How did you choose your user name?

To really travel the galaxy you need a "Bussard Ramjet" as described in Protector 1974, Larry Niven.

It envelops elemental hydrogen and causes a fusion reaction via constriction.

Yeah, a "massdrive"

Is that what you were thinking of?
Ok here we go... this is cool. I'm no rocket scientist or physicist, not even an engineer, but I know what a ram jet and scram jet are and there basic function and it seems to me that in order for there to be restriction some kind of atmosphere is needed. Anyway it's my understanding that theoretically a massdrive produces an energy field to propel mass (a ship) through space from one point to another instantaneously. How's that for fast??
I've had and used this user name for so long that I'm not sure why anymore. I started using this in the late 80's and early 90's. It had a lot to do with my favourite motorcycle and trying to find a user name that hadn't been used already.
Warm July night in 1963 on Islington Ave, west end of Toronto as I gave it to Big John Otis and his 1956 Chrysler. Once more.

Sargent McPherson from #23 Traffic station who appeared in my drivers window after the traffic stop.

"Well if it isn't Fast Eddy"

When I first got online in '98, I was signing up for a website and didn't want to give any personal info. So for my first name I put Nunya and for the last name I put Bidness. NunyaBidness has been my online name ever since.
I bought an Optima Baron lowracer bicycle years ago & loved it, then raced the Barcroft Oregon lowracer for the manufacturer. Kept the name ever since.
I started out in the other forum as Bonefish because I love to fly fish for bonefish. When I came over here to this forum I was looking for a different but same user name: Albula vulpes is the scientific name for a bonefish. Figured I wouln't get many friend requests either.
I started out in the other forum as Bonefish because I love to fly fish for bonefish. When I came over here to this forum I was looking for a different but same user name: Albula vulpes is the scientific name for a bonefish. Figured I wouln't get many friend requests either.

I'll be your friend...
Hey Mass, with my failing up-close vision your pic bears some resemblance to Syd Barrett in some of the last pictures of him. Syd WAS the real Pink Floyd.

I new a guy who said I look like Kevin Costner. Personally I don't see it... I think Kevin looks me. Syd Barret? That's a first for me. I can't play a lick of music or sing. I have other talents though... Oh yeah back in the day I wore out my Floyd collection.
Rump Rocket may have been a no brainer for you, but no one else had the brains to think of it first. I think it is one of the best names on the forum.
My user name dates back to the early to mid 80's, when I was young and running a BBS on the second computer in my room. That was back before there was an internet, around '84 or so. Captain (Jonah) Tripps was a name I used writing in a sci-fi storyline I had going. It was sourced from a short story about a cursed sailor (a Jonah), a nickname for Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, and a plague across the land that killed 99.7% of those infected (The Stand, Stephen King).

Of the nicknames and so on over the years it's the one I've kept. It got shortened to 'CT' instead of 'Tripps' when I was chatting via CB radio as sound-wise it's not hard to pick out of the chatter (SEETEE).

Now you know why threads often die after I comment. ;)