Holiday Libation Thread

I'd like to tender the following products for consideration as wines not made for the wine connoisseur but certainly for the stout of heart.

Boone's Farm.

Gallo Thunderbird.

Gallo Thunder bird or Boone's farm. Two favorites from my youth when we made trips to Buffalo N.Y.

Simply amazing just how many bottles fit into a 1953 Ford. I always claimed Dad's carton of Camels though.

We had a turpentine wine here in Canada called Zing. You had to have two or three guys hold you down while you had the first swallow and anything after that you just figured it was to late anyway and down it went. The gangs favorite was lemon gin with Zing chasers.

After that you would go out and steal your own car.

Here are some of the tasty liquids I was sharing Christmas Day......

above is Laguntas "Sucks" and my old stand by Sierra Nevada "Bigfoot" brewed at the beginning of this year

below is Wild Turkey "American Honey", Indian Well's "Whiskey Barrel Aged Amber Ale" and last but not least.........Lagunitas "Hairy Eyeball"

Wait till ya see what i'm bringin' to L.A. for the next couple o' days ;)

Happy Holidays......ride safely!

That sounds like the voice of experience Scotto.

Let's just say don't need to be intoxicated to get slapped down hard on the ground on a stand-up scoot, but doing so is just asking for a world of hurt if ya know what I mean ;)

I had a spill while practicing for a race while totally sober and blew out my left ACL doing only approximately 15mph. on this particular scoot in 2006. In all my years of racing and riding hard on MX, desert and street bikes, surfing and 10years of serious Mountain Bike Racing and riding I never had any knee problems at all.

Enter the stand-up Go-Ped type scooters......and a couple decades of stand-up forklift knees will never be the same.

In any case don't drink and ride anything unless you are me.....that's all :D .bf.

Oh.....did I mention skateboarding since I was 2yrs. old?
That's a really nice one, Scotto!

Yah, I've seen so much excess it hurts to think about it anymore...
Some people just won't face up to their limitations...
Don't mention stand up forklifts, they drive everybody to drink.

Depends on the control layout. On one that you face the direction of travel, no big deal.. when I had to operate one that had the controls sideways it messed me up a little (driving 'left' instead of forward etc).
No pics, maybe before New Year's...

There's a strong possibility I'll be tasting a bit of our 'backyard cider' this season. (This past summer was bad for them, but the one before we had more apples coming off the trees than we could keep up with). It's been standing quietly for some time now, time to rack it off and bottle it.

If we do get to a couple of bevvies, odds are I'll be making Harley one of my special Irish Coffees. It's my own 'secret recipe', so all I will tell you is to start with good coffee and a bit of Bushmill's 1608.
Hmmmm......might explain some things!! I use a Raymond reach truck everyday.............


Raymonds completely SUCK, especially the reaches......the Crowns are far superior in all aspects of stand-up lifts.....period!

I drove a Crown for a while, it was designed for six+ footers, at 5'6", I was like a dinghy sailor trying to see round the mast and everything.

Most fun was a pedestrian controlled Crown, every now and again, the clutch drum would shot off in a shower of sparks.

There was a Hyster as well, with a foot clutch Clankro Mesh gearbox. Anybody who drove it for more than 2 hours got off limping like they'd been shot in the knee.
When I was busy making the New York Strip Roast with garlic wedges, Lea & Perrins Original Worcestershire Sauce, and light olive oil on the Smokey Joe, dang no cold beer in the refrigerator. I thought of how I make ice-cream and used rock salt, ice, and cold water and had it done quicker than using the freezer. No snow out side, its just Northern California.



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Twas the night before New Years Eve......this is what I had

A potent and tasty drop from Firestone Walker!

At midnight.....HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!