Indian Tadpole

Rick, I don't know what currency it comes up in but for me it's $9,979.71 with the discount and only $2,189.82 shipping. I'd be sending a message about the shipping like Pete suggested and probably one about the price. The bike looks like a Thailand Tuk Tuk.
If it was in the parts catalogue they added it.

Rick, I don't know what currency it comes up in but for me it's $9,979.71 with the discount and only $2,189.82 shipping. I'd be sending a message about the shipping like Pete suggested and probably one about the price. The bike looks like a Thailand Tuk Tuk.
If it was in the parts catalogue they added it.

Even freight free and assuming I actually liked the bike shown; I'd opt for a top shelf build from Pat Dolan and pocket the difference minus freight. Some bling bling is absolutely right on many bikes but this one is ridiculous, in a bad way. Some may like the look, but I call it as I see it. To me, even with all the gee gaws it's a $3,000 bike, including shipping charges, from China. I had previously seen this bike and others quite similar to one degree or another and thought them not a good value though individual parts might be quite good?

Just my opinion guys and no I'm actually having a great day.

Rick C.
I'll certainly second that one. Pat's build quality and a great looking bike. Add ons can be had easily enough without the bike looking like a Gypsy's wagon and on the odd chance there is a problem Pat would be there to help us through it. China? Not much of a chance even if they were willing to help. Too far away.

Back to looking for the last few parts for the Epic. I would like a set of early style handle bars and Tuesday there will most likely be a trip to the building supply for delivery box parts.

I gotta rig me up a couple of horns like Steve's link, Like pimp my ride style. (^)


Tom I've had many occassions to employ a powerful set of train horns yet lacked the horns. 130 decibles+ from a bicycle? Just as well I don't because I would employ them. The brass horns shown are certainly attractive by themselves and one on a vintage bike, like yours, could certainly look fine. Actually the base bones of the bike Steve shared, are quite nice, but the package complete is offensive and the price criminal.

You probably were kidding about adding the horns, but it could actually work on many bike projects.

I've one bike project which could use both a brass carbide lamp and a brass horn! I'll proceed with caution so as not to offend any Gypsies.

Rick C.
Wide pull backs, Rick. Preferably without the hand grips being too far apart because my shoulders won't put up with the strain. The one that I did see with a cross bar was $125 landed here in Canada. Just can't justify the expense but I think I have a set that is less money.

Hey Elmo,
I don't want to build a recumbent, but I am interested in a three wheeler. Do you think then that two wheels in back would be better? I had been thinking the two up front might be more stable at turns. I understand about lower speed and I know it doesn't make much sense with a 5 hsp motor, but I love the look of the briggs builds and am thinking of one bike that I can use in different ways as I get older. Right now I'm good on two wheels and I may be for some years yet. If the paralysis in my feet and legs gets worse then I may need either a sidecar or three wheeler and understand that either one suggests lower speed. I'm no speed demon anyway, but I do like power even if I don't have to use it other than on hills and such.
I like what Barely is doing with his recumbent and it fits him, but I'd never be able to climb out of that bike and I like sitting upright so I can look around. Is there a way to both sit upright and be able to change the steering on that Indian in the picture to make it turn better? Thanks for your thoughts on this, bud.

I know I don’t have much experience with these types of bikes, but from what I’ve see on the road I know that two wheels in the front are much better than two in the back. Mainly because the moment you add too much power while turning your wheels are going to lock up and your going to continue going straight. This is why I tend to stay away from trikes, another point to add is that if you look at all of the bicycles that are trikes the two wheels are in the front.
I hope this makes sense.
Weather fun continues here on the Wet Coast. It was 10F at 9am with 6 inches of snow and more coming or so they say. Forecast for the prairie provinces is -55F/C on average. Cold even for them. We had 12 cold weather records broken here in British Columbia yesterday and this cold stretch may last for some time.

Saw you were getting clobbered weather wise Steve. Hope Christmas and Boxing Day stood you well.

Mona's side of the family leans to the United Nations blending of culture and Nationality so Christmas is always interesting.
Mona's youngest son married a gal, half Polish and half Mexican. So Christmas Eve meal was Tomales and Perogies. Two types of cabbage. One fresh cabbage salad, and a cooked cabbage and yellow pea dish to die for.

Christmas dinner, Daughter-in-law pulled off a topper. A perfect Beef Wellington.

Best was being being a useful grandpa to six year old Genevie and three year old Jack. A dram of Scotch helped.

Hi, Tom,
Christmas and Boxing Day were great. Pretty traditional Christmas dinner, Turkey and the usual accompanying vegetables. New years dinner is reportedly going to be Prime Rib.

Polish and Mexican dishes and a Beef Wellington. That is indeed international dinners to be dreamt of.

My 8 year old niece, Grace received a much desired Barbie remote drive car from me and a Barbie house from her aunts. Grandma and Grandpa were more practical and went with clothes. Kids do indeed make Christmas extra special.

Wine made the evening flow along for me. The ladies of the house had their usual fine selection and I'll have to tap into the cider that has be resting for a few months. Bubbling has stopped and we will see if there is 14 gallons of drinkables or more cider vinigar than we will ever use in a lifetime.

Having a little fun here also, Saturday night we got 13" and now today we are suppose to get another 3-5". Good old MN winter. If you don't have the snow blowers ready and your elbows greased, kind of in trouble. Sorry to here about up there Steve, not no fun without being ready............Curt
Thank you, Rick. Last time we had cold and snow like this was 2008. Most likely we wouldn't worry {whine?} about it so much it was a regular occurrence. It's 26 and sunny at 2:30PM. We broke 21 cold weather records here in B.C. yesterday. The Mid Western part of Canada is getting worked over pretty hard with Arctic temperatures.

Glad to hear that your getting the good weather. It's about time. Sure hope it keeps it up.

Hi, Curt,
We have about 7" of snow. It was so nice to have a White Christmas for a change. In a week or ten days it will be in the 40's and raining if the usual weather pattern happens. A couple of months from now the first spring flowers will be breaking ground. More snow coming. We'll see how much it is.

Frosty Falls, MN. Friends of mine from when I lived in the East used to curse the people who didn't bring their snow blowers in until the first real snow storm and want to know if they could get it back in a few hours because their driveway was filling up.

One chap used to hang a large sign up outside his shop when the first snow was forecast that said, aren't you sorry you didn't bring your,

Snow Blower-Snowmobile-Ice Auger Ect. in for service in July when you didn't need it yesterday.

Not many caught on and did the same thing year after year. He did have a Summer price and a Winter price like many of them did. Same thing for summer equipment that came in through the Winter and he could service it when there was time.

I'm laughing because I have the dehumidifier running and one of the cats is sleeping in front of it with her head literally pressed against it enjoying the warm air coming out of the front vent. She's been there for hours without moving.
