Indian Tadpole

"In the words of my big sister " careful bubby that things dangerous and you're nuts" "

A wise girl, your big sister. Ha!

Thanks to you I've stumbled upon a pretty neat engine. And to think it is only 49cc.
I love the sound of tricars racing on the Bears Head State Park road in the morning. The screaming of the engines and the smell of castor oil.

The gruff voice saying "Get off that thing and keep your hands where I can see them".

Reliving youth long past.

Oh, I cleaned the carbon out of the engine in the pennysworth, rebuilt the carb,cleaned the plug and got 4.8 hp@4500rpm using 90 octane w/synthetic oil @ a 50:1 mix. The power curve was still climbing. Ungoverned these engines will make 6hp+ easily. Add a pipe and MC carby. 7hp is realistic in a 7lb package Woohoo! More then twice the hp of the 99cc preddy engine. I'll stamp it 49cc or 3ci which ever ya want

Unbeleveable One that small can put out that much can't waite to get started. Is that with the stock carb? and no tunner?...........Curt
Unbeleveable One that small can put out that much can't waite to get started. Is that with the stock carb? and no tunner?...........Curt
Not really Curt if you think about it Moroni's push 9hp and are 50cc The engine on the kart iI raced as a kid was a 90cc tecumseh and it was 11hp+. All those numbers were with stock carby and no real pipe jus 6 inch open pipe unrestricted and 2 strokes love back pressure. Steve could you post a couple good pics of what the exhaust looks like on a camel back indian. Thanks, Rick
Just slightly off subject and not suggesting you change horses mid stream, Steve, but I was looking at how the engine is integral to the frame on the original Indian and wondering why one couldn't do that with the Jacobson.

Rick, on your Pennysworth build you made an upper mount which attaches to two of the four cylinder head bolts. With a cut off seat post and a plate welded to it with four holes for the cylinder head bolts the engine could mount directly below and become integral to the frame, continuing on at the base of the engine where the the engine mount bolts are located. Just thinking.
I wanted the pics so I could make an exhaust for your motor so when its done I can tune the engine. you may have to modify it but at least it'll be tuned pretty close. Looks like it has a 8 inch canister muffler & 18 inches or so of pipe. Are you going to place the exhaust in the same place as the indian? If you could post a pic of the frame with measurements marked on it ( the pic of coarse)of the dimensions (be thurough) so i can get a good idea of engine placement. so i can shape the pipe hopefully you wont have to modify it much.
Just slightly off subject and not suggesting you change horses mid stream, Steve, but I was looking at how the engine is integral to the frame on the original Indian and wondering why one couldn't do that with the Jacobson.

Rick, on your Pennysworth build you made an upper mount which attaches to two of the four cylinder head bolts. With a cut off seat post and a plate welded to it with four holes for the cylinder head bolts the engine could mount directly below and become integral to the frame, continuing on at the base of the engine where the the engine mount bolts are located. Just thinking.
SB, ya talking bout using the engine as part of the frame? I dont think the casting of the motor would take the stress. I would mount it from the top similar to the pennysworth and on the bottom back side of the engine there is a bolt hole that i would use to mount to the seat tube. I would use all 4 head bolts up top cause theres only one at the bottom rear.
SB, ya talking bout using the engine as part of the frame? I dont think the casting of the motor would take the stress. I would mount it from the top similar to the pennysworth and on the bottom back side of the engine there is a bolt hole that i would use to mount to the seat tube. I would use all 4 head bolts up top cause theres only one at the bottom rear.

Yeah, I was wondering about that, it being aluminum. Might work with a heavy cast iron industrial motor. It would look neat, for sure.
Hope this is what you need. Thank you for doing the muffler. It will add to the look and feel for sure.
It will go in the same place that the original one went.

There are 12 photos on the album, most of them with measurements but some just plain photos so you can see the general layout.


Steve, those pics are exactly what I was looking for. You have 2 brackets welded to the frame. One on the seat post and the other on the lower tube, Are they for a different engine? Okay you have 17 inches between top tube and Big bearing? The engine is 14.5 inches from tip of carb to the end of the plug w/boot on. It'll fill that hole nicely. The fins are off the flywheel I'm going to sand blast it to get rid of shine caused by the lathe( should help it look old). I got my cord back so progress pics will be posted this evening. Even if I say so myself this engine is looking GOOD! It's really taking shape
Hi Rick,
I was going to use the 98cc Sachs motor on the tricar but never felt it really suited it and then when I saw the Jacobson, that was the motor to use.

Have you ever used a variator clutch? Silverbear is thinking of using a jack shaft on a belt drive build and I was wondering if a variator clutch would work in it's place. He is going to use a Jacobson motor.

RIP,the flywheel on the elec start verion w/alloy flywheel FLIES apart at 6500rpm. These flywheels will have starter ring as well as having the mag mounted in the face of the flywheel. Is now 6 peices with one in attic and one in wall. What do you get when this happens 3 guys with the dumbest looks on their faces and one with recycled left-overs in his boxers, lol (not me). So I started mods on a motor with a different flywheel, this one has the mag & pick-up behind & inside the flywheel, Mike will use the other on the pennysworth with a custom made billet flywheel.The good news is that it was making 6.1 hp when it failed (never thought a snoblower motor would catch rpm's so quick). Anyways heres some pics of your NEW motor, notice you can't see a mag or pick up. The first 2 pics are befores the next 2 are afters #5 is what i would mount the motor to the seat post


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heres a better one. Changing subject for a moment, I keep finding mention of Silver Bears Bike Camp in a # of threads, What is it?, where?, when? and how do I get an invite, lol.


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Hi Rick,
I was going to use the 98cc Sachs motor on the tricar but never felt it really suited it and then when I saw the Jacobson, that was the motor to use.

Have you ever used a variator clutch? Silverbear is thinking of using a jack shaft on a belt drive build and I was wondering if a variator clutch would work in it's place. He is going to use a Jacobson motor.

variator clutch, ya mean a CVT? Yes Ive used them they give you variable gear ratios. Nice product to have. I wouldnt know how to modify one for a pedal start application. You could use one on a jackshaft should work fine jus make sure that the driver pulley stay as a driver pulley ive seen folks try to run a chain from motor the driver it the becomes a driven pulley. Hope that makes sense to you.
That is sweet. Thank you again. I will leave the mount on the seat post until the motor gets here but it looks to be safe to remove the others.
The tricar build is getting exciting again.

Hope no one was hurt when the flywheel shattered but I can imagime the looks as it let go. Last thing anyone would expect.
Did whoever got the boxers full of fast moving metal escaped any lasting "personal" damage?

Ahhhh, Silverbears Bike Camp in the Birches by the Lake. A direct request to the camp host is probably the best approach. This year there will be additional members joining us from what I hear. Plans are for having the house boat ready as soon as possible to fish the lake and then there is always the fun runs up to Bear Head State Park. A quiet country road populated with wildlife as you ride by.
It is suggested that you have sufficient horse power to stay ahead of the bears who may take an interest in you and where you're going. It is helpful to remember that a bear can go 30 mph for up to a mile.
The late neighbour didn't realize that as he peddaled by last year. He's missed by everyone :) We will of course be guarded by that terror of the bears and local legend, Anniimosh, Bear Dog of Renown.

Ely Minn. of course is on the must see list. Mostly because that's were the grocery store is but in it's self is a typical quaint northern Minnesota town. Our favorite beer store is there as well but not the main draw while lunch in the park is. Bring it with you or order out is your choice.
Remember to bring Anniimoosh's favorite food which is what ever your eating.

That's all from this end.

fast"That kid ain't normal"eddy.