
The real end is just that the end of everything. Like the end of a book there just is no more period.

In the words of Jim Jones, "It's just grape Koolaid." It really was the end for them. Not for the rest of us, but for those souls it was the end."

As the good doctor said, "We are going to have an abandoned mine shaft shortage."
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I lack the same faith as you Joe, but I applaud yours. Everyone should have faith and believe in something higher than themselves. And we have been warned by the Mayan's. They tell of the end of a cycle. They were more in tune with the cosmo's then any other society before or since, and identified basically every heavenly body we can identify at this point. They have mathematically identified some sort of end, possibly an end to all, possibly just an end to a cycle. Maybe even the comming of Christ! Nobody really knows most info is lost in translation. But now scientists say the sun may throw a catastrophic solar flare our way. The scientists say it would end all life. I think science is seriously underestimating life. All people whom have experience with intense heat can tell you that if a solar flare strikes us like that there will be many spots untouched due mountainous area's and the direction the solar wind is blowing, plus earth (dirt) is able to absorb a lot of heat and radiation within just the first few inches. Therefore I believe if this happens much more life will survive than they assume. If it is the comming of Christ either I'm right and he'll love me, or I'm wrong, and firey brimstone awaits my sorry ass. But the scientist thoery does match up to the bible version of the end, so who knows......Dec 12th, 2012 is the day it is supposed to go down.
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yes my faith is not strong as it should be, the so called christens point fingers at me as to judge me into hades. but the bible teaches me 'do not give false testimony ' I can lie to them , I can lie here , but then how am I to build any relationship with god like that ? And I have many wise sayings the elders taught me . The wise squirrel gathers his food for winter . and waste not want not . and many more .and the boy scouts say always be prepared. i have spoken this for the ones I may meet along the path of life and will now move on.
GearNut, I was kidding, trust me. When the big bang comes I'll be standing on top of the hill so I don't miss it.

Working on the theory that I will be one of the lucky ones if I don't survive to see the aftermath.

I missed the question in all the advice. So repeat the question and in my infinite knowledge I will answer grasshopper. The meaning of life is a full belly, a well broke in pair of shoes and a warm outhouse.
Look into the thompson magnetic motor, there is a guy in australia that had a 300hp motor that ran on nothing but magnets. He is in prison all of his assests seized and he will never see the light of day. Some people question my revolutionary attitude but seriously if our politicians are in these guys pockets then they shouldn't be our politicians. Unfortunately they are and they are resposible for more atrocities then any of us would even want to know.

People wonder why I get so pissed about it, well ignorance is bliss............for some

sounds like the woe's that Nicola tesla went through terron. From what I gather some man made some kind of machine here in Mississippi , and they made him destroy it


WikiAnswers - What is the the answer to life the universe and everything dang it has my favorite mp3 on it ....Bulgarian folk music

Obviously :p

not to worry: voyager 1 will return and get both of those computers strait about 42. the computers probrably were thinking about catch 42 ? What will happen to the two Voyager spacecraft after they've left our system? | Science | The Guardian dang it ... it had my favorite mp3 onboard ...... Bulgarian folk music
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I combined two different types of aluminum while using a helium purge and made a metal that was lighter than air. The bigger the piece of metal the lighter weight it would be. I built a car out of it and sold the patent to GM. They just put it on a shelf and never used it. That's why I'm so rich now....:D

(Disclaimer: This is not a true story, it is just my feeble attempt to interject some humor.)
I combined two different types of aluminum while using a helium purge and made a metal that was lighter than air. The bigger the piece of metal the lighter weight it would be. I built a car out of it and sold the patent to GM. They just put it on a shelf and never used it. That's why I'm so rich now....:D

(Disclaimer: This is not a true story, it is just my feeble attempt to interject some humor.)

I thought I saw that on myth busters ?
exept they used propane tanks .... and it worked !
hi from yer freindly neiborhood snake oil salesman, buysiness is very slow i mean who oils snakes these days? but i do have maps of hundreds of abandened mine shafts they are everywhere down here most are above 10k feet but that would just help keep the marauding hoards away,so make me an offer, frank
Deacon- my question was "what is this event"? I don't watch you tube videos....they take for-ever to load.

Never mind, it's all just conspiracy theory stuff anyhow, and I am not into that very much. This world has all kinds of strange things that are real without conjuring up some crazy stuff about the Mayans or JFK, or UFO's, the CIA, BBC, FBI, and Doris day.
did you know that they are saying now that rock hudson was gay. Did anyone tell doris day. Talk about a conspiracy of silence.