New Member
Ever since I hit black Ice New Years day & Broke 3 ribs . At 44 years old I don't heal as fast as I used to. I left the bike out there on the ground [/I] just going 300' feet away from my home. Ive worn it ever since & I was damn lucky I was wearing it that day & I wasn't going to either ..That is until my 4 year old Nephew said "Uncle... don't forget your helmet" As I always tell him ..People & GearNut
need to realize almost all accidents happen less than 1 mile from your home. & It's always that "I just going to take a quick burp around the block"
I went down so fast and hard I still had my feet on the pedals when I hit the ground the bike and I slid into a dumpster hard and it cracked the frame where the main tube connects to the crank housing , unreal man . I just laid there and did a system reboot and checked myself out . Ok breathing hurts like a mf , legs still work this is good, arms.. ok... then I hear " Uncle your helmet is all broken now .. it is cracked in half . It was just the outer shell that broke but it took a good wack I had a good whip going when I hit . I think i may have been knocked out for a min or 2 because everyone was around me when what seemed like 1 second ago they were over 100 yards away . "Good thing I made you wear it huh Uncle" I couldn't even respond .
I finally got up and meandered home , got in my lazy boy and stayed there for 4 days. What really sucked more than anything was I had a bad cold "never should never have been out to begin with." So with the cold, I had a bad cough and every time I coughed was pure **** on earth I had to wrap a sheet around my upper body to keep my ribs in place when I coughed OMG i hated that it hurt a lot. Always wear it "ALWAYS" folks ya never know. I honestly think that kids saved my quality of life, if not my life entirely

I went down so fast and hard I still had my feet on the pedals when I hit the ground the bike and I slid into a dumpster hard and it cracked the frame where the main tube connects to the crank housing , unreal man . I just laid there and did a system reboot and checked myself out . Ok breathing hurts like a mf , legs still work this is good, arms.. ok... then I hear " Uncle your helmet is all broken now .. it is cracked in half . It was just the outer shell that broke but it took a good wack I had a good whip going when I hit . I think i may have been knocked out for a min or 2 because everyone was around me when what seemed like 1 second ago they were over 100 yards away . "Good thing I made you wear it huh Uncle" I couldn't even respond .
I finally got up and meandered home , got in my lazy boy and stayed there for 4 days. What really sucked more than anything was I had a bad cold "never should never have been out to begin with." So with the cold, I had a bad cough and every time I coughed was pure **** on earth I had to wrap a sheet around my upper body to keep my ribs in place when I coughed OMG i hated that it hurt a lot. Always wear it "ALWAYS" folks ya never know. I honestly think that kids saved my quality of life, if not my life entirely