Indian Tadpole

Hi Rick,

Been fighting pancreatitis for the past month plus so I haven't been too active and that cleared up just in time to enter a state of turkey coma over Christmas. I'll be back at it in the New Year.

There has been some gathering of parts behind the scenes to move things along.

Steve thanks for linking "Bung Kings" I've used them in the past but forgot the name & was going to start a saved me some time for sure. Curt has been feeding me photos of his leaf spring for the Truk'd "Warrior" build and it's just guys helping guys right?

I hope you are continuing to heal up. Colin problems for me, but hoping I'm on a good course of treatment at last. Health & weather have slowed progress on bikes about all I seem to get accomplished is buy more stuff and wait, which waiting does allow me to construct things in my mind. Rick C.
I hope to be in the garage today Rick. The pancreatitis triggered acid reflux to the point where a luke warm cup of tea felt like a cup of hot lead as it began it's descent. That's cooled off enough to try getting around.
Between the two of us we could get one healthy person.

Winter weather here on the Wet Coast is like a post end of civilization movie. Dark twilight with constant rain and fog in the low 40's for a temperature if we're lucky.

Hope to have some photos up tonight.

I've been hoping I'm just a hypochondriac 'cause the cures don't seem to be working! Looking forward to the photos.
I concur, but motorbikes still keep us movin! Now with a nerve block C6 C7, I have less problem over all in my left arm, that is good. Now also the rest of my fingers in my left hand have some kind of numbness and stinging pain occasionally. Not so good. It is cortisone or something that will wear off eventually. I think then it would be back to square one. I upped my pain med some and will be seeing the spine surgeon since the procedure. I found an Ebay seller who has crankshafts for my Briggs and am seeing if I will replace with one a clutch will fit on. Then I can switch back to 20:1 using two jack shafts effectively and be better in hill climbing.
Got a decent start to the day but then all the problems that I had were there. It's been so long since I worked on the bike I'd forgotten what needed to be straightened out but most of them are now solved and I'll have more done tomorrow that be worth taking photos of.

Great day weather wise. Temperature was 50F and the sun appeared for the first time in a couple of weeks. Tomorrow it's back to normal.

Once the clutch is finished I'll hook up the gas tank and see how the engine runs. As the ad goes it was running when parked. Have to clean up around the shop once again and turn the heater on. May as well be comfortable.

Planned to be here Tuesday with photos but my grand niece stopped by for a visit with her dad. Seems that uncle Steve was in line for a rousing game of Mad Rabbit. It involved a lot of fast hobbling around the house and up and down stairs on my part with a screaming almost 5 year old. Many stops were involved for rules corrections before the game could continue. I spent the rest of Tuesday and all of yesterday recovering.

Today however, I was in the garage and got the clutch to the point where only the cable needs to be hooked up. I need to pick up some wiring grommets so I can put one in the chain guard to protect the clutch cable from wearing on the sharp edge. I'll button that up tomorrow and start on the gas tank.


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Rick, I figure that clutch has about 12,000 miles on it and it wasn't on the bike. California to Pennsylvania back to British Columbia, back to Pennsylvania and back to B.C.

I wonder if the folks at 3 D would like to post that mileage number on their website? Probably not. Seeing your clutch makes me want to plow into my Predator/Indian build using the 3 D, but with the major project & several small side projects underway I'd best "rein in" before proceeding with another. Though that Indian is already spoken for & he's in no hurry to take possession & no I'm not starting a business. He just wore me down over a two year period and I gave into him as a more socially acceptable alternative to hiring a hit man. Nice guy but can be a royal P.I.T.A. I also gifted one of my old moto bikes to a family member that I'm not very fond of... Rick C.
I understand Rick. Then there is the inconvenience of getting rid of the rudely departed so it is easier to build the bike and offer life time repair service. I do find myself wondering just who in the family should be gifted with a tri car so their life will be ruined trying to finish it but unfortunately there is no one that has crossed that path.

I'll have to drag my sick and sorry self into the garage and work on it tomorrow.