Very confusing what does the CAPITALS type mean?
Even Funnier When They Just Do First letter Of Each Word. Some People Must Think It's Neat. (Where Is He Anyways?

Very confusing what does the CAPITALS type mean?
This is not a pissin' match.
Chill out. It's a place to share info and
give input. This thread may lay claim to
some Bull Puckey, but that doesn't mean go
attack someone's every word and chastise them.
Go take your frustrations out elsewhere....
Achille's Heel is the wheel bearings. I have mine liberally repacked with grease and carefully tensioned in their races. Not Tight, but No Slop is the magic setting. Someday, I will have hubs made with tapered roller bearings
If I can get an HT to rev to 8000, I'll pull 55mph before wind / drag coefficients
with the jackshaft and 5 speed set up on my bobber. I have a gear set for 45mph top end and one for 55mph top end.
And in theory my car will go a lot faster in 5th gear than it probably would in practice...
Since putting on a 34 tooth sprocket, I can easily get 43 mph on a flat. All I have is a single speed with a coaster brake.
I took it to one of the bigger hills this summer and was literally crawling to get to the top of it, but I went down that hill with full throttle all the way and when my speedo hit 60, it quit working and that was even before I hit half way!
Man, that was a scary fast ride, but what a rush!!