For Old Guys Only

I can appreciate where you're at. Sometimes it seems like memories is all we have. My folks are both gone too. I still have a brother and sister but we don't keep in contact as much as we should. That's going to change.

Enjoy your retirement. It was the best move I ever made. Good luck and relax. You've earned it.

When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is have a cup of coffee and read the obituaries in the paper. If I'm not in there I think I have a pretty good chance of making the day. I never been this old before so I don't know what to expect some times being 77 and still working keeps me on my toes. I've lost a lot of good friends the last few years most of them musicians we played together back in the 60s & 70s. This will be my last year on the job while I'm still healthy enough to do some motorbike riding.
Tom as far as the kites go one was trashed on a daytime flight when the cord broke the other one found a home in a military museum. I'll make another post on the smoke bomb thing later.
I come from a family where the men don't last long and I'm doing well to have made it this far.

Buzzard, what do you play? I do blues and a seriously unconventional slide jazz funk.
This got me thinking about some of my stunts I pulled growing up and for some reason I thought of Halloween . It was a bit different back then with homemade popcorn balls and candied apples . But the fun things also like putting potatoes up the principles tail pipe . I'll bet there are some stories out there .
This got me thinking about some of my stunts I pulled growing up and for some reason I thought of Halloween . It was a bit different back then with homemade popcorn balls and candied apples . But the fun things also like putting potatoes up the principles tail pipe . I'll bet there are some stories out there .
Oh lordy. You mean like blowing the top out of a palm tree with cherry bombs?

Is it just me or does noise get less tolerable as you get older?
Today a nearby neighbor had a contractor in and they're doing a major landscape project. They were using a Bobcat and they started at 8 this morning. That thing ran ALL DAY. This low frequency groan that penetrated my house, my ears and rubbed my patients raw. It was still going on at 5 this evening and I couldn't take anymore. I went over, pointed to my watch and held up five fingers and a slicing motion across my throat.

They got the message and shut that noisy machine down.
They're probably home, telling their wives about the grumpy old man who made them shut down early. But you know what? I don't care.

We live in a covenant controlled community and there is a rule against excessive machine noise after five PM. I simply enforced the rules...but then I am a grumpy old guy.

Guess that I'm glad that noise really doesn't bother me that much ---- unless I've got a cluster headache. Probably good since sometimes I'm on a forklift at 2am.
Tom what get to me is loud music, I hate to sit in traffic and have to listen to what sounds like rattling garbage can lids so loud that you wonder if the kid will be deaf by forty.
Tom what get to me is loud music, I hate to sit in traffic and have to listen to what sounds like rattling garbage can lids so loud that you wonder if the kid will be deaf by forty.

I think the deafness starts in their late teens. Seems like a lot of our young new-hires can't hear what you've asked them to do........
Tom what get to me is loud music, I hate to sit in traffic and have to listen to what sounds like rattling garbage can lids so loud that you wonder if the kid will be deaf by forty.
Yep, 'boom-boom' cars are also a pet peeve of mine. Not only is it annoying but what it says to me about the owners is they have no consideration for others. And that is just as annoying as the noise their cars produce.

"Yo, dude, I don't care if you don't like it, you gotta listen to it anyway."

That's how I assume they feel when their thumping, rattling, vibrating POS is near me at a stop sign. And how come the cops never enforce the laws against those things? It's bad enough when you go through a part of the city that you expect to hear it but then these spoiled brats in the suburbs want to go 'getto' and install speakers that require more power than their rice rocket 4 bangers can produce. They drive through the neighborhood, pretending they're gang bangers, or worse, then go home and park in the garage next to their momma's Escalade. Shallow little $hits.

That could be one reason I'm pedaling more, and riding my MB less.
The motor's good for adrenalin and getting there quicker, but somehow
pedaling quietly down back roads is so much more relaxing. While I get
there quicker, I find 15 miles on a motor takes just as much out of me
as 15 miles pedaling.
I live outside the city in a simi-country community my neighbors have a swimming pool it is about 25 feet from my bedroom window every Saturday morning they are still having a party till 2 or 3 AM . I don't care that much as I am able to ignore most of the noise but they also are gun owners and will get to shooting those (at what I don't know) and that has my poor dog shaking . My dog is scared of gun shots , firecrackers and thunder storms . Now I am a supporter of the right to bare arms (I don't own one myself) but not so much at 3 AM . Then on the 4th of July , Christmas and New Years for a few days before and after they shoot off what must be a couple of thousand dollars worth making my dog a basket case . I guess that for the most part they are pretty decent neighbors I do wish they had a better choice of music to play at these parties . Yep you guessed it , it is all boom , boom , boom rap stuff with lyrics you don't hear on the radio or TV . But I guess perhaps I'm just to old but my mom would have washed my mouth out with soap for saying that kind of stuff . Well enough of the ranting I am glad that it is now warm weather and I can go puttering around on my MB .
Well, your hour is up, please stop by the desk on your way out to set-up your next appointment. And, by the way, you are making wonderful progress!
Playing loud music when I was younger and operating heavy equipment most of my life has took a pretty good toll on my hearing. A few close mortar rounds while in service didn't do much good either. When the loud noises get unbearable I just turn down my hearing aids. LadyG calls it selective hearing.
Fred, get some tranqs for the dog. Toss a couple 'Baby Ruths' and a tin of lye
in their pool, and move away as quickly as possible.

Yeah Buzz, I've got that too. It tunes out nagging.
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Yep, 'boom-boom' cars are also a pet peeve of mine. Not only is it annoying but what it says to me about the owners is they have no consideration for others. And that is just as annoying as the noise their cars produce.

"Yo, dude, I don't care if you don't like it, you gotta listen to it anyway."
I am beyond 'boom-boom' cars being a pet peeve and I/m not the only one, a couple of months ago a middle aged guy shot up a car full of teens that pulled up next to him at a convenience store.

His wife was inside.
He asked the kids politely to turn the music down.
They turned it up.
He got his gun from the glove box and started shooting.
One teen got a flesh wound, but hopefully all of them woke the heck up to what intentionally being obnoxious in pubic can result in.
The shooter awaits trial.
If I was on the jury I would find he had justifiable cause.
Being a more 'mature' guy does have it's advantages. Back when I was younger and living paycheck to paycheck, I bought things when I actually needed them.....price was lower on the priority list.

Now, I don't really need anything. I can 'afford' to pre-shop. If there is an outstanding bargain on something I'll need in the future, load it up. Just got a $99 pair of shoes for $24. Do I need 'em now? No......but I will in the intermediate future. Don't get me wrong --- I'm not a hoarder by any stretch of the imagination. Frugal?? **** yes (on most things)!!