How often do you wear your helmet?

How often do you wear a helmet?

  • I wear one no matter what

    Votes: 105 52.8%
  • I wear a helmet most of the time

    Votes: 47 23.6%
  • I only wear one on long rides

    Votes: 16 8.0%
  • I just wear one when I want the look

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I rarely wear a helmet when riding

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I just man it without one on

    Votes: 22 11.1%

  • Total voters
I don't normaly wear a helmet but I'm planning to start cummuting to work on my bike abuot 7.5 miles round trip and I got a vest and helmet and flashing lights front and back on the bike, i'll be using a well traveled back road,,,,,never can tell........
I take a helmet on every motorized bike ride. On my pedal bike, I wear a helmet only if I am clipping into the SPD pedals.
2 Dan... How hard is it to wear a helmet???

Well, I rarely step out the door without putting on a baseball cap...
but I HATE mc helmets!

Put maybe a million miles (really) on mc's w/o ever wearing a helmet, over the years.
only time I used a helmet was when riding the dirtbikes... cuz I crash a lot.

I just think they impede vision and hearing... and are dangerous in traffic because of that. I also don't like the added weight to my head. It's annoying.

AND, I once read that most automobile accidents are within a mile of a person's home residence. I think I believe that. People are overly familiar with home turf, and get too casual... then the accident happens when they are careless and not observant.

I dunno...
I just can't imagine gubment making laws for adults to protect them from themselves.
Pretty soon we'll all look like the osha cowboy. ridiculous

I have no prob at all if someone WANTS to wear a helmet, ride nekkid, or whatever suits their fancy, so long as it doesn't create a hazard for other folks using the road.


My bad. Terrible advice on my part. What was I thinking.
thank goodness for full face helmets. here is the damage from my recent fall. there is a dime size deep impact on the left rear of my helmet (photo 1). have no clue how that happened.

i dont remember the fall at all, i think i was knocked out for a few seconds. apparently i fell face first and i dont remember that as well. lots of damage to my visor as well and the right side of the helmet.

sorry for the poor pics my good camera died on me, i think it got wet at the track.

Wear your helmet! .duh.


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Man! That would've been a jaw-job waiting to happen. Hey Dave, how's your shoulder doing? You havn't had much swelling have you? I to dislocated my shoulder once. I was using a breaker bar on a VW volkswagen and the bolt broke lose and my shoulder popped out then popped back in. OOOOOHHHHH MAN IT HURT! I wasn't sure if I should cry or yell or even scream the pain was a complete killer. I didn't have to go to the hospital though thankfully, I just took a bunch of advil and such and it wore off after about three days.
Not good. Me and most likely the rest of us are still sending good luck and a prayer your way, hope it gets better soon.
"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

Wear a helmet. Just sayin'
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A few facts I have learned since riding my MB
(1) Even when drivers look right at you, they don't see you!
(2) In an accident with a car or truck, I will get the worst of it no matter who is at fault
(3) I can buy a new helmet but I only get 1 head

I got a FMVSS 218 DOT motorcycle approved half helmet and I wear it everytime!
"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"

Wear a helmet. Just sayin'


Now if I can just figure out how to make a post a sticky...
One thing you should realize by the time you're an old guy (I'm 67) is that you are not invulnerable and accidents don't just happen to other people. A few broken bones teach that lesson very well. Pain is a hard teacher.

I always wear a helmet and as I ride more and tend to goose the throttle now and then (the twelve year old inside takes over), so the quality of helmet has gone up. I used to wear sport type helmets, now DOT 3/4 helmets with a face shield. I pick them up at auctions. If you have trouble with the chin strap, just don't undo it all the way and it will slip off your head and then back on and you can tighten up the strap easily.

For really cold weather I wear a full face snowmobile helmet.

I already have a traumatic brain injury from a lightning strike in 1995. Lightning entered my left ear and exited between my eyes, out the forehead and crown with bleeding burns. I was unconscious, stopped breathing for a time and was thought dead but then started breathing again and regained consciousness several hours later. The damage to my brain and nervous system in general led to other lingering problems. I'm aware that I am here on borrowed time.

So wearing a helmet to protect what's left of me brain seems a good idea to me. I intend to ride my motorbikes for a good many more years, into my 80's and 90's if I can manage it. And I will always wear a helmet even for short rides.
@ Silverbear Wow, congradulations on, well, being alive after a bolt of lightening!! I hope I am still riding when I'm your age.
I had to wear a helmet on the short skewl bus everyday. Im not going to wear one when Im trying to pick up the looky-loo ladys on my bad-arse peddelyPoPpeR!

I will be pickin yer brains B4 youl be pickin mine up!
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I don't put it on enough my wife says!! When we ride the 4 wheelers yes, when I ride the bike not so much. No main roads for my riding here, allot of new bike lane out back for many miles.
If it's me just testing and tuning... making quick passes up and down the street, then I rarely wear a helmet. If I'm running errands around town, riding with a friend, or going on a 100mi or longer cruise with others then I always wear a helmet. It's better to look stupid with a helmet on, then be stupid if you bust your head because you weren't wearing a helmet.
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ive been rideing these things for maybe 6 years and only started wearing a helmet . its get realy easy to wear after you do it for a few rides since i have a buzz cut helmet hair is not a issue

if i go up and down the street then no helmet but anything longer and i toss it on keep it on your bike so you cant make a excuse for forgetting it .

working in a ED you see lots of bike acidents and have to clean them up to

ride safe cause i hate plucking gravel out of peoples butt cheeks
I voted 'No matter what', but a quick tuning rip around the block will forgo it. The vest is a good idea for longer cruises. People need to realize the speed these motorized bicycles get up to. Double or even triple the speed of pedaling, and you can get messed up just at pedal speed. And that's not even figuring in other vehicles...

"Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" True that Dan!
I am also with the 'always' crowd, and then some as I too broadsided a stupid motorist and went down hard.

I keep my bike parked in my home shop and have my helmet, riding gloves and shades right next to my shop door and can dawn them in mere seconds when I go for a ride, then peel 'em right back off and set them down when I get back right back there by the door for next time.

Heck, I have a couple other helmets for new customer bike pick-up test rides around the neighborhood to wear and make a huge point about safety to every one.

I am not a big fashion conscious guy, but for some of the places I ride threw and stop at I am more likely to get injured looking like a special needs kid with a bright green and yellow safety vest on than what I use to be seen by motorists...


I highly recommend you do as well.
Your chances of NOT having to find out how good your helmet is in a crash are much better if you run a front flasher light too ;-}
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Just remember, at any given time 2-15% of drivers on the road are DRUNK!! Wear your helmet

Add in the ones on drugs, the ones texting, the ones who are pretty much absent all the time and then the ones who are all of the above.

Not always, but most of the time I pull a kiddie trailer behind me in part for the wonder dog, Aaniimoosh, but also because it makes me a lot more visible. I also remove the plastic flag and replace it with an American flag. It does help quite a bit.