Guess what I'm going to take a poke at!

Right side aluminum mustache wind protecter (clip-on)? Gas tank-fender combo? Zen? Steel teardrop in the wind? Paisley metal balloon? Full teardrop bike fairring? ? ?

Is it a safety item? A chain guard to match the shape and color of a gas tank or as mentioned by scotto- : to match a gas tank-fender combo?
A MaB tribute to Halley's Comet?
You guys are killing me.The serious ones clever enough to guess a gas tank are still in the running,you others don't quit your day job! Try to channel your imaginination to what would be nice for an aftermarket alternative to the dopie stock peanut tank."Hint" your search button can be your friend.Kip.
[email protected]
I think I'll be close when I say. It's a gastank for cruiser style bikes to fit the curve for either the top tube ior in between the top and support tube. Or from the picture it's just a steel cutout so I'm most certain it's either a template for the sides of a custom tank or it is the the sides for a custom tank you just have to make your own top and bottom for that custom fit. Am I close?
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I think I'll be close when I say. It's a gastank for cruiser style bikes to fit the curve for either the top tube ior in between the top and support tube. Or from the picture it's just a steel cutout so I'm most certain it's either a template for the sides of a custom tank or it is the the sides for a custom tank you just have to make your own top and bottom for that custom fit. Am I close?

You are very close Texhun.But there's still a twist! Kip.
[email protected]
I think I got it!! We have to pay for the materials right?!!!:p Just a guess. For real though. A nice alternative would be a custom gas tank to fit most if not all beach cruiser style frames that don't tilt to the side on their own, and don't leak from the mounting bolt welds, and don't vibrate like a poulanthrow chainsaw, pro, sorry, same difference. And last but not least that awesome pure look of a bike with some dignity.
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C'mon kip where are you? We are waiting to get further hints or to see if we got it right or not.