For Old Guys Only


Tact - The ability to tell someone to go to **** in such a manner that they can't wait to get home and pack to get ready the trip.


Who's been invited to make the trip countless time but always found his way back.
I've been telling him to blow some dough on a Bonneville for months now.

He really wants one too, I just know it.

There ya go baby, that ought to help ya with your too much money problem - :)
Keep it up. Just keep it up, and when I buy one and have to explain to Char that she'll have to park her car outside because I need that side of the garage..guess who I'm blaming it on.


No Tom, no need to antagonize the wife any more who's gonna be pissed about that 10 grand that ain't in the checking account anymore.

Just get rid of that motorbike that tried to kill ya anyway and park it there - :)

For some strange reason, seems like I should read some of the "Florida" threads this evening............nah.

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For some strange reason, seem like I should read some of the "Florida" threads this evening............nah.

I was thinking that too. I thought about starting a thread. "Is anything legal in Florida?"

That's my old stompin' grounds. Maybe its a good thing I moved out.

So how many of us are old enough to remember
when the 'Land of the Free' was a lot freer?

"I fear that banking institutions are a greater threat to
our liberty than any standing army."
Thomas Jefferson
Please forgive me, but when anyone quotes Jefferson and mentions freedom I sorta puke a little in my mouth.

It's just a little personal problem I have. No need for concern.
It's a free country say what you like, Washington & a whole lot of other
founding fathers were slaveholders, but they made a start. There's just
as much slavery today, maybe more. People spend their whole lives, 40 hr'wk,
50 wk a yr. paying for something they may never own, many just a pay check
away from homelessness.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet that everyone of us on this forum would be able to find 'skeletons of some type' in at one of our ancestor's closets.........and I'd hope that no one would place that judgement on me.

I'm sure that future generations will give us the stink-eye for some of our actions that we don't give a second thought. Maybe Chik-Fil-A has it right ----that eating cows is wrong! :D

You will never be able to judge the future opinions of someone that doesn't exist in your lifetime.
That's their choice.

If you never save a buck, yup that's it. That's a choice too, a freedom.

Freedom to spend and freedom to save and invest.

I've been working taxable income since I was 17. Yup, worked my whole life, 40 to 50 hours a week. I'm retired now. House paid for, no worries. Bought way less house than I could afford, saved the rest.

Intrust rates are at historic lows, a good time to buy a house if you can afford it. More freedom.

I dunno. People make choices, they have freedom.

When I was young my Pops told me "Son, you can make a million a year but if you spend a million a year you ain't ever gonna have crap" Well he used the "S" word, but that won't post here.

Yeah, you wanna roof? Ya wanna eat? You wanna drive? Better get ready to work all your life. What's new?

Or just set up inna refrigerator box under a bridge somewhere if you don't want to work. More freedom.
Here's the thing, I'm as antislavery as they come. It hasn't gone away;
it's merely been replaced by a more efficient system. Why feed, house,
and clothe your workers when you can make them totally dependent by
paying them just enough to get by or a little less. Of course this system
works best if they are also made to be consumers of the goods that 'fuel'
your profits. Once they're totally dependent on those goods, you really
own them.
I've been a 'cog' in the retail world since I was 10 years old working in my Dad's hardware store. My current store is a $35million 'cog' in the economic system. We are 'encouraged' to increase sales at almost any cost.

With this being said, I'm probably the biggest critic of our current economic system. The way it's set-up, it's ultimately unsustainable. I guess I'm also a hypocrite for continuing to support the system of which I dispise. This is the 'cross' that I bear.
Head out to the woods when you are young then baby, just like our forefathers.

Build a log cabin, shoot and hook your supper, grow your veggies in the garden.

You are still gonna be workin' all your life. What you think you are just gonna stand at the side of the river like that bear on TV and the salmon are just gonna jump into your mouth?
I'd like to live in that cabin and have people bring me the necessities of life.......just for sharing some thoughts that would stumble empires. :D

Hmmm, maybe not. Kinda makes it sound like I want to start a cult...........oh well, never mind!!
Kudos to you, xsel, you're an example of a dying business ethic that
made US great. Selling the best product at the lowest price is what's
supposed to generate the most sales. Unfortunately, the current
corporate trend is to foist off the cheapest garbage possible for
everything that the market will bear.

P.S. I've lived in places a lot worse than a log cabin.
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I'm not into log cabins but if worse came to worse here's where I'd like to finish off my days. Toss a motorized bike on board and that's all I'd need. And a fishing rod...



  • Getaway.jpg
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At one point I spent a winter snowbound at 11,000 in
a canvas tarp & 2 movers quilted pads back in my
prospecting days. However, the worst place I've ever
lived was a cheap urban apt. 50 feet from a busy
railroad and a quarter mile down wind of a sewage plant.

P.S. I'm kinda of fond of shanty boats myself.
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