For Old Guys Only

Tom it was New years morning after a concert, I had got up early for a hunting trip. I was late leaving, I kept watching the TV coverage.
Hey, I dunno guys, pudding may be a bad Idea. Look whats happened to Cosby!
Well, Bill didn't EAT his meat, he drugged it up and went straight for the pudding.

For me, I'm 'peeing in the rain, just peeing in the rain, la de da however it goes...'

Prostrates suck when they quit working.
Say bye-bye to your dick being your best friend anymore.
I have been checked, it's just benign age related enlargement with me, the tabs keep it in order. I had infections that were cause for examination to check for cancer. Unglamorous procedures, but necessary.
Mine only seems to be enlarged but occasionally when stimulated to do so.
Even so the difference is not substantially noticeable.
" I didn't surrender, but they made my horse surrender. I think they've
got him pulling a wagon up in Kansas somewhere."

Chief Dan George
I've posted this before but it needs repeating. My Dad's favorite saying was,
"If I'd known I was going to live this long I'd have taken better care of myself"

Or, quoting Garth Brooks, "I'm much too young to feel this damned old".

Well, Tom, I ain't too young to feel this old, and never thought I'd live this long, but it sure has been a goo ride!

If I'd only knew then what I know now..........who am I kidding??!! I probably woulda done the same things........

Ah, but "only the good die young!....." So it's a privilege to creak about in the
morning fumbling for one's glasses, kick the cat, and curse perky 'morning people'.
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I'm just hoping hit retirement age, by then medical science will be able to give me my 28 year old body back paid for by the government.

That is of course if my brain still works.

Personally I'd just like my dick to work again, even if just for a few years.
I really REALLY miss my friend that could do my thinking just fine hehehe ;-}
I'm not dead yet. All I need is a spare friendly woman my wife doesn't know about. The only problem is she's telepathically linked to me whenever I do something I enjoy and then rings me up.
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I seem to be encountering telepathic women frequently. It's kind of unnerving.
As I pedal past, I'll think to myself, 'ah, now there's a lovely one'. I swear I never
even opened my mouth. "why thank you," she sez. Now it's begun to happen all
. the time. It's scary, I'm no longer allowed lewd thoughts. I have to be careful just
watching TV.
Yup, Ludwig, A spare could make life more interesting, then again, a lawyer can
make it most uncomfortable.
There's a thing. Telepathy. I have been in a car with a friend, we have both noticed a well formed female walking along, and as we close in, she looks straight at us, and neither one of us has been hanging out of the window, shouting, "Hallo darlin'."

Nor has there been the blowing of the horn. Perhaps I should use the word "sounding" there.
It's radar. You know you're in trouble when they start answering remarks you
never spoke aloud. I've been testing it. It's women's secret weapon; they
pretend not to, but they know everything that's going thru your mind. The
only defense is to have nothing in mind. It's an effort sorta like visualizing
a brick wall as in 'Village of the Damned'.
It's spooky and I don't understand it, but I swear that telepathy stuff is real. Last month I was picking up a couple of grocery items, and I got to thinking while I was passing through the frozen food section that Sarah might like some of her ice cream. So I grabbed some and tossed it in. Then my phone goes *pling*. There is a message from her asking if I could also pick up some Grader's Black Cherry-Chocolate. The time it was sent was two minutes before the time on the screen. So that would have been when the thought occurred to me.
Of course that isn't the first time. I prefer to remain skeptical about weird stuff, but when it happens often enough even I get an open mind after a while. Besides, I've also often speculated that most of what we take for telepathy in married couples is just two people knowing each other so well for so long that they've increased the likelihood of the two of them thinking the same thoughts at the same time more often than two other people might. Either way. it's a mix of cool and spooky.
The brain, in most people, is a large, complex organic electrical device. It may well be that some sort of emotional contact exists.

I say most people, a very few people race sidecars.