For Old Guys Only

"If your children are following in your footsteps, be very careful where you place your feet." - Tom O'Connor (British comedian/actor)

We are surrounded by the generation that says 'Yeah yeah, I'll learn it off the internet'.. problem is that the internet, like a classroom, is 'theory'. Anyone can spend up to a few hours watching How-To vids and tackle a project. (Heck, I've done it). However if you have someone with hands-on experience guide you, you'll learn more. (Once in a while I'll have a project or something that I need more info for.. that's when I give my dad a call and outline the scenario and get his ideas. Quite often I'm already heading that direction, but it's good to have anothers guidance.)
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Life to me is kinda backwards, when I was young and had small children I didn't know what the heck I would do to raise them. Now that I'm older and more prepared monetarily and I think more knowledgeable my wife and I are too old to have children! One thing that I always did was get involved in whatever my children had interest in, I found that the more time you have with your kids the more they want to spend time with you when they are older. Kinda like "the cat in the cradle " senerio.
Hey Dan back in April 2010 my son had just moved into a rental home just before his June wedding, he called me on the 22nd and asked me to go fishing with him the next day, so I took the day off to go. Look at the results!


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It's funny how life works with your kids. My son just turned 43 in December and has decided to sell out his share of the employee owned company where he's worked for twenty years and head off for a motorcycle trip to South America. He has a few motorcycles to chose from.

He'll sell off everything he doesn't want and store the rest with friends until he gets back. He wants to do something different with his life and being debt free and single he figures this is the time to do it and move on to something else when he gets back. He plans to leave in September so he can catch the summer season in South America and be back into Central America before winter hits.

Have the usual parent fears of course but it's his decision. I may meet up with him in Ecuador just to have a visit.

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Hey Dan back in April 2010 my son had just moved into a rental home just before his June wedding, he called me on the 22nd and asked me to go fishing with him the next day, so I took the day off to go. Look at the results!

That is awesome Greg
Steve, for work I use a tracking app to share my location with who ever is paying me. It's not this one but thought something like this would better suit you both.

You could see where he is at any time and it would keep a record for him.

Ya have to get him a copy of "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenence" Great book!

Pirsig explains that, despite its title, "it should in no way be associated with that great body of factual information relating to orthodox Zen Buddhist practice. It's not very factual on motorcycles, either." LOL

Having lived and worked down that way, I would suggest a ride across America or perhaps threw Canada to Alaska. Way more expensive but can buy tickets on merchant ships kinda cheap and bring a MC to Europe. Just getting there would be an adventure.

Just a thought.

In exact reverse order and having worked on all the above minus Alaska, is what I would do.

LOL! Now I wanna do the merchant ship thing. and I worked on em for 16 yrs! (and hated it)
Forgot to say there are more cell phones south of the boarder then land lines. So will be spotty but should have coverage a good deal of the time.

Also, the bugs are so big ya think some are birds! not kidding. Full face mask is a really good idea. snork, with a windshield wiper......

edit: I forgot you live in Canada. Helpful, ain't I? snicker
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And tell him to stay away from Cartagena Columbia. Gringos can get into trouble there if they're not careful. Maybe things have changed from the 70s...but I doubt it.

The rest of the country is beautiful.

Steve, one other plus. Well two for MC tour of the EU. They love Canadian folk and a Harley is worth big, big bucks. Could really offset trip costs if he brought one over and sold it. Just a thought.

Last time I was in Venezuela, the coast guard (Guarda de nationial) sp) had again been accused of killing an elderly couple who had been trying to sail from NY to Calf. via the Panama canal. Thats the cops and not uncommon. Where ever it is hot year round, people are crazy.


Tom, once again sorry for OTing in your thread.

Took me years to find out the etymology, origin of the word "Gringo" It is funny.

Mexican Cowboys sitting at their campfires at night would hear their American and newly arrived from Ireland counter parts singing "Green grow the lilacs" (greengrow)

When I tell this to folks whose native language is Spanish, they always reply that they wondered about that.

But really, who knows. That is the only plausible explanation I have found so far.
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Steve, one other plus. Well two for MC tour of the EU. They love Canadian folk and a Harley is worth big, big bucks. Could really offset trip costs if he brought one over and sold it. Just a thought.

Back when I was a 'Traffic Tech' for the DND it was a weekly (minimum) event to either be shipping out a soldier's Harley, or receiving anothers Triumph, Norton or whatever. They were always smiling when they picked up thier bike, since the military paid the shipping (or some of it) each way and they usually had a nice profit from the deal they'd made. For a couple, it was enough to buy another Harley to get ready for the next posting.

One laid it out for me.. his $15K Harley fetched him about $35K, he picked up the Triumph for just under $20K, leaving $15K for the Harley dealer when he got home.
I absolutely agree with Europe but he has the South American dream going and I'm sure given his budget that is going to be it.

Dan, funny in a way you mentioned Venezuela because the former Miss Venezuela and her husband were murdered two days ago and their 5 year old daughter was wounded in the leg. Seems it was a robbery gone bad but who knows.

Tom, I don't think it's a whole lot better even today. From what I've read you still have the bottom feeders robbing the public and the drug dealers after everyone who gets in their way. It would be a good place to miss no matter how beautiful it is.

Not to mention the FARC guerrillas though the tend to stay in the jungle it seems..

I've heard that people take a Harley to Europe and sell it when the trip is over. My son has strictly Japanese bikes. A Honda Elsinore that he rebuilt and a newer Yamaha and a Honda Valkyrie which has a Honda Goldwing 6 cylinder motor in a specially built Honda frame. That bike is huge.

Not sure which one he is taking or if he is buying something else and selling all of them. The good thing for him is he is an accomplished mechanic so if it breaks down and there are parts available he is able to repair it.

A elderly lady had just finished shopping and was departing from the store, when she noticed 4 young men driving off in her car, she dropped her packages and pulled her gun from her purse and shouting from the top of her voice said I have a gun and I know how to use it...GET OUT OF THE CAR......the 4 young men jumped out of the car and ran for their life. The elderly lady puts her packages in the car and tried and tried to get her key into the ignition still shaking from the experience. She noticed a frisbee, a football and two six packs of beer on the front seat and suddenly realized her car was about 5 or 6 spaces down from this she reloads her belongings in HER car and drives to the police station to report her mistake. The desk sergeant listening to her story starts to laugh uncontrollably while at the other end of the desks sat 4 very pale young men that had just reported a car jacking by a elderly lady barely 5 ft. tall with gray curly hair carrying a large caliber hand gun...

No charges were filed,

If you are going to have a senior moment.....Make it a memorable one
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Sounds just like my gramma. There was a steep shale hill
up behind her house and some kids thought it fun to toss
rocks down onto her roof. The second time they tried it,
she took out after 'em with a double barrel shotgun loaded
with rock salt.
You'd have to be my age, or better to remember 'Fizzies'. They were like Alkaseltzer tablets that flavored water, like Kool Aid. Wow, I even remember the commercial.

Did you ever try putting one on your tongue then taking a drink of water to see what would happen? :)

You'd have to be my age, or better to remember 'Fizzies'. They were like Alkaseltzer tablets that flavored water, like Kool Aid. Wow, I even remember the commercial.

Did you ever try putting one on your tongue then taking a drink of water to see what would happen? :)


Just put one in your mouth and walk around frothing.

Shoulda tried it with a Coke.......and a smile!! :D