For Old Guys Only

Good to hear you're on the mend. The silver lining to this particular cloud is that a close brush up with the NEVERMIND is a reminder not to put things off until later that you really want and could do now... to tell that special someone how special they really are, to tell your kids how much it meant watching go from wee crying brats to semi conscious adolts. And yes, to ride that bike with the throttle a bit on the open side to feel the rush. Good to be alive, isn't it? Keep healing, bud. The open road awaits...
I look back on my life and wonder how the heck did I ever live this long . Some of the stunts I have pulled still scare me . Now I'm still kicking a bit slower though and not near as high . Darn "Bill" is making more rain so no riding for a couple more days .
Red, heal fast buddy. We need all the 'oldy' help we can get 'round here.

I just got home from a week vacation and bike ride in Illinois. Thanks to my AARP card I saved close to $200 on hotels rooms and food. Guess there are a few advantages to being over 50. Not many, but a few.

If I had a second chance I know I wouldn't marry that first one again. Big mistake, very big mistake.

Same here. first #1 biggest mistake in my life. With my time machine I'd be sober this time. HEY, Here's a good idea, Lets get drunk, go to Reno and get married.
Tom, but if you hadn't dealt with the first one, you might not have been in the position to meet Char.............time is a tricky thing.....or so I've been told.
Tom, but if you hadn't dealt with the first one, you might not have been in the position to meet Char.............time is a tricky thing.....or so I've been told.
Good thought, Mark. I've heard that all things happen for a reason. Maybe that's why I am where I'm at today. Good way to look at it. Thanks.

Speaking of old guys Silverbear called me a young fella in a post a day of so ago! I thanked him! This old guy needs some exercise so I am getting the pedal bike out today. Haven't rode it in two years so gonna be short rides at first. Also pulled the recumbent motor bike out to finish. Last worked on it four years ago. Gonna name it Lazarus because it is coming back from the dead. I have a shop now so can fool with it whenever I want to even at night! The picture is taken on the Natchez Trace on the last time I rode it. It is a home built
When you've had enough pedaling, Lazarus looks to be the perfect candidate for a rack mounted friction drive.

Good to see you back and posting, young fella. :)

Forgive the strangeness of the thought, bult what about a minimoto or scooter engine/transmission/wheel under the frame tube, with the drive wheel spring loaded to stay on the ground? Just a thought, that's all.
Hello to all the old guys, I thought I was old sounds like I need to come over and lend a hand to help you guys get some things done.

Getting old well it`s getting old. I try to do all the chores for the day and I am tired. I don`t want to feel any older than I am so I want a motorized bicycle so I came here thinking I was to old for this forum. I see now that all the old guys are here and want the same thing that I want a motorized bicycle.
You're not too old. Welcome to the forum. You're in good company. Lots of people here will lend a hand when it comes time you want to start your project. No rush... do some reading and thinking about it. We like pictures, of course, so we can look over your shoulder and make suggestions, do some cheerleading and such. This is fun stuff and not too awfully expensive.
When you can look back and think 60 is young, then you can call yourself, 'old'. Actually, I'm having trouble looking that far hurts my neck.

Thanks guys, To be honest I have been reading may be 40 or so hours. I know I want brakes I think center pull kind will work for the bicycle I can weld on some tabs. I am thinking of using is old Schwinn beach cruiser I have two one with gears one with out. I like the 99cc HF engine and I am thinking trans ez kind shift kit to start just not sure witch way to go. I want to clime hills not go real fast so I know I need a large rear sprocket ie 62 tooth rear front not sure.

This kit is to big but parts may be right :
It's gotta stop here. I said SB was nice, and now he's "super". His head will get all swolled-up if we don't stop now and there isn't much that cane cure being swolled-up.

"Swolled up". Is that like being 'stove up' ? I think I've felt, 'stoved up' a few times lately but I don't know if it's the same thing.
