Indian Tadpole

Hi Tom,
Art is like the annoying guy who always wanted to hang out with your crowd but never took the hint he wasn't welcome.

Hoarfrost is great. Always enjoyed seeing it. At times I do miss the cold and snow but when that happens I just take a nap and it goes away. It's 44F at 4:30pm and the rain is picking up again. We are likely to get 100mm/4 inches of rain in the next two days.

Please give Mona my best wishes. I highly doubt there is any feeling good with the treatments.

I hope to be back at the bikes next week at least a little bit.. The usual winter weather, wet and cold, has laid me out this winter more than ever. Mobility has gone down to almost O and walking is difficult.

Steve I'm hoping some relief in sight for you. Health is a topic of concern for many these many months. I spend far more time thinking about bikes and designs etc. these days than actual work though I get in a fair amount of saddle time just running my errands. I've not taken any long rides since early Fall. Adjusting to life is what I'm adjusting to a little bit at a time.

Rick C.
Tinsmith sent me this a few weeks ago and told me to post it if I wanted to. I forgot and just found it a couple of minutes ago.

As he said this is when we were in our prime. It was taken in August 2014 in his back yard. Silverbear is on the left and Tinsmith is on the right and I'm sitting in the chair. Tinsmiths wife Jackie was kind enough to take the photo.


You do need your glasses checked Steve, you keep reading Rick and calling him Tom.(^)
As to getting across our border any time soon Steve, your Govmn't likely will maintain a ban. There are so many anti vac'ers here. Hope for the best, expect the worst and never be disappointed. Always nice to add faces to names.
Tom from Rubicon
Mobility is getting better in that I can walk more than 10 feet without having to sit down and rest. Snail could have pasted me at that. I've been downstairs and out to the garage the last couple of days. Moved the Epic Electric tri car from the front of the garage were it was blocking the Indian tri car so I couldn't get it outside to behind the Indian and set up to keep working on it.

My nieces sidecar is just about ready to varnish. I'll wait until the weather improves a little more before I have her dad bring her bike down so I can build the frame and fit it.

Ordered the wrong sprockets for the Epic and had to reorder them. Used an old parts list to order them. A lot of garage clean up so nothing lost there. My favourite, easy to order from chain and sprocket company has closed and it'd been interesting finding a company that has everything I want that sells to Canada at a reasonable price.

Weather is slowly getting better with the spring storms coming off the Pacific a little less frequently and the rain slowing down.

Silverbear and I were talking the other and it looks like Bike Camp will be cancelled for another year. Border closure will continue.

Quick catch up.
