Getting old is rough

Mossy , mapbike is a good friend of mine, he's done a lot of motorized bicycle building. He's one of the members that welcomed me to the forum over a dozen years ago.

Thank you for the kind words my good friend....

Man,.... I think back there in 2010,11,12 etc... this forum was really hopping back then and its kinda sad to see so many of old vendors gone and the fellas we hobnobbed with and exchanged ideas, tricks and tips with and even fussed with a little now and then gone for one reason or another.

Heck I learned a lot from so many who are no longer here, amd ypu also taught me some things and gave me some good ideas back then Greg, I was wound a little tighter back then and felt like I always needed to defend my buddies on here if someone got sassy with them....LOL

I remember me and David Davis would kinda tag team and tey to line out someone acting up....LOL

Good Ile 2door would PM me sometime and calm me down.... Good Ole Tom was definetily a huge asset on this forum and he aure made a couple really cool looking bikes.. That easy rider chopper was auper nice that he made rhe custom seat for.

None of my bike have ever been fancy, but I got some of them to run pritty dang good..

This is the best motorized bike forum there is innmy opinion... and Im gonna try to be here more often as I can since Im about to start trying to rebuild and revive some of my old bikes... I sure miss them.

Happy safe riding to all and keep the shiny side up
More threads for me to hijack and spread the burden out ;)

hijack away brother.... if you have good input that can help someone... let-ur rip..

Just dont Grammer Nazi me to bad... Im on a cell phone right now and this keyboard and my thumbs dont hive well at all... and lots of bad spelling happens as a result...
Greg, I've seen a couple or so Youtube vids were the "Gen 3" I believe it is has been holding up real good.

They supposedly have some serious power right out of the box.

Would be nice if the new version will hold up and they will start shipping part for them over here so people can rebuild and replace stuff if and when it breaks.

I'm waiting on a phantom 85 to get a 1000 miles or so to see how it holds up, hopefully someone here will give a honest review.
hijack away brother.... if you have good input that can help someone... let-ur rip..

Just dont Grammer Nazi me to bad... Im on a cell phone right now and this keyboard and my thumbs dont hive well at all... and lots of bad spelling happens as a result...
I type everything a dozen times... Then fight the auto correct...
Greg, I've seen a couple or so Youtube vids were the "Gen 3" I believe it is has been holding up real good.

They supposedly have some serious power right out of the box.

Would be nice if the new version will hold up and they will start shipping part for them over here so people can rebuild and replace stuff if and when it breaks.
The phuckum 85... I have a thread about it...
This is the basics get a good wrist pin bearing good circlips saw piston big end bearing and tighten everything up with shims so there's no rocking or play in the rotating assembly... Then position the cylinder so the ring pins land between the intake and transfers... I'm thinking some locating pins so it doesn't move about... That's been the problem with it from the beginning the bushing would allow a pin to catch and the jugs aren't all the same and the YD100 bottom ends off as well... The 110 rod is all you need on a 100 crank... 100 is 40 stroke the 110 is 39.? Stroke...
The problem with the saw builds is a ms460 is a 38 stroke and the 40 causes the piston to travel just out of the bottom of the cylinder and it effects it by rocking or pinging so a 110 bottom is better for those... Adjust the squish by decking the case so you help support the piston... .5 mm here and there so there's no cross talk it's all about the intake... The p85 piston window or windows are problem one window would be the way to go... I'm going to cut the top off it and give it a LD 100 CNC head... Saw cylinder bolt spacing would fit the 110 case... I've got enough stuff to do a case reed saw build but I decided to go with a Polaris sportsman 90 cylinder and crank... 100 cc minereli and it's a 50mm bolt spacing so the LD head again... If you check out my post I have gotten everything together for a few different experimental builds... Clutch reeds... ignitions like a pw80 cdi and cr80 coil... I don't have a shop set up so everything is just waiting for that but someone that does... Could build and develop from those findings...
I've been hard into 2 stroke bikes outboards snowmobile lawnmower saws... Snow king if you can find one is basically a 212 2 stroke for a snowblower... I found a few on ebay... Not everything is going to work but that's how it goes with experimental things... I fix things after everyone else has given up... Since about 1980... I did a gt5 Skyhawk in 2012 and was working on a that's DAX sx50 build what my place got shut down 2014-16 and moved to California... I got to know some of the east coast guys then I've done business with everyone at this point just catching up lately... Everyone is gone Pretty much so I figured I'd just buy up a bunch of stuff just as it's drying up... I don't sell anything or look to make money from it...
Back to the P85 I bought 7 cylinders when they were $50 each and the new ones are having some issues with the plating... Bicycle is totally crap and shouldn't even be in business selling lemonade let alone engines... They did everything to cheap fix things... But if you start from scratch and build from experience it's going to be another story... The other forum is proud they fixed the phantom... Working close to the seller... And there are some great progress there... I haven't put one together to show off how fast it goes for thousands of miles... I just know everything else I've worked on from experience and the basics don't change... And neither do the used tire salesman...
Greg, I've seen a couple or so Youtube vids were the "Gen 3" I believe it is has been holding up real good.

They supposedly have some serious power right out of the box.

Would be nice if the new version will hold up and they will start shipping part for them over here so people can rebuild and replace stuff if and when it breaks.
This is your Phuckum 85 from parts... Just get the jug... Dukes coated piston.. KX65 reed.. Treatland Dio reed adapter for a Puch...SX65 flange.. FMF fatty pipe for 85-100cc... PW80 CDI box fatty magneto CR 80 coil...
Honda Kawasaki Suzuki Stihl and KTM ? throw on a 24mm mikuni clone... Build the clutch...
it's going to be some work but this is how I'm going to Phuckum LOL... Bicycle engines .can't ... is just a port map with some slag drapery around it


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The Max would be a DT125 jug with a 50mm stroke... RDM /smolik could pull that together if they got there heads out of each other's asses... ;)
Now back to getting old before my old-timers kicks in and I forget what thread I'm on..
This is your Phuckum 85 from parts... Just get the jug... Dukes coated piston.. KX65 reed.. Treatland Dio reed adapter for a Puch...SX65 flange.. FMF fatty pipe for 85-100cc... PW80 CDI box fatty magneto CR 80 coil...
Honda Kawasaki Suzuki Stihl and KTM ? throw on a 24mm mikuni clone... Build the clutch...
it's going to be some work but this is how I'm going to Phuckum LOL... Bicycle engines .can't ... is just a port map with some slag drapery around it
youre way deeper into this Phantom stuff than I will ever be, Im god with basic mods for improved performance and reliability to my China Girl GT5 and old PK80 type engines.

I have one "triple 40" Im gonna put together and see how it compares to others I have.

Bit Im not in to the high end modifying or the more high dollar engines since I dont have rhe income for that kinda atuff anymore...LOL
youre way deeper into this Phantom stuff than I will ever be, Im god with basic mods for improved performance and reliability to my China Girl GT5 and old PK80 type engines.

I have one "triple 40" Im gonna put together and see how it compares to others I have.

Bit Im not in to the high end modifying or the more high dollar engines since I dont have rhe income for that kinda atuff anymore...LOL
That's why I'm spreading it out over years... It will be another year or two before I get to building... My parts phantom is about the same money as the kit... Just no filler junk and now they want $40 more for the cylinder than 6 months ago...


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I’m getting tired of sitting around so much, my wife can’t stand my figiting, I have to be doing or planning my next project. I thought of one yesterday, I have a John Deere self propelled push mower that I bent the crankshaft on, looking at a troybilt I have and the engine looks the same. I’m going to try to move the engine from one to the other, the JD is what I cut the road right of way with, rear wheel drive and climbs good, better wheel adjustment too. It also has a bigger bag. John Deere make a fairly good mower.
I robbed the carburetor off of the 6.75 Briggs on the JD to repair our sons troybilt, dang ethanol destroys everything. We have a Autozone a couple of miles up the road, I’ll use their tool rental program to get the puller I need to remove the pulley from the JD crankshaft.
Whenever I'm in pain and work is kicking my ass I think of civil war veterans and finish my work on my hands and knees if I have to.. I did almost 20 hours yesterday painting and other chores and it got to that doing the base board twords the end.. but today I'm just watching paint dry and burning grass because I'm useless and then I'll pick it back up... Or it's the marines killed 100,000 japanese in one day I'm getting this finished...