I've done everything and still no start


New Member
I got a 2 stroke, 80cc kit a couple weeks ago and built it in a day or so but for the last 2 weeks I have been trying to start it almost everyday and I get nothing. I pedal, get some speed, ease on the throttle and pop the clutch and there is not even the faintest semblance of engine combustion. I can feel the compression, I have tested and replaced the spark plug which checks out, I have pulled apart every component and put it all back as tight as possible, I have put gas directly into the engine and soaked the spark plug and I can't get anything. Someone please help. It's driving me crazy.
we have a whole bunch o' threads here with all the steps for a no start motor - you should read thru until you can say which step is showing a problem

I'd be wondering how good the spark is and how much compression there is.
Yeah, I've looked through a lot of them but they all seem to be cases where the bike was running at one point and now won't start. Mine has never run. Brand new engine, no dirt or loose bolts.
Welcome to the forum. There is no difference between an engine that has been running and one that has never been started. They both work on the same principles and can both suffer from the same issues. You need fuel, air, spark, compression, and timing. You need to verify each one of these things or the engine will not start. Check spark first. Lots of info on this forum and others. Take your time and work through everything and you will get it running. Good luck.
for crappy motors like these, 'new' just means 'untested' - add to that the fact that many first-timers assemble the kits wrong and it becomes easier to start one that has run and failed than one that has never started

go thru the checklist and find the first thing wrong
No starts are usually something easy.On new first time builds where a engine won't start it's a very good chance the wires are either not hooked up right or its a bad connection. Start here
Examine closely. Re crimp all connections and make sure the factory connectors are contacting bare wire.
Then do each one of these after a start try right after each step.
Is gas in the line and free of giant bubbles.
Open the bottom float bowel screw and make sure you have gas in the bowel.
Take air cleaner off and make sure carb slide goes up and down when throttle is blipped.
Make sure carb slide is raised about 3/16 th of an inch for initial idle setting.
Check for spark at plug end for spark while engine is turning over.
Note. Choke handle up to start a cold engine.

Let us know
My bike wouldn't start I had Spark it would run for a second and then cut off in order to keep it running I had to keep pushing the primer I had to push it all the way home. I get home and take the throttle off look down into the carb and I noticed that the brass / jet came loose so I unscrewed the carb Bowl tighten the brass / jet and it fired right up NT carburetor