For Old Guys Only

yep EBAY and I are good friends I even buy junk I don't need . I'm not sure about that 'mature' guy part though but I must admit I will be glad when I get out of my first childhood stage so that I can start my second childhood I've heard it is way more fun . Heck I just bought me one of those small remote control helicopters to play with (one of the EBAY things) my dog and cat may hate me hmm or kill it LOL . I'll bet I get at least $15 worth of fun out of it first .
Yup, more dough - :)

When you are young you have energy, drive and enthusiasm.

As you get older your energy gets lower, you drive slower and you retire because your job no longer excites you.

But at least you don't have to drink cheap booze anymore - :)
Yup, more dough - :)

When you are young you have energy, drive and enthusiasm.

As you get older your energy gets lower, you drive slower and you retire because your job no longer excites you.

But at least you don't have to drink cheap booze anymore - :)
'Chicken Today, Feathers Tomorrow'.
Today is a Chicken day ;-}

Frugal is good: $60 for a $400 bike on CL, $20 for a $60 wheel with a $30
freewheel,(boneyard find). $1 for a new-in-the-box bike computer at a garage sale. loads
of cheap accessories from Goodwill. I never pay retail if there's a way to
avoid it. Being old gives me the patience to wait for the price I want to pay.
I've got 3 quality bikes & the most I paid was $60,($30 & $15 on the others).
$150 I paid for a NIB Tanaka pf4000 the usually runs well over $300. I
thoroughly enjoy being a cheapskate.
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Being old also means you ain't got much time left before you're dead.

Don't forget the goal - die broke.

Enjoy as much as you can of what you've got.
But what if you have more money than time?


That's what I said.

If you wait until the stuff you want is at the Goodwill store your stuff might be there before you get a chance.

You know, the stuff your kids take there after you're dead.
LOL! "die broke" Love it Mike!

Until tools become some sort of currency, I am good to go!

My will stipulates that all my tools and shop go to any one Carol sees fit to benefit from them. $100 for beer at the send off and that I be incinerated face down.

Giving the world one last chance to kiss my ass.

The guy who notarized the will cracked up. Carol, not so much.
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I'm beginning to realize that I'm getting too old and brittle to be jumping through so many hoops.............I hate hoops.
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Being old also means you ain't got much time left before you're dead.

Don't forget the goal - die broke.
Enjoy as much as you can of what you've got...
...while you got it.

The last of my Pop's estate has finally settled and a touch over $30K finally made it's way to my bank account.
The same for my 2 little sisters and an extra couple K for my son.

Do you know the old saying 'Chicken Today, Feathers Tomorrow'?
It's been the Chicken every day this week, when I die it will just be a big pile of feathers left ;-}
Well, I don't think dying broke will be any problem. Stuff's not a
problem either. There'll always be some other guy that died first;
if not, i doubt I'll be concerned.
LOL and not to take away from every one spending Tom's retirement fund. Of which I am a great fan and think we should do it more often. (hehe, waiting for your angry and funny phone call, Tom)

I once called Tom and asked if he was happy with his national phone service. Tom in a very kind and pleasant way told me to go enjoy my self and have a good day.

Was really funny. Like the old Irish joke telling you to go to **** but enjoy the trip.
I once called Tom and asked if he was happy with his national phone service. Tom in a very kind and pleasant way told me to go enjoy my self and have a good day.

Was really funny. Like the old Irish joke telling you to go to **** but enjoy the trip.

Maybe I sounded pleasant but you didn't see the obscene gesture I made at the phone when I hung it up. :)

I've been telling him to blow some dough on a Bonneville for months now.

He really wants one too, I just know it.

There ya go baby, that ought to help ya with your too much money problem - :)