
Deacon- my question was "what is this event"? I don't watch you tube videos....they take for-ever to load.

Never mind, it's all just conspiracy theory stuff anyhow, and I am not into that very much. This world has all kinds of strange things that are real without conjuring up some crazy stuff about the Mayans or JFK, or UFO's, the CIA, BBC, FBI, and Doris day.

Are you asking about Gasland or something shared in this thread?
It says a whole lot about science and the bible! Explained stuff for me that I had always wondered about. Great talk of science! Yes I Got Faith..
Are you asking about Gasland or something shared in this thread?

Being that this thread went where all threads end up going, I am not sure any more.

Don't worry about it, 2012 will be here soon enough. Then, when nothing happens, all the people who said it will be "doomsday" will be talking about something else... ;)
Back to gasland...
Hydro facturing natural gas drilling is not something new. They've been doing it for years. Pumping water into the ground to push up the natural gas would be ok but all the other chemicals and crap that they put with it contaminates the water. One of these days you're going to get a glass of water out of your tap that you could light with a match and watch burn.
The state of NEbraska has one of the largest underground aquafers in the world...and you know what they are doing? They are building oil pipeline right smack across it. Now thats a scary thought. Oil spill contaminated water...what other ways are they going to come up with to destroy the environment.

Life is not waiting for the storm to pass its about learning to dance in the rain.
Back to gasland...
Hydro facturing natural gas drilling is not something new. They've been doing it for years. Pumping water into the ground to push up the natural gas would be ok but all the other chemicals and crap that they put with it contaminates the water. One of these days you're going to get a glass of water out of your tap that you could light with a match and watch burn.
The state of NEbraska has one of the largest underground aquafers in the world...and you know what they are doing? They are building oil pipeline right smack across it. Now thats a scary thought. Oil spill contaminated water...what other ways are they going to come up with to destroy the environment.

Life is not waiting for the storm to pass its about learning to dance in the rain.

not sure but i would say the earth is over 78 % toxic ./ An fact = the people who live in russia can go out side to the nearest spring water supply and burn it in their lamps . im surprised they are not mining the moon yet
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They can? Why aren't they selling it as fuel then? I know we could go out to the Cuyahoga river in the 70's and set it on fire.
They can? Why aren't they selling it as fuel then? I know we could go out to the Cuyahoga river in the 70's and set it on fire.
You know something Joe , That's an good question , I sometime wonder why they would put an nuclear power plant in the middle of an wildlife refuge . I often think its an experiment , to see how it affects wildlife and humans . I hope that soon an higher power will stop all of this , and destroy those who destroy the earth . Albert Einstein drew pictures of how people would developed blow holes so they could breath the air after ww3 , but not all of any physicist theories are right , past or present. I beleive when it comes to theory. that any one on this thread could be right about such as the pyramids and their structure . My call is dont worry about 2012 , but watch yellow stone , it has happened not too long ago , no planets , no mumbo jumbo ... my favorite living physicist is Michio Kaku and my favorite genius
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