Tail-lights look very nice. Shame the matching headlight(s) you wanted failed to materialize due to an ordering oversight. They would have worked great for your build. Hope the US-sourced alternative headlights lights work out for you.
Clicking on the correct item when purchasing via the AliExpress site can be tricky. I've purchased more than a few bits and pieces on there, so I've learned to be wary when purchasing. Hitting the BUY IT NOW button over-zealously can come back to bite you on the butt. lol. Quite often, the price shown for a particular item on the site doesn't at first correspond with the pic which attracted you to the item in the first place. When viewing an item on AliExpress, the thing to do is to click on each photo thumbnail and watch the price in the listing change according to the various purchasing options available. Depending on which photo thumbnail was selected, I'm pretty sure I recall those head/tail lights I directed you to on AliExpress were available as either single headlight, single taillight or a pair, comprising one of each unit.