Getting old is rough

I tend to push myself too, I got the mower engine swap done, cleaned the carburetor before ever trying to start it, started on the first pull.
The older I get the better everything starts... My mower starts halfway through the 2nd pull... I modified the Air filter for the cheap one to fit because they changed it for the one I have... It's got a fuel filter it didn't come with... Because I'm a mile high the EPA lean carb is just right... If I was at sea level it would need a size or 2 bigger... When I read about jets people use it's -2 handicap unless there in the mountains... Just to ball park it and too rich never hurt anything...
Mossy I know where to get that hard to find part now, you’ve probably got it.
You're holding out.. Lol. I'm finding the hard to find parts in England or Australia lately... Italy France and Germany for some stuff... When you see something go out of stock you've been watching for a while... I got it.. not because I need it or will do anything with it just so nobody else can have it... ;)
You're holding out.. Lol. I'm finding the hard to find parts in England or Australia lately... Italy France and Germany for some stuff... When you see something go out of stock you've been watching for a while... I got it.. not because I need it or will do anything with it just so nobody else can have it... ;)
Mighty selfish you are………..Curt
Mighty selfish you are………..Curt
I got this before everyone figures out 11-12ga everything is disappearing... All the common sizes anyway... ;) $200..


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I drove yesterday for the first time, other than moving cars around on our property. I continue to do the leg exercises daily and it has helped a lot. Moving from accelerator to brake is no problem, I’ll drive to therapy tomorrow so my wife can do things she has to, relying on someone else to take me places is a burden on them. We are already helping her parents with a lot of everyday things.
I drove yesterday for the first time, other than moving cars around on our property. I continue to do the leg exercises daily and it has helped a lot. Moving from accelerator to brake is no problem, I’ll drive to therapy tomorrow so my wife can do things she has to, relying on someone else to take me places is a burden on them. We are already helping her parents with a lot of everyday things.

It really good to hear again just how good you're doing my friend, keep up the great work, but also be careful.

Looking forward to when you report and that first motorbike ride after you personal leg hinge overhaul..

Your wife is gonna have a hard rime keeping up with you again in a short time sounds like and that is excellent news.
Good to here, my wife don't drive so it was left foot braking and right foot gas. 2011 I don't remember, much, but think my son took me for the first few visits. ........Curt
I remember back in the 70’s I took my dirt bike out and was hill climbing and trail riding. Coming down a steep hill the rear wheel locked up and the bike slid sideways, catching my left leg under it all the way down the hill. I had burns all the way up the inside of my leg from the exhaust, but the worst was I broke my leg just above the ankle. Being alone I somehow managed to get the bike back to my trailer, laid it down and tied it in place then had to drive out of the place on winding, up and down dirt roads with a broken leg and a 4 speed stick shift !! Most pain I ever was in ! Spent the next 2 months in a cast and crutches, still don’t know how I managed to run that clutch.
Looking forward to when you report and that first motorbike ride after you personal leg hinge overhaul..

I’ve already tried riding, I can. My wife on the other hand thinks it’s too early. I’ll wait a little longer to keep peace at home.
In the late 80's I was riding down a logging road I know we'll and I came over a rise... they had removed the culverts from the road... I had no warning and hit the trench when I did my foot came off the pegs and my left ankle got between the peg and the gravel... It didn't break anything but it hurt like crazy and I still have a dent in my leg from it...
The worst was hitting a partridge at 60 mph in the chest it killed the partridge and it got cooked for dinner a few days later I hit another one and it got stuck in my front fender... After two everyone got suspicious I was doing it on purpose just to get around hunting season... Years later I hit a turkey in front of a friend's house with a Dodge 4x4... It hit right on the front differential and when I spun around there was a perfectly dressed breast of turkey with a few feathers stuck to it sitting on the yellow lines... My friend watching the whole show just says "when we go fishing I hope you use a fishing pole?"
I’m starting to see a pattern here. We’re all getting old and breaking down. Where are the young guys on this forum ??
What’s that saying ? Growing old is inevitable, growing up is voluntary?

I’m here. I’m in my 30s. My generation is pretty retarded; they need an app for everything whether that is dating and meeting people to do things with, socializing with these strange forms of communication we call Reels which are the video forms of soundbytes. I find myself calling my friends more than they call me. They mostly text. Although my smartphone is extremely useful (typing this reply on it) I’ve been longing for the mid 2000s when everybody used flip phones and actually talked to one another.

I have learned practically everything from old guys. I’ve read this whole forum from the beginning, well maybe not all of it but I’ve read search results from 15 years ago. My generation (millennials) thinks they have it all figured out. But they’re some of the dumbest people ever. With mine and the young generation doing all the rioting in our cities, I’m very worried for the future of this country.

I hope I have the privilege of getting old and finding out. Greg I’ve been reading and praying for you to have a speedy recovery.
Tony the cloth you were cut from was finely woven. Boomers which are my cohort group have disappointed me overall. A good % went to college to avoid the draft. Very few went into the trades.
Learning should be a lifetime pursuit. Still have 1/2 a ton of books in the house. Reference library.

Tony, rioting is what it takes to get the old fookers out of their comfort zone and maybe think. There is injustice in our world
You need not worry, except about over population. As a species, humans will soon exceed sustainable growth. ****, they already have.
Being 72 I am more than ready to pass the baton.
Do you have Grandpa's you can have a beer with and talk? My last Grandpa died in 1967 when I was then 16. He was 80 years old. He tought me more about life, death, and living than anyone. I spent summers the last six years of his life working side by side on the 8 cow 88 acre dairy farm. When he got sick from time to time I milked the cows, fed the calves, and cleaned the barn. Manly things i guess like sharing a beer.

Mowed the so called lawn today. it has been 28 days. A match upwind could have worked for some of the lawn. Horrid dry and dusty. Had to do it though, as Mona has friends from Illinois coming for a girl get together. So all must be ship shape and Bristol fashion. And I must obey.
I rebuilt some shelves/wardrobe... Painting tomorrow and be glad there out of the way in a few days so I can get to more shelves and painting... Watching the paint dry stoned to oblivion... I left myself good with one side painted and dry so I can finish with out moving anything... There heavy with 2 1/2 sheets of 3/4 ply each... And free...


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I’m here. I’m in my 30s. My generation is pretty retarded; they need an app for everything whether that is dating and meeting people to do things with, socializing with these strange forms of communication we call Reels which are the video forms of soundbytes. I find myself calling my friends more than they call me. They mostly text. Although my smartphone is extremely useful (typing this reply on it) I’ve been longing for the mid 2000s when everybody used flip phones and actually talked to one another.

I have learned practically everything from old guys. I’ve read this whole forum from the beginning, well maybe not all of it but I’ve read search results from 15 years ago. My generation (millennials) thinks they have it all figured out. But they’re some of the dumbest people ever. With mine and the young generation doing all the rioting in our cities, I’m very worried for the future of this country.

I hope I have the privilege of getting old and finding out. Greg I’ve been reading and praying for you to have a speedy recovery.
The problem with the younger generation is some lack a father figure to teach them, I came from a divorced family and luckily found some direction from my friends dad. While most of the other 13-14 year old kids were playing my friend and I were working in a VW shop. I did my best to pass along to my son what he needs to know for every day life, I have tried to teach by example, the best way to teach.
The problem with the younger generation is some lack a father figure to teach them, I came from a divorced family and luckily found some direction from my friends dad. While most of the other 13-14 year old kids were playing my friend and I were working in a VW shop. I did my best to pass along to my son what he needs to know for every day life, I have tried to teach by example, the best way to teach.
It’s true. The communists have destroyed the family unit and made single motherhood profitable, slowly but surely replacing God with government.

Tom I’m first generation American. I never got to be very close with grandparents. My WW2 vet neighbor was my grandfather figure. I grew up learning how Communism is the greatest threat to our free society. Population collapse is imminent with declining birth rates. Ie China 1-child policy, Russia, the West. We are not overpopulated, but in fact over-concentrated with the majority of our land mass uninhabited. Technological advances will allow us to be less concentrated, as the automobile did.

As much as you want to talk “injustice” in our society, it’s difficult to take you seriously as my family tree ends with my great-grandparents who were exterminated less than 100 years ago. My grandfather was so scared of the communist system that my dad didn’t even know the dark family history until he learned it from his uncle in the 80s, who escaped from prison camps twice. But hey. Social Injustice. Ok
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Tony, I could have been born Chinese. The feudal system of your mother country has a long history. Aristocracy, Demi Gods, a literate management class, think Confucius, a warrior class, and peasants.

Ideology seems always to polarize at the extreme. Mao Zedong and his cultural revolution was a purging with terrible consequences still reverberating today. The one child program had un intended consequence's. I think, but what the **** do i know
From my wifes side we are very multicultural. I am Uncle to a Cantonese niece, A Philippine Niece.
My wife is part Native American.
You have my respect and concern Tony. I bid you peace.

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Growing up in the 80's I noticed a few things... The parents were buying there kids everything and e anything they wanted and the kids had money... It was like a contest who could buy there kids love the most and teach them to always want and beg to get something... The grand parents were just money to them with no thought to how they made it or how to save and use that money responsibly... It was about borrowing today and Dad's job would always pay for everything... They didn't work because they didn't have to and they were too good for it... Some of the parents were broke by the time college rolled around... There kids again we're too great to get or even apply for scholarships already set for life and they got jobs because of who the parents were... At work nobody worked because dad again was something and they couldn't get fired... Eventually maxed out in debt and with no skills the parents started to loose traction and with grown kids wanted to retire or at least have some money... Well they had there kids move back or have to pay there rents...
All they accomplished was a generation of drug addicts... Having no responsibility for themselves it was easy to dive into drugs to fill the void... The dealers saw this and how much money these people had and how loose with it they were... Video games was another... Anything to avoid realistic situations...
If the kids died before the parents they would never know this and the program would be successful... If the parents died they were rich for a day and broke after that and had to learn everything they missed from scratch about 10 years late on there own past the prime learning years... I saw a lot of single mothers... The dad working saw his money being spent the same way as the well off grand parents of the previous generation... There would be no way to afford this so they abandoned the family... They could afford food and basics but that wouldn't be good enough... Especially Christmas time... I remember a family who bought new tires for there car for Christmas... Wait until Christmas.. they crashed and everything went sideways for them from the bald tires... With new ones with bows on them for an impressive Christmas day...
Everyone had 2 personalities one at home and one to impress the people who they wanted to fool into thinking there were better than... These royal families were the worst... And there offspring...
I can't count how many times I would tell someone.. " I don't care who you're daddy is or was... He's not here to work you are..." Or dad was going to kick someone's ass... Dad raised a looser I'm not worried about it... My dad is the judge or whatever... And judge dad never saw me in his court and dad cop couldn't write a ticket that would stick... Boyfriend cop got his legs broken... LOL... Another thing that jumps out is how by buying something it made them an expert with it... A 15 year old with Monte Carlo new more about cars than Chevrolet who sold them the lemon... Dad's money bought it... Made it better than anything in the world...
Dad made money and today is raising his grandkids with his life insurance policy... His business is long gone along with his work ethic... But his kids are still there in the parking lot giving half-and-half to support their habits...