Indian Tadpole

Not really Curt if you think about it Moroni's push 9hp and are 50cc The engine on the kart iI raced as a kid was a 90cc tecumseh and it was 11hp+. All those numbers were with stock carby and no real pipe jus 6 inch open pipe unrestricted and 2 strokes love back pressure. Steve could you post a couple good pics of what the exhaust looks like on a camel back indian. Thanks, Rick

I do remember them(never had one ) some had a megaphone like for a pipe. Sort of like the front part of a tunner.
So do the flywheel actually bow apart or just seperate?
We always called them variators but yes a CVT. Silverbear was talking to me last night about a belt driven bike and just after that I saw an ATV store on line that had CTV's and I was thinking that it would be a neat way to sneak in some gearing without being obvious to any law enforcement who may be listening as you go past.
He was going to leave it as a pull start motor.

Just a passing thought that I thought I'd ask you about.

Nothing like an exploding engine for cheap thrills! I think I'll consider 5,000 RPM red line. Things exploding around where I sit tend to make me kind of nervous so I'll listen to the guidance of Miss Prudence (distantly related to Miss Manners) who suggests taking it easy. Your big sister would advise the same. Yes mam, when the family jewels are at risk I will not goose the throttle overmuch.

So, I guess that's good to know and I'm glad finding out did not cause personal injury.

You asked about motor bicycle summer camp. That's what we call it when Steve brings his camper down from Canada and we fart around with our bike projects. A morning of welding and fabrication is nicely followed by a bar of soap swim in the lake in the afternoon before old guy nap time. Then some more farting around with bike stuff or going for rides. I'm fortunate to live by Eagles Nest Lake #3 which is five miles or so down the road from Bear Head Lake State Park, about twelve miles from Ely, MN which is a jump off point for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, (BWCAW). That is a million acres of wilderness dotted with a whole lot of clear water lakes accessible only by canoe. On the other side of the Canadian border is a mirror image with Quetico Provincial Park. It's a pretty amazing part of the world.

Minnesota is known or it's many lakes (12,500 of them), not counting pot holes, ponds, rivers and creeks and of course, Lake Superior. This is where the glacier came through awhile back. The great majority of Minnesota's lakes are in the Arrowhead, the northeastern part which is where I live.

Anyway, as I said, just down the road from me is the state park and it is my usual destination for motorbike rides as the road is perfect with nicely banked curves and passes by several lakes as it winds through the forest. I'm so fortunate to have this outside my door.

Here's a link to a site describing the state park. It's really a nice one.

If you have any time next summer consider coming up. I live in a trailer on what used to be my property, but now belongs to my brother. Steve has a camper he stays in while he's here. If you like camping, like to fish, boat or canoe, do it.

For anyone of you from the forum, consider staying at Bearhead State Park for a vacation. I don't know how far in advance you need to make reservations at the park. May & September/October are on the cool side so most people want to come for the holidays and weekends in the summer. Bring your bike for some of the best riding conditions you'll ever find. And also come hang out at motor bicycle camp with the boys who never grew up. Your wife can go spend money in the tourist trap of Ely on down the highway. It would be great to meet some of you in person who I've only had the pleasure of knowing on line through this forum. Ron (neat time) is planning to come up, Tinsmith might if he can break away from work long enough and 2door threatened to come last summer but it didn't work out. Maybe this year. So yeah, Rick, you're officially invited.
Steve, I concur the motor looks sweet. I'll remove the fins tonight, maybe get started on the exhaust. Ive got the parts fabricated for the pedal start clutch, when I'm done I'll install it in the Pennysworth, tune it and take it for a whirl. With 26 inch wheels, if you start with a 12:1 gear ratio and a CVT you'd have a top end around 35-36 mph @4800rpm with plenty of bottom end torque for those pesky hills (and bears). Then cruisin around 27-28 mph would get you great fuel economy. If you put a CVT on a jackshaft you'll need to look into lighter springs for it so it'll engage earlier.

Curt, it FLEW APART!!!

SB, thanks for the invite. I make a habit of taking a couple vacations a year. I love fishing, hunting, & camping. Just let me know when next summer and I'm there. I'll bring some of my home made shine(just like grandad used to make), and some beefalo steaks for those who may enjoy that kinda thing.
SB, If you can see the mag on your flywheel I'd live it be. The flywheel on this other engine is an inch smaller and made so much better. Theres no way for the mag to fly out like the 1st one and it's lighter.
I keep reading reports from the days of tricars that anything over 20 mph and these things are like telling your wife that your in love with her sister. They're a real handfull and a bit dangerous.
May have to go with the speed limiter. The old squirrel is still alive I'm afraid. The eye's get that far away glimmer and the palms get sweaty and the upper lip quivers as the question is asked,"How fast will it go"?

As my Dad mentioned after they let me out of the hospital after the lastest misjudgement and he was picking me up, " Son, your more dangerous than a loose cannon on a heaving deck".

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I keep reading reports from the days of tricars that anything over 20 mph and these things are like telling your wife that your in love with her sister. They're a real handfull and a bit dangerous.

just rember they didnt know alot about tire camber back then. when I do these tad poles they need to be like auto's cambered and adjustable toe-in (2 additional measurement on top of rake and trail.) as long as their set proper it should steer just fine. If the steerings twitchy, 35mph on it could be a bit like a manure spreader
Steve, I concur the motor looks sweet. I'll remove the fins tonight, maybe get started on the exhaust. Ive got the parts fabricated for the pedal start clutch, when I'm done I'll install it in the Pennysworth, tune it and take it for a whirl. With 26 inch wheels, if you start with a 12:1 gear ratio and a CVT you'd have a top end around 35-36 mph @4800rpm with plenty of bottom end torque for those pesky hills (and bears). Then cruisin around 27-28 mph would get you great fuel economy. If you put a CVT on a jackshaft you'll need to look into lighter springs for it so it'll engage earlier.

Curt, it FLEW APART!!!

SB, thanks for the invite. I make a habit of taking a couple vacations a year. I love fishing, hunting, & camping. Just let me know when next summer and I'm there. I'll bring some of my home made shine(just like grandad used to make), and some beefalo steaks for those who may enjoy that kinda thing.
SB, If you can see the mag on your flywheel I'd live it be. The flywheel on this other engine is an inch smaller and made so much better. Theres no way for the mag to fly out like the 1st one and it's lighter.

Should be a fun time,i havn't been to there camp yet but. On the spure of the monment called they passed through Brainerd and took me with them to pick up there Sach engines. Had the good fortion to meet the Cycle rebuilder. Awesome fun day............Curt
I find that's one of the good things about being old. If you don't drift off for a nap through the day they worry if your ok or not. :) The only time that they get excited about it is if they are in the car with you.

I didn't build any angle into the king pins in either tricar. I will angle the steering arms so they line up with the center of the rear axle and we will be able to adjust the toe in and out. I just hope that is enough or as you say, at 35mph it won't be hard to find where we went. You will only have to follow the slippery trail.

I mocked the tricar up as best I could today. Everything is sitting in place so if it looks like it's not square or level it probably isn't.
This was a mad dash in between rain showers. You can see how dark the photos are and this was taken during the brightest part of the day at about 1:30. Yes, I know the grass is green and not covered in snow. :p

I ordered another set of hubs from England and a couple of sets of axles and when they get here in the middle of the month I'll take eveything up to the machine shop to have it welded and the pipe I'm using for the spindles to be opened up so the bearing can be pressed in.
I only put a tire/tyre on one wheel so your right. I was moving it back and forth. Tacky but you've probably come to expect that with this operation.

There are photos of the bare frame on the bike incase someone is going to make one.

As always click on the photo to go to the album.


LOOKING GOOD! Boy that front end looks nice and I think you've nailed it with the seat proportions. Much better than our first try with mine this summer. Now I'm getting itchy to see what that Jacobsen engine is going to look like sitting in the frame. Can you salvage the mounts you made for the Sachs engine and use them on the Wanderer build? I suppose not.

Your build is moving right along.. It will also be good to see the front end all finished up with wheels mounted, etc. But you're far enough along to get an idea what it is going to look like. It will be blue as I recall, is that right? Kind of a dark blue? Say yes.
Thanks Silverbear. The seat does look a whole lot better doesn't it. Once the springs are under it and they're holding it in place it will look better. The springs are the last big hurdle to figure out.

In 1905 you could have Dark Blue, Black or the now iconic Vermillion Red. Not sure just which one it will be but the blue is winning out. Yes.

The engine mounts won't survive the removal but I'll keep the one on the seat tube until I have the motor incase I can make it work. With the Jacobson I may change the down tube back to a straight one so I can put the battery and coil tubes on easier. Having seen all the other great builds that are gracing the forum and now with the Jacobson looking like more of an Indian motor when it's tucked into the seat tube this is taking on a whole new life and I will go into a whole lot more detail than I had planned.

Looking good, especially the tank, very cool. And now you have some great mock-up pics to study while that clear not-snow stuff pesters ya. :p
With the Jacobson looking like more of an Indian motor when it's tucked into the seat tube this is taking on a whole new life and I will go into a whole lot more detail than I had planned.

Steve, the "Indian" is looking GOOD. I must apologize for any extra detail work I may have caused. laff

I'll be posting pics of the finished engine later. I've just got a little work left to do on it. The flywheel is (convexed?) tapered down from center to outer edge. turned most of it with the lathe, but final finish must be done by hand.

I'm not finished with the exhaust or the clutch yet.