Indian Tadpole

Still sick and sorry and I haven't even been close to the garage. There was however an interesting uptick with Photobucket. I finally signed up with SmugMug and was going to start to transport the 1,350 photos from Photobucket to SmugMug.

Within 1/2 an hour a message from Photobucket pops up on my computer screen. Most appropriately in the Junk File. I figured that it was an offer for up to 90% off something they're selling like most of them are but this looked a bit different so I clicked on it instead of just flushing it as I usually do.

Lo and behold there is an offer {Good for 7 days only was the dire warning} instead of the usual $399.99 per year that we were all hit with but now that's for businesses and they have a $99.99 personal class with 300,000 photo limit. Thought it over and the amount of photos I have stored made it worth while.
The $99.99 U.S. translates into $128.00 Canadian but the photos are back as soon as I paid the money.

If they had done this instead of screwing everyone overnight with no warning they wouldn't have lost all the business that they could have had. The other photo sharing site must be ecstatic with the new business that they gained and my guess is Photobucket with their underhanded dealings lost a large amount of people.

The access to the photos in below. Most recent photos are embedded here on the forum in posts above this.

Steve. Tri-car Build/
I would still back up all of my photos on my own portable hard drives, this $99 special could easily die after the year is over, or be reincarnated again at $399. I personally have always kept a hard drive of my of my photos, they can take their $99 special can SHOVE IT.

This just bought me a year. I'll retrieve the photos before the year is up and put them on here permanently. It was to hard to link photos to the forum before so I just used Photobucket to store them and link it forum to it. They did a lot of people in when they did their cash grab.

Steve I worked on various bike projects last week, about 5 hrs. total & accomplished about what I'd have finished in two when really healthy & motivated. I'm having trouble meeting high standards with my current close to zero expectation level. Even though a bit of progress was achieved the time consumed seemed a bit wasted, but so would watching the telly with no work results. At this point I take a little progress for what it is & do what I can when I'm able. Hope you get to feeling better real soon. Rick C.
Thank you Rick. Exactly the way I feel. Not a good climate for a severe arthritis sufferers here. We have a severe rain warning in effect and I'm sitting here wondering what took them so long to announce it. At least 2-1/2 more months before we see any dry, sunny improvement.

Still it beats the -0F and multi feet of snow in the East.

The fact that your a good friend and I would have to live with myself are the only things saving you from a nasty fate. Madness by tri car.

Thank you Rick. Exactly the way I feel. Not a good climate for a severe arthritis sufferers here. We have a severe rain warning in effect and I'm sitting here wondering what took them so long to announce it. At least 2-1/2 more months before we see any dry, sunny improvement.

Still it beats the -0F and multi feet of snow in the East.


Steve, Seems we builders of a certain 'vintage' all have similar ailments to look forward to. The cold and damp here means my shoulder pain can become debilitating at times too - meaning it's hard to motivate myself to go work in an unheated garage. Presently waiting for a date to go for a shoulder op in the hope it cures acute rotator cuff pain in my right shoulder - something which for the last six months has prevented me from reaching the right side handlebar on my Indian tribute bike. That factor will definitely have some bearing on the handlebars I elect to fit to my No. 3 build.
Still, January's almost done, so things can only get better weather-wise... Tadpole season's almost here!!!
Presently waiting for a date to go for a shoulder op in the hope it cures acute rotatory cuff pain in my right shoulder.

I am in the same boat, was going to have it done this winter but then my back went hard to supersizes with bad shoulder, But handle bars are no problem, its lifting anything out or over head. So now will have to wait till next winter for the fix........Curt
Steve, Seems we builders of a certain 'vintage' all have similar ailments to look forward to. The cold and damp here means my shoulder pain can become debilitating at times too - meaning it's hard to motivate myself to go work in an unheated garage. Presently waiting for a date to go for a shoulder op in the hope it cures acute rotator cuff pain in my right shoulder - something which for the last six months has prevented me from reaching the right side handlebar on my Indian tribute bike. That factor will definitely have some bearing on the handlebars I elect to fit to my No. 3 build.
Still, January's almost done, so things can only get better weather-wise... Tadpole season's almost here!!!

PeteMcP, we have very typical U.K. winter weather here. So my mother said and she was from Birmingham. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with rotator cuff problems. My brother has the same problem though it isn't as severe as yours is. Hope they can get you in quickly and you heal up swiftly.
After 50 plus years of restoring furniture I've often wondered why I don't have it. So much hand sanding over the years as well as stripping furniture by hand.

Tri car weather is indeed almost here and a good week well spent would put it right and on the road. Did I mention that when I saw the first Indian tri car photo I said, this won't take long to build? That was December 2010. If I had know what was coming down the road I might have reconsidered the time line.

Presently waiting for a date to go for a shoulder op in the hope it cures acute rotatory cuff pain in my right shoulder.

I am in the same boat, was going to have it done this winter but then my back went hard to supersizes with bad shoulder, But handle bars are no problem, its lifting anything out or over head. So now will have to wait till next winter for the fix........Curt

Hi Curt, Just received an email from Silverbear and he is having rotator cuff problems as well that the doctors are looking at this week. Seems to be an epidemic of it going on. His plan is to have it done in the winter as well so the summer and bike camp are open.

Suffered through the night with what appears to be an attack of gout. Think I'll start looking for the Golden Years those lying hounds keep talking about.

To much canoe paddle? Ya know a lot of people that have had and do have it. If i do to hard of work the pain goes up my color bone and up the neck. Golden only in the urn at this stage......Curt
Well fellas, I can't live up to your level but do have a small tear in the shoulder I've been nursing for some time. Initially couldn't lift my right arm above shoulder height but through therapy and strengthening I've managed to diminish the pain and can sleep through the night now. But then, I'm not nearly as old as any of ya'll.

Hi Curt,

It was to much canoe paddle from what he told me. He was in a hurry to get somewhere and he dug in pretty hard and is now paying the price.

Good to hear that your getting some relief, Dan. Trying to sleep through the pain is tough. Enjoy being younger As we have all found out, young doesn't last long but being old seems to go on for ever.

Hi Curt,

It was to much canoe paddle from what he told me. He was in a hurry to get somewhere and he dug in pretty hard and is now paying the price.

OH! was throwing out a guess, LOL knew he was out most of the summer last year. sad to get old and try to do what we used to.......Curt
Well they didn't say when they would take me this Thursday and shoot me. They said it would be Thursday though. Love the suspense of not knowing when. Actually it is the nerve block shot again I am having. New kind of scheduling? They will let me know hopefully today. I didn't know elective procedures also are now treated as triage.
Sorry about the health issues Steve but glad to see your photos back up & I'm taking another look at the build as a result. Speedy recovery & relief from the pain is my prayer for you. Rick C.
Well they didn't say when they would take me this Thursday and shoot me. They said it would be Thursday though. Love the suspense of not knowing when. Actually it is the nerve block shot again I am having. New kind of scheduling? They will let me know hopefully today. I didn't know elective procedures also are now treated as triage.

Good luck with the nerve block shot. Last two I had made all the difference between being able to sleep pain free at night or not and the shots restored arm movement back to almost 100%. Two cortisone steroid shots are the limit here though - so an op is in my not-too-distant future. I'm booked-in for an MRI scan on 23rd to establish if, as suspected, it's rotator cuff related, or arthritis. In other words, something that can be treated or something I just have to get used to.