I'm Getting a Moped Instead

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Motorizing bicycles is unique and takes some effort, which is where I get pride and satisfaction from custom acomplishment. The chance to motorize one via a complete kit was new to me as of this year. I too ride one by choice over scooters and mopeds.
5-7 Heaven understood.

I carry a cell phone and don't consider it a lack of man card.
"Lack of man" card. Never heard it called that before. It's an effective tool or as I call it, "an electronic leash".:D
I don't consider it a manliness thing....I just don't choose to carry a phone when I don't want to be interupted...or want to "reach out and touch someone". In fact, I don't own a cell phone..... If I have a problem, I'll figure out how to deal with it then and there, not "call mom" to come get me.

Those of you that choose to do so, please do not be offended by the above starement.
BTW- I have never had a breakdown with one of these bikes...my two neighbors have mopeds sitting in their yards rusting away, and I know of a third owner who is "gonna fix it someday, you know this is hard to get parts for." (It's a Puch).
Need we say more, 1941 shelby with tuned exhaust,
Deans "big Carb" & manifold,36 t super sprocket
(12 Gauge spoked wheels w sturmey drum/dyno front hub
big apple tires, on order)sorry for dark pic.lol,j


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Mopeds? I love mopeds.. I have several.. But.. I ride my MAB all the time and my moped rarely. There are many reasons for this. First.. My MAB will run circles around my Mopeds. Also.. Mopeds are much more expensive. Typically a new moped is 1000usd or more. A MAB will cost 200usd or less. I have no clue as to where you can get a good moped for 200usd or less. Maybe a basket case. Also, mopeds are regulated where I live. That means you need to buy a government sticker, have a valid drivers license and more.. Also.. There are places you can not go on a moped that I can go on my MAB motor assisted bicycle. It is a bicycle still. A moped is not. Mopeds weigh 150 lbs or so. My MAB weighs 60lbs or less. IT is hard to change a flat on a moped. IT is an operation. It is easy to change a flat or perform maintenance on my MAB. Bottom line is this. The MAB will run circles around the mopeds, cost a ton less doing it, and can go places that a moped is not allowed to go. Also. If you happen to run out of fuel, you can actually pedal a MAB home... Try that on a moped. Good luck.. Pedals on a moped are only for starting the motor. They are not for pedaling home.. That is for sure... The one thing a Moped has over the MAB is the electrical. A moped has the better generator for driving a headlight. It is light years better. Typically the moped 2 stroke motor is far superior to the GT 2 stroke. The rear mounted 4 Strokes such as Titan are better than the 2 stroke Moped. So..With all that said... I can say this... Even on a moped... Enjoy the ride...
Typical mopeds I see are usually slow. I'll see one riding in the bike lane sometimes, and I pass them.

Also, I run out of fuel sometimes, and I'm thankful that I can pedal to the gas station.

Also, mopeds don't have flat-free tires, like my bike, so I never have a flat to be concerned with.

Motorbicycling for ever!
I have to chime in on this one.
I got the Whizzer, the Puch moped and the Thinkbike for less than about $200. That's three types of motorized bikes for a small price. The Thinkbike is dead, the Whizzer is a big loud heavy toad and the Puch, as gay as it seems, is still going strong.
Each have or had their own special appeal. The moped wasn't running when I got it, it cost me a free spark plug wire and a gallon of gas to get it running perfect. My wife has the easiest time on the moped. The Whizzer cost me nothing (barter) it was running crappy at first, then better after re-routing the idiot crankcase breather hose and de-greasing the coaster brake. The Whizzer is by far the most maintenance intensive. The Thinkbike was cool, but wasn't designed for someone over 175 lbs. That cost me $80 some odd for batteries. One day it went "click" and never woke up again.
I love the moped when I'm in heavy urban traffic, I loved the Thinkbike on quiet neighborhood streets and city park trails, but it was a rough ride. The Whizzer is totally impractical for the city traffic around here due to the "manual" clutch but on a long stretch it thumps along nicely, almost as fast as the moped. The moped HAS been the most reliable so far and almost all parts are readily available..
I'm gonna get a two stroke china kit someday and a four stroke non-Whizzer also.
I'm just a two wheel junkie.
Mopeds can be easily "kitted" also to get 45 plus top end. The Puch is easy to fix, even a flat tire on the side of the road (it came with a built-in tool kit), but pedaling home after running out of gas- a herculean marathon of pedal pumping, it's way easier to walk and push. I'm thinking of gearing the front sprocket or rear to allow more efficient pedaling.
Any ideas for that?
I really want to drag race a regular two stroke kit bicycle vs my Puch and compare take-off and top end. Not to prove anything, just for science. I suspect the Puch will jump way out in front at first but I'm wondering how long a two stroke 50cc bike will take to catch up. I still have a sick fantasy to put a Puch engine on a bicycle. I firmly believe Puch engines are superior to the china ones. I also want the laws relaxed on mopeds, darn it, but as long as I can go fast enough to catch bugs in my teeth I'm a happy two wheeled motored anything rider.
I think the post that started this might have been a moped fan to begin with and the question was rhetorical. Moped Riders Association are generally good people, the other moped site's inhabitants...? :D
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Weedy, I've always wanted to buy a moped. Mopeds like Honda Elites and Arnadas are EXTREMELY popular here, especially FAST ones. Puchs and Tomos are looked down upon here.

I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about getting a Puch, mainly for reasons you've listed.
I always pedal when I ride. Before I put a motor on my bike I did some mountain biking over the years and I miss the workout. I don't live by any mountains now and the miles of flat land really bored me. Now it is alot more exciting to me and I love how I learn more about engines and different setups every time something breaks. I use to run remote control nitro powered monster trucks and they also took alot of tinkering. I guess I enjoy the hobby world and creating my own thoughts on how to upgrade my toys. Also I'm always on the verge of being broke. Family first and I could actually justify spending the small amount to start this hobby.
Hey, Ron, did you mean the pic or me??? lol
heres the bike before,also If youre going
to get a moped,get a 500 cc Buell Blast,
I picked a 2002 w/1200mi. for $600.they always
have a carb blockage due to ca. emmissions and
owners dont know they work great if rejetted.
dynajet kit,$82.00 chk it out locally. great on dirt


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