That is sweet. Thank you again. I will leave the mount on the seat post until the motor gets here but it looks to be safe to remove the others.
The tricar build is getting exciting again.
Hope no one was hurt when the flywheel shattered but I can imagime the looks as it let go. Last thing anyone would expect.
Did whoever got the boxers full of fast moving metal escaped any lasting "personal" damage?
Ahhhh, Silverbears Bike Camp in the Birches by the Lake. A direct request to the camp host is probably the best approach. This year there will be additional members joining us from what I hear. Plans are for having the house boat ready as soon as possible to fish the lake and then there is always the fun runs up to Bear Head State Park. A quiet country road populated with wildlife as you ride by.
It is suggested that you have sufficient horse power to stay ahead of the bears who may take an interest in you and where you're going. It is helpful to remember that a bear can go 30 mph for up to a mile.
The late neighbour didn't realize that as he peddaled by last year. He's missed by everyone

We will of course be guarded by that terror of the bears and local legend, Anniimosh, Bear Dog of Renown.
Ely Minn. of course is on the must see list. Mostly because that's were the grocery store is but in it's self is a typical quaint northern Minnesota town. Our favorite beer store is there as well but not the main draw while lunch in the park is. Bring it with you or order out is your choice.
Remember to bring Anniimoosh's favorite food which is what ever your eating.
That's all from this end.
fast"That kid ain't normal"eddy.