Indian Tadpole

Thank you for the link Curt. They have a lot more than the companies I was looking at. I'll be ordering parts from them.

I've had a few days where it looked like I could get outside to weld but by the time everything was set up the wind picked up or the rain started. Such is life.

Finally had a decent day yesterday and got the seat stays welded in and the chain stay cut out and the new one ready to weld in but both the sun and I faded at the same time. There are supposed to be some good days towards the end of the week and into next week so I'm hoping that I can get everything done then.

Still waiting out the weather. A few days that were doable except for the wind. MiG weld using gas and the wind blows the gas away no matter how I try to block it off.

I can't wait for Spring & I've still got some green grass! That's about to change 'cause of the arctic blast hits us tonight with wind chills in single digits at or below 0, pretty cold for us in Indian Territory. At any rate I'll be transferring my Peashooter to the big shop for awhile I suppose. Or maybe just putter on nice afternoons for a couple of hours... really not motivated to hurry right now, brrr!

It's a real bummer to want to build & weather holds you back or health issues etc. yet it's kinda' relaxing, in my humble opinion, to watch some of the progress being made by others & enjoy their success. Our turn will come. Rick C.

There is a company in the U.S. that has propane tank filling stations. They have a great name for their business.

Passmore Gas

Hello Rick,

We are fortunate to have green grass here as well. It's usually here all year around but at the moment it's under a couple of inches of snow. The first snow we've had in a 1,000 days the weather pundits say. If I had the nerve I whine about it but I remember the weather back East all to well.

When I was a kid the standard warning all winter was don't climb on the snow banks and touch the wires. In those days the wires were on cross arms and a lot lower on the poles than they are today and the snow a lot heavier especially coming off Lake Huron. Still you could be guaranteed there would be at least one empty seat at school every winter.

Better weather coming and I'll be able to talk Art into getting out there I hope. It is enjoyable to cheer on those of us who are moving ahead with their builds and plan our next one as we do it.

I'm thinking that it may be time to get out into the wood working shop and clean it up and gather up the supplies to get going on a side car. Don't know where the side car will go but at least I'll be doing something and the shop is heated.
I think a Sportsman Flyer electric tri car will be next with sufficient power to make it necessary to hold on really tight if one has the misfortune to twist the throttle hard.

As usual the mind is writing cheques that the body may find hard to cash in.


Had a couple of motor home owning friends come over to talk electric bikes with me and look at the Monark and side car as well as the tri car. They want something to get around on while they are at a camp ground.

While talking about all the possibilities and pointing them towards the forum the conversation drifted towards being old. We're all in our 70's and the usual moaning was going on about age when one of the fellas came up with this gem of thought.

"We have to remember we're not 65 any more."

I was lucky enough to escape with minor scratches and a small bruise when I fell off the small mechanics stool I was sitting on while I held my sides while laughing. The other guy darned near dropped his beer.

Yes, he was serious as a heart attack. He failed to see the humor in it and was more than offended by the laughter.

Hello Rick,

We are fortunate to have green grass here as well. It's usually here all year around but at the moment it's under a couple of inches of snow. The first snow we've had in a 1,000 days the weather pundits say. If I had the nerve I whine about it but I remember the weather back East all to well.

When I was a kid the standard warning all winter was don't climb on the snow banks and touch the wires. In those days the wires were on cross arms and a lot lower on the poles than they are today and the snow a lot heavier especially coming off Lake Huron. Still you could be guaranteed there would be at least one empty seat at school every winter.

Better weather coming and I'll be able to talk Art into getting out there I hope. It is enjoyable to cheer on those of us who are moving ahead with their builds and plan our next one as we do it.

I'm thinking that it may be time to get out into the wood working shop and clean it up and gather up the supplies to get going on a side car. Don't know where the side car will go but at least I'll be doing something and the shop is heated.
I think a Sportsman Flyer electric tri car will be next with sufficient power to make it necessary to hold on really tight if one has the misfortune to twist the throttle hard.

As usual the mind is writing cheques that the body may find hard to cash in.



Well Steve the grass is officially brown here & us old guys here are having quite similar conversations over coffee & yes I too am writing checks my butt probably can't cover but what else can we do? Your electric SF tri car sounds a cool idea. I just bought a 212 cc Predator to work on and am ordering a 3 D manual clutch to go with it & really have no concept of what comes after that, but it will be special...I think. Rick C.
I don't think we ever stop planning ahead Rick. I have another 98cc Villiers waiting for me at Silverbears and a 98cc 1934 Sachs two speed on the shelf along with a new 212 Predator that Silverbear gave me and a 2-1/2hp Briggs and a three electric mid motors one of which is from Sick Bike Parts.

Other than the mid motor from S.B.P that is going on the Monark I have no idea what I'm going to do with them but I'm ready. To top it off I now have a sore right shoulder that is gaining a curious shade of purple.

The SF tri car is exciting me more and more as I plan it out. At least I can still do the planning.

Steve, Silverbear and I got that Villiers to sputter a couple times so it shouldn't take much for a bruised up old fella like yourself to get 'er goin'. Guess it's good you didn't go off a ladder, but great you could laugh about it. I'm gonna try to keep reminding myself that I'm not 65 any longer, though not nearly as ancient as some of you fellas.

Always enjoy following your progress.
Hi Dan,

Glad to hear that you fellas had the Villiers showing a little life. No reason to buy it other than it was reasonably priced and I bought it from Dave Bagne in MN. who the old bear and I bought the Sachs engines from and I bought the Villiers that Silverbear has mounted in a bike.

The mechanics stool isn't the best choice for a lad with balance problems to sit on at the best of times and the old office chair I usually use one of my friends was sitting in.It was one of those, you had to be there moments, but just the way the third guy said it was hilarious. There was the usual, what did you just say delay, then everything broke loose.
The stool took off like it had a mind of it's own when I leaned over to far. Such is life.

Steve, If you and the Silver one do have bike camp this coming year it would seem almost necessary for me to make an attempt to join in for a few days. If the opportunity presents itself, I will do what I can to come see you fellas one more time.

Dan, as life has proven many times over to me that if your going to laugh you can count on everyone joining in but if your going to cry you can bet you'll be alone. One of the lads said, "I bet than hurt." I'm lying there thinking that I'm not usually a gambler myself Lone Ranger but I'm willing to bet your correct.

The Silver One and I will indeed doing Bike Camp next year. It would be great if you could make it up to join us. We will have a better grip on just what is happening earlier next year but as of now it looks good.

I remember my 1965, it's the 70's when I finished the good ol' USMC that are a bit "hazy" . I'll follow along on the bike camp plans as they develop.
