken in.

Your build is a thing of beauty and is a trubute to your artistic insight, it does look like an old indian and would certainly find a place on anyones wish list.
This bike is amazing.... i love it. This bike isnt getting anywhere near the attention it truly deserves. Youve done an outstanding job, you should post a link in the boardtrack section as im sure many would be interested but probably never even look in the electric section because there are very few vintage electric builds that are pleasing to the eye..... youve pulled it off nicely.

I live in Australia and have a few gas powered bikes, but they are illegal here and ive been getting pulled over by the police, so when funds permit id love to do a similar electric build and id love to copy your V-twin battery design... have you considered painting the batteries black for a more authentic look or do you like the blue batteries?
I asked him for a copy of the design of the battery/motor combo or even to purchase it (minus the actual batteries) and he wanted somewhere between $500-$800 USD... (A bit too much for $30 of metal and $40 of motor, don't ya think?)

It was a shame, because I sell electric bikes and that design would have made him (and me) a lot of money.. So I went out and made my own design (basically a variant of his) and am making a bunch just for my bike builds and making good money doing it.

Too bad some people are just too greedy and unhelpful...
As a matter of fact, I'm in the middle of copyrighting my own design.
(It's made out of diamond plate (tread brite) aluminum and just looks awesome.. Once it's copyrighted, I'll show you my own design.)
Flugelwagen, i had forgotten to post the information that i found regarding the running of the etek motor in the clockwise direction, the good news is that the motor can be run in either direction....

Thanks for the information, NewAge. That is a relief. My friend, Harlan at Hollywood Electrics thought the Etek might be able to be "tuned" for efficiency at specific RPMs/Volts because the case has slotted holes such that you can rotate the permanent magnets in relation to the commutator (?) to find the spot that draws the fewest amps. In any case, Juicering has turned out to be a very educational experience for me, and I appreciate your contribution.
...id love to do a similar electric build and id love to copy your V-twin battery design... have you considered painting the batteries black for a more authentic look or do you like the blue batteries?

Harry, thanks for the kind words. As far as changing the color of the cells, I bought some aluminum colored MonoKote shrink wrap the RC folks use on their planes to use on the outer cells. At that point the bike will look so much like a gas bike that I may just enter it in some custom contests. Even if I get disqualified I think the maxim, "There is no such thing as bad publicity." would apply :)
I asked him for a copy of the design of the battery/motor combo or even to purchase it (minus the actual batteries) and he wanted somewhere between $500-$800 USD... (A bit too much for $30 of metal and $40 of motor, don't ya think?)

It was a shame, because I sell electric bikes and that design would have made him (and me) a lot of money.. So I went out and made my own design (basically a variant of his) and am making a bunch just for my bike builds and making good money doing it.

Too bad some people are just too greedy and unhelpful...
As a matter of fact, I'm in the middle of copyrighting my own design.
(It's made out of diamond plate (tread brite) aluminum and just looks awesome.. Once it's copyrighted, I'll show you my own design.)

Please tell me I've got this all wrong, but it sounds like you admire this build and wanted to have a copy of his motor/battery design or have him build you one. You didn't like the price he quoted you and criticize him openly for being greedy on his own thread where he has kindly shared his innovative ideas with all of us. Now you have made your own version of his design and are going to have it copyrighted. Once it is then you are willing to share pictures with him and the rest of us. Do I have this right? If so, shame on you. If I have it all wrong then I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Please tell me I've got this all wrong, but it sounds like you admire this build and wanted to have a copy of his motor/battery design or have him build you one. You didn't like the price he quoted you and criticize him openly for being greedy on his own thread where he has kindly shared his innovative ideas with all of us. Now you have made your own version of his design and are going to have it copyrighted. Once it is then you are willing to share pictures with him and the rest of us. Do I have this right? If so, shame on you. If I have it all wrong then I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Haha i was thinking exactly the same thing Silverbear laff
Let me put it to you this way..
A V-Twin ANYTHING in the center of a bicycle or moped is NOT new or innovative..
I was asking for some help and he basically tells me to give up $500 - $800 for "help"..
That's not exactly helpful...
And you'll notice in a post someone said...

"When you can build one like it you will think differently."

Well I did build one and I still think he was a jerk for not offering any real, valid help.
This is not a commercial thread, it isn't a vendor review, it's not in 'Swap and Shop' - this is Flügelwagen's personal build thread where his (and our forum's) intent is to freely share build progress.

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