How often do you wear your helmet?

How often do you wear a helmet?

  • I wear one no matter what

    Votes: 105 52.8%
  • I wear a helmet most of the time

    Votes: 47 23.6%
  • I only wear one on long rides

    Votes: 16 8.0%
  • I just wear one when I want the look

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I rarely wear a helmet when riding

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I just man it without one on

    Votes: 22 11.1%

  • Total voters
Ever since I hit black Ice New Years day & Broke 3 ribs . At 44 years old I don't heal as fast as I used to. I left the bike out there on the ground [/I] just going 300' feet away from my home. Ive worn it ever since & I was damn lucky I was wearing it that day & I wasn't going to either ..That is until my 4 year old Nephew said "Uncle... don't forget your helmet" As I always tell him ..People & GearNut :) need to realize almost all accidents happen less than 1 mile from your home. & It's always that "I just going to take a quick burp around the block"

I went down so fast and hard I still had my feet on the pedals when I hit the ground the bike and I slid into a dumpster hard and it cracked the frame where the main tube connects to the crank housing , unreal man . I just laid there and did a system reboot and checked myself out . Ok breathing hurts like a mf , legs still work this is good, arms.. ok... then I hear " Uncle your helmet is all broken now .. it is cracked in half . It was just the outer shell that broke but it took a good wack I had a good whip going when I hit . I think i may have been knocked out for a min or 2 because everyone was around me when what seemed like 1 second ago they were over 100 yards away . "Good thing I made you wear it huh Uncle" I couldn't even respond .

I finally got up and meandered home , got in my lazy boy and stayed there for 4 days. What really sucked more than anything was I had a bad cold "never should never have been out to begin with." So with the cold, I had a bad cough and every time I coughed was pure **** on earth I had to wrap a sheet around my upper body to keep my ribs in place when I coughed OMG i hated that it hurt a lot. Always wear it "ALWAYS" folks ya never know. I honestly think that kids saved my quality of life, if not my life entirely
Wholly sheet jumba! 3 ribs. One keeps ya sleeping up right hoping for a good hr of sleep!
(an hr at a time)

I have tried to sleep with bad ribs. No pain like that. Every breath much less cough or forbid sneez is torture
I voted 'No matter what', but a quick tuning rip around the block will forgo it. The vest is a good idea for longer cruises. People need to realize the speed these motorized bicycles get up to. Double or even triple the speed of pedaling, and you can get messed up just at pedal speed. And that's not even figuring in other vehicles...

"Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" True that Dan!

Your story has a high pucker-factor Jumpa, worst time to get a cold or what... omg.

Like yank said, its not about cool. Don't end up a vegetable. Want cool? Get a WWII German dot replica, heh heh.

Stay safe! Wear your helmet or die, your call.

My face-plant story. Less then a block from my house. I still shovel snow for this man. (for free as a thank you)

"I face planted but was wearing a helmet"

My body planted hard over my left side. created a giant blood blister where one would have a love handle. Lasted a year
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Wow!! Is all I can say. You guys make my head feel softer and softer the more I listen to you. What helmets do you guys wear. I've got a german helmet and a T-motorsports full face. The german helmet I like cause it's easy to take on and off and it looks awesome with the flat black paint and chrome goggles on it, but I feel like it's not half as safe as the full face just I almost tear my ears off trying to take the thing off and the straps are trash with those dumb square buckles that I can never figure out how to strap em' on when I can't see what I'm doing let alone undoing them.
Well then....
I think I will change my tactic on helmet wearing now.
The street I live on has very, very low traffic flow, but Dan's "bumper sticker worthy" statement is very true.
I got lucky once, why push my luck again?
Full-face is definitely the most safe helmet. Myself, I follow the mantra of "I'm just a bicyclist with a higher cruising speed". I actually pedal my bike, and pedal it often. Sometimes I shut off engine and pedal. Full-face doesn't lend itself well to that lol
Honestly, I love you guys. How freakin' hard is it to wear a dang helmet?

Even a crap one could save you. just sayin'
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HHonestly, I love you guys. how freakin' hard is it to wear a dang helmet?

Even a crap one could save you. just sayin'

Okay Dan you're right. No more quick spins around the hood with no helmet for me.

I still have not forgotten you telling me to true my wheel on the Junk Yard Dog. I thought for sure it would be okay for a test ride. Next thing you know I had a broken tail bone when the wheel failed.
Man Dave. That haunts me. You were the MB guy ...dunno. Next gotdang thing, your down an' hurt. Man that sucked.

Still love that build! Is that wrong? snork wut? 17$ and was kick arse!
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AAHHHHHCCCKKK!! You guys are making me feel pathetic. I already have a broken tail-bone and my front rim needs truing and my rear rim might soon be needing work aswell, plus my brakes are garbage. So much for feeling safe on my bike.:p
Oh man Tex. Broken tail-bone? Thats' some pain.

Watched a few folks go threw that. not good.
Yup it hurt I was 14 when I broke it, I was on the ground for what seemed like an hour. And of course my brother was standing right next to me laughing his head off, tell you the truth I was laughing too but boy it hurt. A number of years late I still have trouble with it, like constant uncontrollable itching which dosn't look good out in public and the usual hurting when I sit wrong. Yup its a deal to go through. But I can't imagine what 3 broken ribs had to have been like. Ok how did we end from wearing a helmet to this lol?
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LOL Tex. Nothing like your brother laughing at ya to let you know your gonna live. (not gonna be happy about it for a while, but gonna live)
I voted 'No matter what', but a quick tuning rip around the block will forgo it. The vest is a good idea for longer cruises. People need to realize the speed these motorized bicycles get up to. Double or even triple the speed of pedaling, and you can get messed up just at pedal speed. And that's not even figuring in other vehicles...

"Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" True that Dan!

Your story has a high pucker-factor Jumpa, worst time to get a cold or what... omg.

Like yank said, its not about cool. Don't end up a vegetable. Want cool? Get a WWII German dot replica, heh heh.

Stay safe! Wear your helmet or die, your call.

NEVER FORGO , NEVER FOR GO your helmet. Like Dan said Its the quick trips where we feel the safest and let out guard down . now mix that with your neighbors teenaged kid who just washed is 2 day old Mustang with so much wheel bright on the tires you could push the car sideways LOL .
Never forgo the helmet!! K.C. NEVER !!!!
2 Dan... How hard is it to wear a helmet???

Well, I rarely step out the door without putting on a baseball cap...
but I HATE mc helmets!

Put maybe a million miles (really) on mc's w/o ever wearing a helmet, over the years.
only time I used a helmet was when riding the dirtbikes... cuz I crash a lot.

I just think they impede vision and hearing... and are dangerous in traffic because of that. I also don't like the added weight to my head. It's annoying.

AND, I once read that most automobile accidents are within a mile of a person's home residence. I think I believe that. People are overly familiar with home turf, and get too casual... then the accident happens when they are careless and not observant.

I dunno...
I just can't imagine gubment making laws for adults to protect them from themselves.
Pretty soon we'll all look like the osha cowboy. ridiculous

I have no prob at all if someone WANTS to wear a helmet, ride nekkid, or whatever suits their fancy, so long as it doesn't create a hazard for other folks using the road.
