How did you choose your user name?

I was living in Nashville Indiana at the time, and I always liked the Lovin Spoonful song Nashville Cats, and i play some guitar- so , voila!

I'm actually originally from Indianapolis- and when I was in 7th grade, and "just 13", the gym teacher made one of my friends stand up in front of the class and sing "Nashville Cats" I don't know why or why that song, but it sure was funny. When I started college at Purdue, I was a P.E. major and was going to be a gym teacher, but I switched majors, and colleges after my first semester- graduating Indiana U in 1977 in Journalism Education.

I was flooded out of Nashville- Trevlac actually- and now i'm in Jacksonville where the weather's much better for riding more of the year. No cats here!


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Dang Kat I had you all wrong, knowing the theme of the song I had you pictured wearing a ten gallon hat and cowboy boots! Of course being from Georgia and having family in the Nashville Tennessee area country music came to mind.
I'm usually a loner, don't get into group activities, sports, etc.

I ride alone on my bikes, and motorcycles, I also like to explore western ghost towns, and spent most of my youth in the US Southwest riding the old desert trails.

The name was tossed at me on a motorcycle forum years ago, and I kept it to use for all of the riding forums I belong to.

On sailing forums, I use the name of my boat.
flubbed joining up on arsetechnica website in 2001 - decided I like it.

it is of course the first 2/3'rds of my last name.

"spamtrapper7" on a Usenet newsgroup did his own "investigation" and "outed me" within a week or two of trying. had my name/address
My post in 2011 from this thread from 2008

"Aleman" is a portmanteau of my first and last name, with a "The_" thrown on there.
But there's more to it than just that!

"Aleman" is also from Alemannic, a region in Germany where some of my Czech ancestors moved to, centuries ago.

"Aleman" is also Spanish for German. Spanish was my first language thanks to working parents and a Mexican babysitter.

Aaaand of course - I do love my ales! :D

I don't hardly drink anymore nowadays lol..maybe 1-2 a week.
Thanks for posting that link Aleman, I did a search before I started this thread but my search was not worded close enough for it to show up. Looking back at the start of that thread I see a lot of members that have not been on the forum in a long while.
Umm, I don't know......just woke up one morning and there it was, it hasn't changed since.

It is actually a shortened version of scotto-ale that I've been using for years, among a few others. And yes, I am a knowledgeable beer and ale drinker.

Beer is the answer......what was the question?

Different forums, different names, too many to remember. Was thinking about painting my garage red and making a giant handle to make it look like a toolbox. Realized then i had an addiction- tools.
When i was working in the auto parts business, i bought myself the "tool of the month"
Was more like once a week.
Then moving into auto service, snap on and mac tools started eating my disposable income.
Now the tools are getting bigger and more expensive.
Guessing $30,000 in tools....
I dont use them to earn a living- go figure.

Yes, i am a tooljunkie.....
If I thought about it that way, I'd be Jamming Junkie. I'll get up and play guitar at anybody, even if they're innocent.
Skills? I am not naturally gifted, I learned by working at it. It's taken years, but now people want what I do, instead of running away.
had an idea for a character for a D&D game that never got ran. eventually wrote said character into a D&D game that I ran as an NPC, now I use it as an online moniker.

it's short for "GoreWound King of Barbarians"

I also use it for online gaming and have had some very humourous mis-reads of the name, my favourite is "Go Rewound" and also once "Goro-Hound"
way back when... geeze, sound like gramps!!
around 97-98 my buddy had just finished his A+ course, and had gotten into online activities.. specifically Yahoo Pool.
i watched for quite a while before joining myself.. i didnt even have an email at that time.
so when they won games for tournements and such, in the lobby would be
leg is my initials.
so between that and pretty much EVERYONE having a number behind their names, bc it was hard to get an original name...
i went with leg_won
thru the yrs its just dropped to legwon.
mine was my already the username i created in early highschool for my steam account as well as other online profiles. i made the profile pic much more recently.
Beginner01: a beginner at first in anything in life.

Also, the way I do things - like a beginner. Tend to do things the hard and long way, figuring out what works and what doesn't on my own time.. learning on my own mistakes mostly.. and sometimes not learning... :D
My name is Kevin. Would you believe I'm a secret agent ? No? Well, Kevin was already taken so I had to come up with something and it had a nice ring to it I thought at the time. It was a lot of years ago. Hey it rhymes