Indian Tadpole

Wow! Once you get going, you don't fool around, do you? I can see that you're having a good time. Isn't it great when things go as planned and turn out as well as you had hoped... sometimes even better?

Now, of course, we want to see it done and mounted on the Indian. Oh, yeah... the bike part. Right. Details, details... tri-car front end, wheels, gas tank to make, paint, controls for the Sachs engine... each a milestone in a visionary, epic build.

The seat is an inspiration. Truly can't wait to see it all done. When you roll into my place next summer and you unveil your tri-car for a first ride in Minnesota... oh boy... woohoo! Come on, summer!

You mentioned a 4 wheeler. A Rhoades Car 4 Wheel Bike 6 speed is for sale locally for $600. new is $4000. Have been looking at it on CL, was $1200. Not able to attach pic`s at the moment. Already have too many project`s on the back burner! Suppose they could be hauled to Eagles Nest #2 this summer!! huh?

But it is like my granpa used to say about the dog chasing cars, dog would not know what to do with it if he caught it. Still tempting though!

But 2 & 3 wheel bikes are legal, not 4 wheel to my knowledge. Wondering how it would handle at 45 mph if registered and if it could be registered?

House Boat is shaping up fast, miss the motorized bicycles, but working out detail`s mentally.

Thank you. This has turned out to be as much fun as the sidecar and as I sit here saying it was easy I'm sure that there are lot's of people saying it sure is, for him.
If there is anyone that wants to join us in building one PM me.

The bike part of the tri-car can be built using go cart front end parts. As soon as I get the frontend done I'll post measurements for that. I have to keep telling myself that this is not an exact copy but a looks like an Indian tri-car.

Can't wait for the first run up to the park then the Ely run. That should shake up the town.

A Rhoades car for $6oo is a gift in a way but if you put power on it with 4 wheels it magically becomes a car. We hire these people to run the country and they come up with this cr*p. No wonder the two countries are in such trouble.

I'm thinking that if you tried to do 45 in that rig you would have a story to tell. Maybe.
Kind of like the friend of mine that put a 3 cylinder snowmobile engine in a golf cart. He said if you want to know what the first ride was like this song will describe it quite well.

I only went for one ride with him and counted my blessings when we got home. The golf cart went the way of all good things when the cops took a rather unhealthy interest in it as he was going up the highway. He made it home but never used it again.

Glad the house boat is coming together and hope to see you this summer.

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Saw something this morning that I haven't seen in a week and a half. The sun, so I took the seat out and got some better photos.


Who is the guy in the background with the fishing pole? Looks AWESOME like your side car you do nice work.................Curt
That's Lawn Joe. One of my brothers lawn sculptures. He cut down a cedar tree and made it out of the trunk.

Thank you for the kind words.

Fasteddy that sidecar.... or should i say frontcar looks absolutely beautiful. Its looking very much like the one on the Indian, i shouldnt be surprised at the quality having seen your previous sidecar. Very nice work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Harry. The first couple of years they were called fore-cars and couldn't be removed then they became an add on and were called Tri-cars.

One more to build and then back to the frames then paint and upholstery.
Looked at the trike today. You should see what I have in mind for it.

Thank you Harry. The first couple of years they were called fore-cars and couldn't be removed then they became an add on and were called Tri-cars.

One more to build and then back to the frames then paint and upholstery.
Looked at the trike today. You should see what I have in mind for it.


Can't wait to see be AWESOME whatever it is..........Curt
Back at the other seat at last. The foot rest is done and I'm well into the seat it's self.

Bought a 180/220 volt Lincoln welder on Tues. at Home Depot. It was $700 plus tax and it's the heavy duty model. Got the brilliant idea to put it in the cart by myself from the floor level shelf and then into the van by myself and then carry it 20 feet into the garage by myself.

I would like to say that I did find out that 68 is not the new 28,38, or 48. Sixty eight is just old and I was crippled up so bad for 4 days that breathing was a difficult chore. Even more painfull was listening to my brother tell me what a dumda** I was for doing it. Hurts more when he's right of course.

Hope to have the seat done tomorrow night and then I can start welding the frame up with the new welder. We have a Lincoln 100 welder as well but it just isn't heavy duty enough to weld what I want to weld and I have the velo frame and the trike frame to weld up as well so there will be a marathon going on here for the next few weeks.

Hey Killer, as Bob and Doug McKenzie would say, we're Canadian,eh so why send a boy on a mans errand.

In old age what you lose in phyisical strength, you should gain in wisdom shouldnt you? But in this case i tend to agree with your brother.... Just kidding. You have to look after yourself Fasteddy as im looking forward to seeing this cart done.

I bought a cheap chinese welder off EBay a while back, and although it gets the job done it can be painful to use sometimes and very inconsistent so i am considering buying a higher quality unit, i figure why not. I plan to use it quite a bit.
Your going to find out what all of us old folks have found out. Old age comes like a thief in the night. Slowly and you don't notice it. I forget that I'm 68. It just doesn't seem possible and I keep trying to keep going like I was still 30.

Having survived an accident in which I died and was brought back by an EMT I view old age and death a little differently I guess. Arthritis is not so kind. I may have to go out and start lifting the welder daily to get into better shape. LOL

The welder was a treat that I bought for me that I couldn't really afford. Since it came out of the gas money that I put aside to get to Silverbears this summer I may be recording the trip as I use the tri-car to get there.
Not being a pro welder I cant give a really well informed opinion of the welder that I used at Silverbears this past summer and he is using now but it certainly did appear to have a lot of power and gave a nice weld. Silverbears neighbour was a welder in the Navy and said he was surprised that I was getting such good welds with such a small welder, using flux cored wire. It was the welder, not me.

I went with the 180 and not a 140 welder because the price was so close and we have a 220 volt outlet. Unlike most of the rest of the world we have our power divided to 110 volts from 220 as our household voltage. I don't know why.
If you can, go for the biggest one you can afford because your neighbours will love you for it and if there are welders at work I'd ask what they recommend.

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