Indian Tadpole

Thank you, Pete. Talked to the doctor and decided not to do it. My problem is when I had the bone infection they put 9 months of antibiotics into me the first time and that destroyed the connective tissues in all my joints. The main antibiotic was so strong that they had to give it to me at 8am and 8pm so it lessened the chance of organ damage. This went on for a couple of months then they went to a lesser pair of antibiotics to finish it off.

Didn't work and it came back after 2-1/2 months and I had to have my knee replaced again using a specialized method that a group of doctors devised in Vancouver B.C. which is 25 miles away and had to go through 3 more months of antibiotics after that.

The doctor felt that it wouldn't help since there was no one area that hurt like a rotator cuff would and it's just live with it. Just to make it all the more jolly for what ever reason gout showed up overnight in my right foot. I'm amazed that a foot can swell up to that size and not explode.

In the end Naproxen has worked on the gout and helped with the arthritis as well. I've been using Cannabidiol Oil {CBD Oil} as well which is made from hemp and has no high to it, twice a day. It's legal here in Canada and in the U.S. It's 250mg of oil mixed with 1 ml of coconut oil in a syringe. Stronger concentrations can be purchased. I use what would be the foot print of a grain of rice in a spoon . I add a little honey to it to cover the taste which isn't great.

Hope they are able to find what is wrong with your shoulder and it is repairable.

Rotatory is simple surgery, just takes time to heal, must do what the doc. says or it will tear again. Had my left done, now time for the right, but will be new as to old a tear to fix, next winter will do it so i can coap with being laid up. Not fun getting wore out and old.......Curt
I want to see about a second opinion as well as a different place to do a second shot if new surgeon deems to do also as last said. Trouble I found is my insurance is limited and they say 6 months wait. Maybe I will stick with my current surgeon. The surgeons do not do the shots they just refer what is to be done. Surgery I guess is all the do as far as operations go. My overall pain in the more troublesome area is my left hand. Now that after the shots of last, I have now all fingers affected to a degree (thumb & forefinger was not a problem prior), but can have less arm problems. This really leaves me less able to deal even with the pain medicine. I can see about a different place to do a next round of shots, but it is of the same place that the surgeon there referred me to my current one. I'm not sure if the place will do the shots if not ordered by one of there own surgeons, but I think I shall ask and find out. Salt lick express for any operation makes me worries a bit. No answer to why a mixed bag of good and bad after last shots. I do know if I limit heavy lifting and also lay down and rest during the day I can manage pain better. I know the limit now that the medicine cannot with any amount help. Wish all to get the best treatment and get well!
All you guys are in my prayers! Reading the posts of each I know the pain & remember the Dr's. explanations of treatment courses, probable outcomes etc. & know how damaging the treatments can sometimes be to body organs Steve. I actually feel bad for the medico's when aid has been rendered & additional damage occurs, but they & we do our best and the results are often quite wonderful. Measure twice got it right "wish for the best and get well" Rick C.
Spring in my part of British Columbia? Great, a foot of snow in the past 24 hours and a week of below freezing temperatures before that. The crocus that are in flower and the daffodils and tulips that are on their way are not thrilled about it I'm sure. Me? I'm hibernating like an old bear.

Rain and warmer temperature are coming and with luck there is a slim chance I'll be in the garage. I had my share of winter having spent most of my life in the North East. At 74 years of age that's a lot of snow shoveling and stuck car pushing.

Just to give anyone stopping in to see what I'm building I'll leave a link to the most complete and original Indian tri car that sold in auction a while ago. This is where it's all headed but shinier.

This is a photographic part of the journey I'm on.

Steve. Tri-car Build/
I just spent an enjoyable hour this morning relaxing with my Sunday coffee while bringing myself up to date with your tadpole recreation build pics. Such a cool project - on which your talent and dedication is well expressed. I for one can't wait to see and hear this spectacular labour of love in action. Keep grittin' your teeth through the last of BCs winter weather Steve. Hopefully it'll soon be time to get your nose back to the grindstone.
Here in the UK, after a dry week of winter sunshine, weather forecasters have predicted a massive cold front approaching from Russia which they've termed 'The Beast From The East'. It's already covered much of Eastern Europe with snow and sub zero temps. Forecast to hit us sometime Mon/Tues. Bugger. Just when I was hoping it would stay warm enough in my garage to allow me to paint build No. 3's fuel tank...
Although we are done with the - below zero temps, about 20 - 30 temps during the day. We got 6" of snow Fri. and another 6" last night. We are lucky this year as missed the last 3 storms, all went east. But it is Minnesota and anything can happen, even though the sun is high now coming over the roof of the house, and has been melting. Crazy weather all over the world .......Curt
Hello PeteMcP,
Just looked up the weather in the U.K. and I see the Beast from the East has arrived in all it's fury. It is a bugger indeed and I'm sure there will won't be any garage activities until it's gone. Here that's called an Arctic Disturbance and a severe one is a Polar Express.
In the U.S. they simply look Northward and say &%#*(@# Canadians.

Our snow is nearly gone and by Saturday we're supposed to be sunny and warming up and by Tuesday it will be 15C-50F. Warm enough for me to get out and about without Art getting to upset.

Thank you for the kind words about the tri car. It's been a long road indeed but it's as close to being refinished as it's ever been.

Hello Curt,
Hope the good weather continues. Talked to Silverbear on Skype a couple of nights ago. We were firming up plans for Bike Camp this summer. Really looking forward to it and getting some bikes finished Mainly the Hiawatha tri car and then what ever else we can do.

Summers coming.

Hello Rick,
Thing are looking good here. Everything have pretty much returned to normal and I can only hope everyone else has been blessed with the same. Probably a good thing they save old age until the end. Don't know if we could have handled it when we were young.

Silverbear suffered a "cardiac event" a couple of weeks ago and was rushed to the hospital and had a 4th stent put in. Much longer and it would have been another full blown heart attack. He's recovering well and receiving therapy to recover fully.

Wish Silverbear a quick recovery! I am managing to just use enough pain med with the bulging disk in cervical spine. Left hand is $%^ with pain and shooting pain at times. I was out changing the axle on the rear wheel where I galled the threads tightening too much. 5 dollars shipped free on Amazon. The weather is cold in the shade and I will try the wheel tomorrow as sun set. Snow on the ground and tried to use the warmer time of day. I took extra time as I used a Dremel to cut the old axle in a few spots to save the cone nuts and stuff. Thinking of alternate idea to what I have for tensioning the belt in the drop out where it can stay intact. A safety net where if nuts loosen. Maybe even keep nut in position without wire or cotter pin. Some hair brain skeem to use sockets angle iron and weld and bolt. The dropouts angle downward and forward which make the usual tensioning not easy. Maybe weld over and make the dropouts the other way? I don't think this guy could be concentrating on anything to complex
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Hello M.T.,
Sorry to hear that the pain hasn't settled down at all. A bad back is it's own personal ****.

Like the brownie joke. Had a buddy years ago who forgot whether he put the happiness in the mix or not so he added it again. He mentioned a time or two that they were the best batch ever made.

When and if our weather does warm up in a week I'm going to have a shot at making a couple of slack adjusters so I can hold the rear wheel straight. Should be an interesting adventure.

The 'Beast from the East' is certainly living up to its name. Here in rural Northumberland we awoke to 10" of snow Tues morning - and now we're snowed-in thanks to another foot of snow falling pretty much non-stop today. Forecasted for more heavy snow overnight and tomorrow with more scheduled till the weekend. Worst it's been since 2010. Laughably, it normally take only a couple inches of snow to bring the UK to a grinding halt. This is the real deal. Red weather warnings - the highest threat level - issued for Central Scotland and North East UK.
Sounds like a good old fashion winter we used to get, wow on the being snowed in. That is going to be tough, Lot of snowmobiles around here to help out if we ever get another. Hope all goes well getting through it............Curt
Hello Rick,
Thing are looking good here. Everything have pretty much returned to normal and I can only hope everyone else has been blessed with the same. Probably a good thing they save old age until the end. Don't know if we could have handled it when we were young.

Silverbear suffered a "cardiac event" a couple of weeks ago and was rushed to the hospital and had a 4th stent put in. Much longer and it would have been another full blown heart attack. He's recovering well and receiving therapy to recover fully.

Thanks for the update on Silver bear, Steve. I just caught up with your thread this morning. He has always been one of my favorites on the forum. Such a gentle man & so involved with all he loves. My prayers are with him for a speedy & complete recovery. Rick C.
Your welcome Rick. He's recovering well from what I understand and making plans for summer. Some discussion if this was time off life's odometer or added to it.

Nice day today. Sunny and 52 which was pretty good if you were in the sun and not terrible out of it. Looked the clutch cable mount over and it's just not what it needs to be and a larger hammer won't help with the adjustments needed as tempted as I was to try it.

I think I found a way out and got all the bits in place to try. I'll have photos tomorrow if the good weather holds out which will explain what I did better than I can.
