Indian Tadpole

The throttle cables came and of course they don't fit. I looked at the site where I bought them and the throttle handles can't be modified to accept the Coke bottle style of grips that are fitting to the era of the tri car.

Now I'm trying to remember where I bought the throttle I have. This from a guy who has to stop a couple of hours after breakfast to see if he's hungry because he can't remember if he did in fact remember to eat breakfast. This is a fact I'm afraid.

I am pretty sure I know where it came from and I can't find the company again. After looking around the net I found them on the Stanton,Inc site. I'm making a list so added a couple of them.

I'm in the garage spending some quality creative staring time with the tri car trying to work out the best to route the throttle cable and start looking through some boxes on the shelves where the rest of the family store household extras. Came across a box that is most definitely mine and safely tucked away was the throttle cable I must have purchased along with the throttle. Who moved it over there no one will know but at least one more part of the puzzle is in place.

WOW! sounds like me before i labeled boxes and put them on shelves. Still have trouble with it some as not all in the same area. One box here and the other over there. But definitely glad, and the boys have taken most of there stuff. You are getting there..............Curt
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Hello there,[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]At first (not to be forgotten), about us seniors (presented majority here in this wonderful Forum?)... [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I know that any age had its advantage, beauty, pleasure, fun and joy... The same is with senior-age, maybe even more … but, now I can't remember what that could be? The moment I remember, I would write that! (just not to lost that paper or file)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]P.S.: Another Winter passed without serious snow, at least in this flat part of Swiss. Alps are nice to watch from distance too... There are a lot of flowers in grass, but it is still cold, misty, windy...[/FONT]
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The parts to finish the jack shaft have been ordered and should be here this week. Next week I'll go up to the metal supply and get what I need to get the parts together then it's on to the machinist to have him turn the dream into fact..

It's inching ever closer.

Thank you. It's slowly getting there.

I'm getting closer but of course BMI Karts got the parts to me in 6 day without the sprocket that I ordered. We'll see how long this foul up takes to straighten out.

Didn't take long to straighten that out. The sprocket was drop shipped from their supplier and is in Vancouver so I'll probably get it tomorrow. Wish they had said that when I ordered it.

The sprocket came today as well as two sprockets to be used in chain tensioners if they are needed. Time to head down to the garage and see if the plan works.

Wow... Steve, This is an amazing thread, a thread that I know took you countless hours to share your beyond words Bike build. I wanted to subscribe to the thread so I don't miss the final completion, whenever that may be. My Dad purchased a Indian chief after he returned from Germany after WW II ended and we still have the all original bike in the family, so all Indian bikes have magical allure here for sure. Your sharing every build step in detail will be around for generations to come with a little luck.
I will come up to Ely and hopefully visit with Silverbear when it gets a bit warmer and see his project also. Later

Thank you for your kind words. I'm always thrilled that people enjoy my posts and I hope that at some time someone will use them to build their own tri car. The Silverbear and I need company on the road when we are done. I'm always shocked and of course extremely pleased that people enjoy me efforts.

I hope over the next few weeks to have the U.F.O. (un finished object ) done. What I hope are the last parts have been ordered. I'm going to use a bike sprocket much like the original one that was used as the pedal start and a left hand free wheel as the pedal start.

Fortunately there is a longer than normal crank shaft on the motor so I should be able to do it. I don't plan to pedal the bike at all and if that does become necessary I'll remove the chain link and pedal it. There is however a better chance that I'll wake up tomorrow morning looking like Marilyn Monroe when she was twenty than that ever happening.

I haven't felt like going down to the garage and mocking the jack shaft up to get an idea how it will look but I'll stand on my last raw nerve and go down tomorrow and get it done and take photos so everyone knows where we are headed.

Again, thank you everyone. You keep me going forward.

The not so fast, Fasteddy.
Went down today and put it together. Looks like everything but the pedal start will fit. Ran out of length on the jack shaft but that will be alright. The plan was to use a length of leather belt wrapped around the fly wheel and pull it to start.

All to close together to get a clear photo so it will have to wait until its all made to see it.

That's actually been my unofficial New Year's resolution: I've been picking up old projects, examining them and asking myself "Do I still need it/want it? And if I put this back down, am I gonna forget it exists again?" I've been going out to the shed and poking around and, so far, I've been pitching some junk for which I felt no strong need or desire and knew I'd forget about as soon as I left the shed. Some stuff, like a couple bike frames, I stripped all useful parts off first, but mostly I've been clearing space. It was really really hard at first, but now it's turning out to be rather liberating.
Wow... Steve, This is an amazing thread, a thread that I know took you countless hours to share your beyond words Bike build. I wanted to subscribe to the thread so I don't miss the final completion, whenever that may be. My Dad purchased a Indian chief after he returned from Germany after WW II ended and we still have the all original bike in the family, so all Indian bikes have magical allure here for sure. Your sharing every build step in detail will be around for generations to come with a little luck.
I will come up to Ely and hopefully visit with Silverbear when it gets a bit warmer and see his project also. Later

Please do plan on a visit and bike ride when you come north. There's a chance that Steve may be able to come from Vancouver at summer's end. If all goes well his Indian will come with him. I'm sure he'd like to meet you as well.

Steve and Allen's comments on UFOs brought a laugh. Steve knows why, too. I have made resolutions for no new projects and a commitment to finish up two "unfinished melodies" before the next winter commences. More tunes yet await completion. You will never hear from me "...there's nothing to do."
Didn't know if this one had been posted, and you are probably all set for inspiration but this is a pretty little thing.